Sorry about these emails sent by error. It’s XWiki SAS infra preparing the clustering of in the near future.
> On 30 Nov 2016, at 00:00, admin(a) wrote:
> Contents
> • xwiki
> • XWiki
> • XWikiAdminGroup
> • XWikiServerCommons
> • XWikiServerDesign
> • Profile of Fabio Mancinelli
> • Profile of Kevin Hoarau
> Hello Developers,
> This message is sent by XWiki. Here are the pages in your watchlist that have been modified since the last notification:
> <wiki.gif> xwiki
> <space.gif> XWiki
> <document.gif>XWikiAdminGroup <arrowup.gif>
> XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup
> On 2016/11/28, the page has been modified by Fabio Mancinelli
> <object.gif>XWiki.XWikiGroups
> <string.png>member:
> XWiki.khoarau
> <metadata.gif>author: XWiki.ThomasMortagne ⇨ XWiki.fmancinelli
> <document.gif>XWikiServerCommons <arrowup.gif>
> XWiki.XWikiServerCommons
> On 2016/11/28, the page has been modified by Fabio Mancinelli
> <object.gif>XWiki.XWikiServerClass
> <string.png>homepage:
> Main.WebHome
> <string.png>server:
> <metadata.gif>author: XWiki.superadmin ⇨ XWiki.fmancinelli
> <document.gif>XWikiServerDesign <arrowup.gif>
> XWiki.XWikiServerDesign
> On 2016/11/28, the page has been modified by Fabio Mancinelli
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> 0
> <object.gif>XWiki.XWikiServerClass
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> Main.WebHome
> <string.png>server:
> <metadata.gif>author: XWiki.superadmin ⇨ XWiki.fmancinelli
> <document.gif>Profile of Fabio Mancinelli <arrowup.gif>
> XWiki.fmancinelli
> Between 2016/11/28 and 2016/11/28, the page has been modified 2 times, by 1 user: Fabio Mancinelli
> <object.gif>XWiki.WatchListClass
> <dblist.png>documents:
> dev:ReleasePlans.ReleasePlan43M1,xwiki:XWiki.fmancinelli,xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki43M1,platform:Features.XWikiRESTfulAPI,dev:ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp,enterprise:Main.Download,manager:Main.Download,xwiki:ReleaseNotes.WebHome,xwiki:Blog.XWikidev:ReleasePlans.ReleasePlan43M1 xwiki:XWiki.fmancinelli xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki43M1 platform:Features.XWikiRESTfulAPI dev:ReleasePlans.ReleasePlanHelp enterprise:Main.Download manager:Main.Download xwiki:ReleaseNotes.WebHome xwiki:Blog.XWiki Enterprise and Enterprise Manager 43 Milestone 1 Released,platform:DevGuide.API,rendering:Main.JavaDoc,dev:Community.ReleaseManagerRoster,enterprise:Main.Roadmap,extensions:Extension.RealTimeReleased platform:DevGuide.API rendering:Main.JavaDoc dev:Community.ReleaseManagerRoster enterprise:Main.Roadmap extensions:Extension.RealTime Wiki Editor,dev:XWiki.XWikiPreferences,dev:Community.XWikiDebugIdea,xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki43M2,extensions:Extension.Task executor,dev:Hackathon2013.WebHome,dev:Community.BuildingInEclipse,design:Design.DirectoryStructureforXWikiApplications,design:Proposal.ExtensibleAPIforaccessingstructureddata,design:Proposal.ExtensibleAPIforaccessingstructuredata,extensions:Extension.RFC ApplicationEditor dev:XWiki.XWikiPreferences dev:Community.XWikiDebugIdea xwiki:ReleaseNotes.ReleaseNotesXWiki43M2 extensions:Extension.Task executor dev:Hackathon2013.WebHome dev:Community.BuildingInEclipse design:Design.DirectoryStructureforXWikiApplications design:Proposal.ExtensibleAPIforaccessingstructureddata design:Proposal.ExtensibleAPIforaccessingstructuredata extensions:Extension.RFC Application xwiki:XWiki.XWikiServerDesign xwiki:XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup
> <document.gif>Profile of Kevin Hoarau <arrowup.gif>
> XWiki.khoarau
> Between 2016/11/28 and 2016/11/28, the page has been modified 2 times, by 1 user: Kevin Hoarau
> <object.gif>XWiki.WatchListClass
> <dblist.png>documents:
> xwiki:XWiki.khoarau
> On 2016/11/28, the page has been created by Kevin Hoarau
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> Allow
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> edit
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> XWiki.khoarau
> <object.gif>XWiki.XWikiUsers
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> Yes
> ******************
> <string.png>first_name:
> Kevin
> <string.png>last_name:
> Hoarau
> <password.png>password:
> ******************
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> <metadata.gif>author: XWiki.XWikiGuest ⇨ XWiki.khoarau
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Hi devs,
I have an XWiki application that creates two types of pages. Let's call
them Category and Procedure. The application has two template providers
that allow the users to create Categories and Procedures anywhere on the
wiki using the Create Page menu. I would like to restrict the creation like
* You can create a new Category page either as a top level page or as a
child of an existing Category page
* You can create a new Procedure page only as a child of an existing
Category or Procedure page
Category -> ... Category -> Procedure -> ... -> Procedure
One solution to achieve this is to add a new property to the template
provider, e.g. "parentType", that specifies the type of pages (XClass
references) that are allowed as parent. We would use a Database List with
multiple selection and relational storage. We can use the empty string to
represent "no parent" (i.e. top level page). An empty list would mean no
parent type restriction.
Category template provider: {parentType: ["CategoryClass", ""]}
Procedure template provider: {parentType: ["CategoryClass",
Do you think this is useful? Do you see any problem with this solution? Is
it worth implementing?
A simple change that could improve the experience for newcomers would be
that the default Admin user to have a simple type.
One of the problems new users have is that they have too many options in
the Edit menu and this can be confusing.
The downside is that it will add an additional step for developers/testers
to change the user type back (or at least until we provide a Developer
Also we would need to make sure the documentation is up to date and fix the
I've created
Hi devs,
I’d like to discuss a use case that we don’t support ATM.
Imagine the following scenario:
* I have an extension that can be installed in a subwiki
* That extension has some transitive dependencies and one of them has a constraint of being installed on root: <xwiki.extension.namespaces>{root}</xwiki.extension.namespaces>
* The user has PR
Right now EM refuses to install it.
I’ve discussed quickly with Thomas and he said the limitation currently exists to prevent subwikis to have impact on other subwikis (because if you install something in the root namespace then it’ll be visible to all subwikis).
So the question I want to ask: should we offer this possibility?
IMO we should because the user has PR. Now we could also display some warning or make it visible that some extensions will be installed in root in the plan for example.
I've made a pull request to Fabio's dockerfile to update it to 8.4.1.
In the process I made quite some changes:
- Support for XWiki 8.4.1 and Java 8 (needed debian jessie-backports)
- Added libreoffice server
- Added xinit to manage xwiki instance
- Added webapps/ROOT/index.html to redirect to XWiki page from root URL
- Persistence handled in a data container
- Added for one click build and run
I think it would be good for the xwiki community to have an officiel
Dockerfile and to publish it on docker hub for people to find an "official"
XWiki available for the latest version.
The approach in this Dockerfile might not be perfect but it's an acceptable
one I think.
I would like to change the distributionId for this instance. Once the xwiki
war is deployed, what needs to be changed to change the distributionId ?
*Ludovic Dubost*
*Founder and CEO*
skype: ldubost
A new version of the Limits Application is available. See…
You can install with the Extension Manager.
This version fixes an important bug which prevents the user to install the
application via the Extension Manager.
However, I would remind you that using the Extension Manager to install
this particular application is not the recommend way, since any user having
the administration right will be able to uninstall it. And thus remove the
limitations you wanted to enforce.
Have a good day,
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the project
The Blog Application is one of our main applications. It has been fully
written in Velocity, so that even users who don't have programing rights
can install it on their wiki.
However, I am currently working on XWIKI-13861 [1]. It is about marking the
blog documents as hidden when they are not "published" so that visitors
won't find them by mistake with the search engine. To accomplish it, I've
created a listener that change the document visibility when a blog post is
To implement this listener, we have 2 options, with both benefits and
A: Write the listener with Java and introduce an xwiki-platform-blog-api
* It follows our Best Practices.
* We use a nice and powerful language: Java.
* It make the Blog Application dependent to a Java Module, so the wiki
administrator needs the PR to install it if the JAR is not already
installed in the WAR.
* Note that this JAR would be bundled in the XE's WAR while the Blog
Application is part of the main wiki flavor, so XE users won't see the
change right now.
B: Write the listener with Groovy directly on a wiki page.
* Blog Application remains a full XAR extension that you can install
without PR, as it has always been.
* We need to use the groovy macro, which is not consistent with our Best
* We need a bit of plumbing to register the listener (what we really need
is to be able to write listeners easily with an XObject).
* If the user has not the PR, the listener will not be registered, so the
new behavior introduced by XWIKI-13861 won't be applied. It's a kind of
nice degradation but we need to explain it to the user, which will be
technical and not user-friendly (we already have lacks on this domain).
C: Don't write a listener, but make all changes in Velocity
* It remains a full XAR extension.
* No degradation
* We need to make the business logic of hiding the blog document in a
velocity service and in the blog post sheet.
* It is less safe than the listener because a user can still change the
"hidden" and the "published" values of the XObjects and bypass the
* We cannot write an automatic migrator that would be executed only on wiki
My preference goes to A, because:
* I don't really like the degradation principle for technical reasons that
the user might not understand.
* It's simple & safe.
* If I would have written the Blog App myself, I would have made a Script
Service in Java to put the business logic away from Velocity.
* We have plenty of extensions having Java modules. A better approach would
be to authorize the installation of approved and/or signed modules even
when the admin has not the programming right.
Since we need a collegial decision, I am asking you your opinion :)
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the project