Hello Friends,
As you may or may not know, I have been working on a responsive skin for
XWiki for GSOC ( As I
continue to add further details and refinements into the skin, I would like
to kindly ask for your help in doing so. In order to make sure that I did
not miss anything and the skin is as complete as possible, I would like to,
if possible, request a XAR of an existing wiki (or complex pages) so that I
may see the result of implementing the skin on more than the default wiki
If this is not a possible, I would like to still enlist your help in
testing some basic/your favorite functionality/features of xwiki. There are
several ways to do this:
- By downloading the current skin and testing it on your XWiki:
- By playing around with the live instance (uses default admin
- By letting me know of your favorite applications (so that I may look
into implementing them)
Anything you want to note is fine. Bug and feature request are both
welcome, as I think communal ideas are often better than one. Even if you
did not have a chance to play too much with the skin, go ahead and let me
know what you think I should check on (based on your experience) and/or
give me any suggestions that may have come up while reading this.
Technicality permitting, I will check myself.
Helping with this process will help make the skin better, and maybe help it
to be tailored to your (/type of) wiki and the community surrounding the
platform in general.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Jonathan Solichin
Hello devs,
I just finished porting my XWiki development environment from Windows 7 to
Ubuntu 12.04. I am now able to build all projects from the command line
without errors. I'm working with the master branch from Git. I have Eclipse
Juno installed with plugins that include m2eclipse (the version from the
Eclipse update site) and AJDT. I am now trying to import the entire
xwiki-commons Maven project into Eclipse. Just as happened under Windows
(which I never asked about, since I was still trying to get command line
builds to work), there are three Maven goals (plugins) in the xwiki-commons
projects that fail to map to Eclipse plugins -- aspectJ-maven-plugin,
maven-antrun-plugin, and maven-remote-resources-plugin. Can anyone give me
some hints on how to resolve these mapping problems? Googling for answers
about this hasn't yielded anything that I can understand :-)
Hello again,
Sergiu provided a Maven eclipse:eclipse command line to use, and it reminded
me that I have so far ignored the issue of Maven profiles. When I built from
the command line I didn't specify any profiles, and I'm guessing that
defaulted to hsqldb,jetty (among other profiles). My real target is pgsql
and Tomcat. So I should probably rebuild with
-Pci,integration-tests,legacy,pgsql. For Tomcat deployment, all I really
want is a WAR file. I'm guessing I'm going to have to include the jetty
profile as well, even though I'm not targeting Jetty. xwiki-enterpirse-jetty
pulls in needed generic web stuff and the only other way to get that would
be to use the glassfish profile. There is no Tomcat profile. From what I see
in the POMs, the only downside of specifying the jetty profile when Tomcat
is being targeted is that it will pull in
xwiki-platform-tool-jetty-resources, which will package up a complete Jetty
runtime that I can then ignore. OTOH, maybe I should take the path of least
resistance and use Jetty instead of Tomcat for the time being.
Do I have this right?
Hi, All, Thomas
Just to notify a design decision. Since you said to notify on major
There is a little issue in the earlier projects RestConnector. module
I' ll take a sample method where you can check.
public Page getPage(String pageName) in PageResources.
If the page is not found in the server the underlying HttpConnector will
get a "404 not found".(there are other situations as well ex: unauthorized
Currently these are not identified in the low level rest connector.
So I deprecated the "class Requests" (because I don't wont to break
application layer code in the earlier project) . Made a new class that
throws the exceptions up.
Also some methods as "public String addPage(Page page)" return the
response codes up to the Application layer . This does not seem a good idea
for me. The knowledge of response codes should be handled in there itself.
An exception should be thrown for unsuccessful operations. Currently
String "error" is passed up for IOExceptions. I re-factored back to throw
RestConnectionException for IO errors. I will introduce a new exception
RestException , to be
thrown at these exceptional situations.
What is you opinion on introducing exceptions?
The current exception hierarchy is as follows.
Exceptions at RestConnector (low level fine grained XWiki Restful API)
RestConnectionException : for IO errors
RestException : to capture and throw as a exception, 404, 401, 405.....
Exceptions at the Restful Access Layer.
RestAPIUsageException : runtime exception. For things that cannot be
RALException : RestException are wrapped. Well in a more friendly manner.
ex: add object to a Document in a document
update operation.
Client App is ignorantly adding a
object to a page that is not yet even created. So a 405 is returned. This
is thrown as a RestException from the Connector layer(low level)
At the RAL we see the 405 and
identify that this was because page was not created earlier. We wrap the
RestException in RALException and give the more friendlier message.( Also
note that the client
can handle this exceptional situation
by asking the RAL to do a create document)
Can you give your opinion on this?
I am unable to build xwiki-commons from the command line. First, I had to
skip tests, and then, after I tweaked my setup to get back to Java 6 (I
typically use Java 7), Maven debug output includes the text pasted below.
The empty "bad path element" of "" has me baffled, but I'm ignoring that for
the moment. Meanwhile, can anyone explain the problem with
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-compile) on project xwiki-commons-extension-repository-maven:
Compilation failure: Compilation failure:
[ERROR] bad path element "": no such file or directory
a:[107,22] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol : class AetherExtensionRepositoryFactory
[ERROR] location: class
a:[110,8] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol : class AetherExtensionRepositoryFactory
[ERROR] location: class
a:[107,22] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol : class AetherExtensionRepositoryFactory
[ERROR] location: class
a:[110,8] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol : class AetherExtensionRepositoryFactory
[ERROR] location: class
I finally found and fixed my stupid error in getting XWiki builds to run
from the command line (the presence of non-breaking space characters in
settings.xml I copied and pasted from the web page), so I decided to start
at the top and run mvn install against xwiki-enterprise. I didn't use any
profile, although maybe I should. The build reported the following failure:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default) on p
roject xwiki-enterprise-database-hsqldb: Execution default of goal
n:4.2-SNAPSHOT:import failed: Plugin
org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-tool-packager-plugin:4.2-SNAPSHOT or one
of its d
ependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could not be
resolved: org.opensymphony.quartz:quartz:jar:1.6
.5, com.google:googleapi:jar:xwiki:UNKNOWN, info.informatica:css4j:jar:0.13,
info.informatica:jclf:jar:2.3.0, jtidy:jtid
:jar:2.1, edu.emory.mathcs.util:emory-util-security:jar:2.1,
uk.ac.ed.ph.snuggletex:snuggletex-core:jar:1.1.0, uk.ac.ed.
2: Could not find artifact org.opensymphony.quartz:quartz:jar:1.6.5 in
central (http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) ->
I guess if you distill that all down Maven is really complaining about the
quartz jar. I'm running Maven 3.0.4 on 64-bit Windows 7 with JDK 1.7. I used
the master branch, which I re-pulled a couple of hours ago. Did I miss a
To XWiki SAS, and non-affiliated XWiki developers:
While XWiki meets the technical requirements of being "open source," so far
I have found it to be a bit "closed" in its pragmatic aspects. The
developers actually interacting in public on this list all seem to be
employees of the sponsors, and the communications seem to restrict
themselves to development going on internally. Over the last week or so,
questions coming in from "outsiders" (like myself) go unanswered. It's not
necessarily atypical for open source sponsors to be unresponsive to
outsiders, but the better open source projects still encourage the active
committers to provide some level of support for potential contributors.
Beyond that, when outside "hackers" (meant in a positive sense) are
tinkering with an open source project they typically do offer their own
contributions to questions raised on development mailing lists, in those
open source projects where such activity is possible and/or encouraged. I
see no evidence of outsider developers/hackers in the XWiki project.
What finally led me to write this e-mail is my inability to build XWiki from
source. I was initially encouraged by the presence of quite a bit of
information about building in the wiki documents. But when I actually tried
to put the instructions into practice I found them to be less than complete,
and unable to be followed to a successful conclusion (while the purpose of
this e-mail is not to get help with these problems, I will note that most of
my problems revolve around Maven). I have reached the conclusion that the
only people really able to build XWiki are its sponsors, using their own
procedures, and these procedures are _not_ those currently found on the
wiki. I hope I am wrong about this.
So, are outside developers encouraged to participate? Is any XWiki
development going on outside of the sponsoring organizations? If so, do
those developers find the current building documentation to be adequate, and
I'm simply not up to the task?
I'm just beginning my exploration of XWiki from a development standpoint,
and I could use a little help in figuring out the structure of the XWiki
source repository in terms of release versions. I see the use of both
branches and tags in the Git repository. At this point I guess I really only
have two basic questions.
What version of a project such as xwiki-platform is supposed to be in the
"master" branch? At this point in time, would I be correct in assuming that
it is the current state of 4.2M1? IOW, master is always the current status
of the upcoming release? If I'm wrong about that, how is the code for
4.2[M1] identified in Git? Beyond that, does Git contain under-development
code beyond the next release, and if so how is it identified?
My second basic question concerns identifying code in Git that matches a
given past (or current) production release. For example, what would I
checkout to capture the state of the source code as of the public release of
4.1.3? I see a branch for "stable-4.1.x" and also a tag for
"xwiki-platform-4.1.3" (among a surprisingly large number of tags) when
looking at the xwiki-platform project, and the distinction is not clear to
I've been through everything I could find in the wiki and didn't find
anything that answered these questions. TIA.