Hello friends,
Caty, thanks for bringing up those points.
My only concert is that the functionality is spread in multiple places.
I was thinking of that as well just as i hit send. The export section
should definitely be part of the page interest area to consolidate (should
have moved that).
Originally, I put the page functions under the section navigation (main,
comments, attachments etc.) because I wanted to put it under the main
section (and thus spliced in between the quicklinks and logo/search (global
stuff)) since I thought that its presence is not needed 100% of the time.
But now that I think about it, maybe it should be there 100% of the time
because of the table of contents. What do you (guys) think?
Also you now separated the menus in three parts: upper part, edit menu,
> view menu.
That's true. The original thought was that the edit (for page) should be on
the page since it is a prominent action attached to the content. But maybe,
since the meta data/view of the page is being consolidated on the right, I
will move it there also. I am thinking that I will put the view/page edit
into a subsection of the lighter page area (date modified/created etc.) in
the sidebar since they are both current user actions.
As for the upper part, I understand what you mean that it'd be nice to know
what actions can be done, but I think it's ok that it's on top separated
since they are not necessarily page specific action right? they act more on
a global level? To resolve this, how about adding a pencil icon to these
three things that allow for user action (or maybe even just a color change
to differentiate actionable section). What do you think?
Another thing is the breadcrumb: what is the difference between 'Page:
> Platform Features' and 'Page Editing' ? Where am I now? What is the page's
> title? 'Platform Features' of 'Page Editing'?
i apologize, that breadcrumb is a bit erronous as a result of mishmashed
samples. It should read: wiki: XWIKI Platform >> space: Features >> page:
Page Editing.
The page title, instead of "Wiki Home," should have been "Page Editing".
Also for the mobile version you didn't clearly represented the difference
> between the collapse/expanded states of gadgets like 'Welcome' and 'Spaces'
> (they can be mistaken with headings).
good call, i will add a + - to signify them.
As for progress report. It unfortunate for me to have to say that this is
harder/taking more time than expected. I am struggling at the moment to
create the most efficient way to realize the design. A lot of the
fluidity/interaction that I had hoped for seems to require a lot more codes
than anticipated--that is: the use of javascript instead of native
css/html. Even then there are a lot of conflicting codes that needs to be
brought together. The complexity is sort of evident in research. Briefly
you can check out fb/g+'s implementation. Facebook's approach utilizes a
lot of js, and seems to falter when it is disabled (something i'm really
worried about). It rewrites the page often (classes etc.) and writes css
inline and so forth. G+ uses an even more interesting approach of using
iFrames. It is true that this sidebar should not be as complicated as the
ones that I am researching from, but as a result of the complexity of
existing sidebars that I wish for our sidebar to be similar to (and thus
super hard to reverse engineer and understand), and the relative shortage
on this topic, I am having to research/experiment more than I expected.
In any regards it is all very exciting, and I am getting to learn more than
I expected on this project. This is the prototype that I am currently
working on (def some bugs): http://jssolichin.com/xwiki/
There are bugs, but I really wanted to share what I had so far. Some of the
things to test that I have been working on is the resizing of the side bar,
the scrolling, resizing the browser and so forth. I know it is quite
simple, but trying to figure out the correct method was/is
a challenge. It's still a long ways to go, but I hope that things will get
a lot faster since one of the core features/points of this skin is this
I know that it is not in the code styles of xwiki/implemented into xwiki
yet, I think I might need to change the timeline with this development, to
make room for this. Right now I'm trying to focus on quick dev, to see
what's possible, and what will need a lot more work.
On another side note, I am also still having trouble building xwiki from
sources (the other half of my time). Just quickly, what environment are you
guys using (in terms of OS/java)? I tried ubuntu, and now mint linux, but
am still having some trouble with maven from terminal (following the guide
on sona system) (i am able to build with eclipse, but I am not sure how to
run it with jetty/hsqldb so I can access it on my browser?) Also, are you
guys using oracle or openjdk?
Thanks for all the support and help thus far,
Jonathan Solichin
Hi devs,
Since I got some veto on http://markmail.org/message/feavtmfokcsaalpo
lets cut all that in small peaces.
The today's episode is about finding what is the war we are running it
at runtime to list it in the core extensions (among other things it
allows to check for available updates).
Like the JAR packages, a WAR contains pom.xml file, problem is that
this pom.xml file is not in a "stable" location
(META-INF/<groupId>/<artifactId>/pom.xml) and I can't find any generic
way to scan a WAR like Reflection allows to scan jars files from the
So as a last resort solution I propose to include the extension
identifier in the METAINF.MF at build time. This will give me the
entry point I need to find the pom.xml and gather more detailed
informations about the war to put it as core extension.
Thomas Mortagne
Hi devs,
I see that Denis has added the following:
if ("1".equals(config.getProperty("xwiki.store.migration.exitAfterEnd", "0"))) {
logger.error("Exiting because xwiki.store.migration.exitAfterEnd is set");
This is really bad IMO since System.exit should never be used in JavaEE/Servlet apps.
See also
One problem for example is that this will stop the full Servlet JVM so if XWiki runs in a Servlet container running several other webapps suddenly the whole Servlet container will go down!
What should be done instead is to remove this "feature" which has no real meaning in a Servlet environment.
I'm thus proposing to deprecate this feature. I don't even understand what use cases it brings.
I was hoping that somehow, when submitted via the form, password gets recorded until the end of the session. We can't afford, for the sake of user experience, to ask password every time user need to access a hidden system he is not even supposed to know is separate from the wiki. That's why we are writing some macro / components so that it's xwiki that access those system for him. This include various webservices, a documents storage and so on. We try to keep a single sign on policy. Of course, i don't want user password stored anywhere on disks, but keeping it in user session seems a good trade-of for me.
I plan thus to create my onw xwikiauthservice that delegates to ldap service and store this in user session.
----- Mail original -----
De: "Jerome Velociter" <jerome(a)winesquare.net>
À: "XWiki Developers" <devs(a)xwiki.org>
Envoyé: Mardi 19 Juin 2012 11:53:42
Objet: Re: [xwiki-devs] Access password of current user
Fortunately, you can't. You can only access/verify a hashed version of
the password.
Note that asking for a password again is not necessarily a bad UX,
especially if it is to allow access to a sensitive area/operation.
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:39 AM, David Delbecq <david.delbecq(a)meteo.be> wrote:
> Hello,
> i am writing a component that need a password. Because this password will be the same for current user as the one he used to log-in, it would make for crappy interface ot ask it again to user. So i need to know how my component or a groovy script can access the username / password of current logged-in user.
> Thank you.
> David Delbecq
> _______________________________________________
> devs mailing list
> devs(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/devs
Jérôme Velociter
devs mailing list
Hello XWiki community,
we are about to deploy our XWiki 3.5.1(+ a bit) on www.curriki.org and... well... we need to be sure the data migration is going to happen so we are trying this on our staging server.
The first failure happened: after more than one day, the process finally ended complaining about a disk full (it was 90% full, only with OS and DB). The process became very slow with update queries that took longer and longer to update. Ok, first lesson learned, I should plan with an amount of free disk space.
(for the record: our XWiki has 300'000 documents, 250'000 being users, the rest being learning resources, groups' activities or application files. Our production servers (one db, one apache, one xwiki, is made of Sun Fire X4600 Intel) while our staging servers (same) is made of Sun Fire T 2000 Sparc (slow but robust!)).
But I'd like to plan better so that we get a downtime below 3h hopefully.
Caleb was kind enough to indicate me
as the place where most of the refactorings are made.
However, I could not find:
* where "create index" queries are run: we could run them before the system goes down (the one on xwikiattrecyclebin took more than an hour)
* which query we could zap (where it locked was actually at the following SQL query: SELECT DISTINCT x3.xwd_id FROM xwikidoc x3 LEFT JOIN xwikiobjects x4 ON x3.xwd_fullname = x4.xwo_name WHERE x3.xwd_date >= '2012-06-18 20:30:05' AND (x3.xwd_web = 'XWiki' OR x3.xwd_web LIKE 'Coll_%') AND x3.xwd_name NOT IN ('WebHome', 'Favorites') AND x4.xwo_classname IN ('XWiki.XWikiUsers', 'CurrikiCode.AssetClass') ORDER BY x3.xwd_date asc LIMIT 250
* what is the sequence and how I could monitor the progress? (what is the "name" of the logger member of R40000XWIKI6990DataMigration.java for example? (being injected, I can have no clue reading the source.
thanks in advance
Hi devs,
I opened http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7942 (thanks to Anca). I'd
like to change the behaviour of the SheetManager to return the sheet
specified on the request only if the passed document is the requested
document. This was my initial intention when I introduced the
parameter but I overlooked the fact that it will be used 'recursively'
for all included/displayed documents within a sheet. I don't see any
real use case for the current behaviour so I'm considering it a bug.
If someone is relying on this behaviour or sees a use case for it then
please speak.
i am writing a component that need a password. Because this password will be the same for current user as the one he used to log-in, it would make for crappy interface ot ask it again to user. So i need to know how my component or a groovy script can access the username / password of current logged-in user.
Thank you.
David Delbecq
The XWiki Development team is proud to announce the second release of the 4.x cycle.
This release brings Extension Manager improvements such as merging of configuration documents during extension upgrade, a more gentle learning curve by hiding internal documents from non-technical users, and lots of goodies for the developers such as easy sharing of variables between scripts in different languages.
Download it hot off the press: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Other new and notable features include:
* Message sender macro for allowing users to send to the activity stream from any location.
* Global and per-user timezone settings
* Script access to load dependencies from the core using the Component Manager
* Smarter velocity interpretation converts allows strings to be passed to methods which take enums
* Stop run-away scripts after a configurable timeout
* Shorthand HQL queries in the Query Manager
For a full list with examples and explanations, check out the release notes:
Thanks everyone who contributed to make the 4.1 cycle a success.
Hi devs,
Here is what XWikiAttachment#setFilename looks like
public void setFilename(String filename)
filename = filename.replaceAll("\\+", " ");
if (!filename.equals(this.filename)) {
this.filename = filename;
this.reference = null;
Seriously ?
That does not make any sense and there is not even a comment for it.
I would go for removing this replaceAll and forget about anything that
really expect this API to do something that bad and avoid
retro-compatibility nightmare.
Here is my +1.
Thomas Mortagne
XWIKI-7568 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7568> - Implement mechanism
to hide technical content
added some big changes for me in the way we organize things inside XWiki,
what we consider to be hidden or not and how we reach hidden applications.
As a first visible change, now the Spaces gadget found on Main.WebHome
doesn't display anymore spaces like 'AnnotationCode', 'ColorThemes',
'Invitation', 'Panels', 'Scheduler', 'Stats'.
My main concern is that if something is not visible and accessible it will
never be used and thus it doesn't exists.
That's why I've created:
XWIKI-7916 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7916> - Integrate
ColorThemes functionality inside Administration
XWIKI-7920 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7920> - Integrate Scheduler
functionality inside Administration
XWIKI-7919 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7919> - Create an entry
point for Stats inside Administration
XWIKI-7918 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7918> - Have an entry point
for the Invitation application
While some functionality may seem normal to be Admin only (also because
some of the hidden spaces were about configuration), some is arguable:
- 'ColorThemes' initially were supposed to be used also by normal users in
their profile but this didn't made it in final implementation;
- makes sense that maybe a normal user could create a 'Panel' but right now
this is not possible from Panels.WebHome;
- Invitation should be able to be used by both types of users, but without
the setting of the server mail, the users will always receive an error;
- Stats again could be used by both.
What I would like is that things that are about configuration should always
be integrated in the Administration. I am referring to the Scheduler
configuration, Stats configuration, Search Suggest configuration, etc. The
logic behind is that the Administration acts like an entry point for any
configuration related actions. As Admin I shouldn't go outside
Administration in order to achieve my configuration task (ex.
XWIKI-7921 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7921> etc. ).
Now adding configuration inside Administration still doesn't solve the
problem on the entry point. As an administrator, after I've completed the
configuration step, where do I find the application? As a normal user is
the same question + how do I even know that applications exists?
For this issue I've created
XWIKI-7927 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7927> - Create an entry
point for all available applications inside the wiki
This can be implemented as a gadget, as a panel or even as an Application
Index (as a livetable or as a grid).
Now another problem remaining is that of specifying if an application is
intended for Advanced, Simple users or both. Who should see Stats app? All
the users? Just advanced users?
As a first step, the hidden feature works because 'advanced' applications
will be considered 'hidden' for users. The problem is what we consider
'advanced' to mean. Is ColorThemes or Stats an advanced application? And is
especially problematic since by default the Administrator has an 'advanced'
+ 'hidden' configuration, meaning that he will not be able to see by
default ColorThemes or other configuration (but currently hidden)
application that might be useful for him (he needs to know that the
functionality exists somewhere). So he is an 'advanced' user that doesn't
have visibility to 'advanced' applications.
So IMO the hidden mechanism is great for hiding technical pages (pages like
*Sheet, *Template, Macros, internal pages, etc.) from users. It doesn't
matter if those pages exist (from an user's point of view) as long as there
is an UI that integrates them.
The bad part of the current status of the 4.1RC1 is that IMO we should not
consider entire applications to be hidden. Internal pages of the
'Invitation' app should be hidden, but the WebHome (that contains the
functionality and the UI) should be available/discoverable somewhere.
In order for 'advanced' applications to not be displayed for normal users
we should have another field that describes the application and this can be
'simple' or 'advanced' (and not rely just on the 'hidden').
XWIKI-7925 <http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7925> - Have application
descriptors for Application spaces
So the only problem remaining (besides the actual implementation :) ) would
be to discuss what applications are advanced (or even admin only) and what
are not (thus available to the general population). Keep in mind that the
current separation is now simple/advanced but we might need a
user/developer/admin separation in order to better separate the task
functionality of our current applications scopes (ex. since we might want
to have admins only applications that should not be available to
developers, both being advanced users).