Hi devs,
I think we are now satisfied with our experimentation with the "users"
mailing list on discourse. I propose you to move the "dev" ML too.
My main point is that it allows advanced formatting (which is good when you
have complex proposals), meanwhile the formatting is lost with our
archiving tool like markmail (it's plain text).
Here is my +1.
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the XWiki.org project
Hi devs,
I don't think there is currently a process that is in place to handle
pull requests and I have the feeling that the way there are handled
today is a bit random.
There are usually comments sent out on each pull request but sometimes
it seems that some pull requests are going in sleep mode and it's not
clear who is in charge.
I would like to suggest that a process is put in place where it's
clear who is responsible for a pull request and a status is given to
the contributors that propose that pull request.
Something like:
Assigned developer: XXXX
New -> new pull request, not yet assigned
Assigned -> assigned to a developer, he is in charge of reviewing the
pull request and ask for modifications or accept it. The developer can
auto assign it to himself. If nobody does, we need to decide how they
will be taken into account.
ModificationsRequired -> for now rejected with comments. Contributor
needs to apply comments and then change back to Assigned for further
VoteRequired -> there are no more comments, but a vote is required as
the changes to XWiki core are important
WaitingFinalAuthorization -> optional step for complex patches where
a additional authorization would be required (need to define who would
be the persons that give the authorization)
WaitingApplication -> there are no more comments and no changes or
vote required. The pull request can be applied and is waiting for a
developer to apply it
Abandoned -> contributors is abandoning the pull request (cannot do
the changes, no more time, etc..)
Rejected -> pull request is rejected (quality not enough, etc..)
Applied -> pull request is applied
What do you think ?
Ludovic Dubost
Founder and CEO
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
I'm currently working on Velocity 2.0 packaging.
If that's OK with you, I would like to incorporate
DeprecatedCheckUberspector.java into Velocity, but I need a statement
from your part to be able to change its licence to Apache 2.0 (LGPL and
Apache 2.0 licences aren't compatible).
By the way, I take this opportunity to tell you that if there is another
specific part of xwiki-commons-velocity that you think should be
integrated on our side, or an important missing feature you'd like to
insist on, don't hesitate. I already integrated VELOCITY-825, for
instance, so String->Enum constant conversions are now handled by
Velocity. There may be other important conversion cases you'd like to
see handled.
We have discussed this subject multiple times, but we don't have an
official vote and conclusion on the topic.
Problem: In JIRA who is the Assignee of an issue fixed by a Pull Request?
1: Contributor
- he provided the solution
- giving the attributions, the contributor might feel encouraged to
contribute more
- we could do some JIRA statistics on external contributions, but this use
case can be covered by GitHub statistics
2: Committer
- he does the merging on his account and he becomes responsible for the
committed code.
- in case there are problems, the committer needs to find solution, since
we can't rely on contributors availability
- in doing the PR review, the committer spends a lot of time analyzing and
testing the provided solution
We are talking here about complete solutions provided by the PR, since in
case of partial solutions, the committer can assign himself on the issue
(depends on the quantity of modification he does).
Let me know what you think,
Hi devs,
We’re currently using http://www.openjs.com/scripts/events/keyboard_shortcuts/ but it has some limitations. Clement and I tried to find some unused combinations of keys that works on Mac and Unix and we couldn’t find any that worked with it. It also doesn’t support having combinations with several letters for example.
For example we could imagine having H+H+H for turning on/off hidden documents (as a developer key sequence since it’s not a user use case).
I’d like to propose using https://dmauro.github.io/Keypress/ which is under the Apache 2 license and that seems to work well on Mac and Unix and it’s very powerful.
See sequence combos for example.
The API look simple and nice and I don’t think it would be hard to continue support our data structure inside the “shortcuts” variable to make it work with it.
Hi devs,
Caty and I would like to work on improving xwiki.org and the first big items that we’d like to do is:
* Move all content from platform.xwiki.org & enterprise.xwiki.org to xwiki.org (i.e. the main wiki)
* When moving pages, use redirects
* Deprecate platform.xwiki.org & enterprise.xwiki.org by adding a banner (After Header UIX)
* Move all pages to 3 locations on the main wiki: Documentation.UserGuide, Documentation.DevGuide and Document.AdminGuide
* We also replace “XWiki Enterprise” with “XWiki” and be as generic as possible
Hi everyone !
So, recently I have been dealing with a module that uses two kind of
translation strings.
- "Static" translations : the title of a block, a xHint, … the
translation key itself is not meant to be changed over time.
- "Dynamic" translations : things like :
- mymodule.component.<componentId>.name
- mymodule.component.<componentId>.description
Those are translation strings that depend on a parameter (here
componentId) that can be part of a list.
If you want a better in-context example, check out this gist :
Currently, we don’t have a lot of best practices regarding the
translation keys (see the doc :
so it may b nice to think about improving them.
Here are some proposals :
* For translation keys used for a livetable, we could use the following
: <prefix>.<liveTableId>Table.<columnName> or
<prefix>.table.<columnName> if the livetable doesn’t have a specific id.
* If we deal with "dynamic" translation keys, it would be nice to mark
them as different from the others with an underscore (_) prefix, or a
specific keyword.
Hi devs,
Let’s do our first ProgrammingRights-Fixing Day. The goal is to modify pages part of XWiki Standard that require PR so that they don’t require PR anymore (for example by adding new APIs or using other APIs).
Here’s a list of pages that currently require PR (there are probably more):
* XWiki.DeletedDocumentsJSON
* AppWithinMinutes.DynamicMessageTool
* AnnotationCode.Style
* XWiki.DeletedDocuments
* AppWithinMinutes.LiveTableEditSheet
* AppWithinMinutes.ClassEditSheet
* XWiki.DeletedAttachments
* Main.Activity
* AnnotationCode.Script
(see http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-10446?focusedCommentId=83579&page=com.at… )
I suggest that we each mention which page we’re handling to avoid duplicating work.
Let’s try it! I have no idea what we’ll succeed in doing or not but we need to try :)
Hi devs,
Here’s a proposal for XWiki 9.8 (1 month):
* 9.8RC1: 18th of Sep 2017
* 9.8: 25th of Sep 2017
Regressions (highest importance):
* Put back the ability to import from office in CKEditor (as we had in the GWT editor) - Marius
Some leftovers from previous roadmaps to finish:
* Livetable improvements - Marius
** Implement bulk actions on livetable items
** Allow List of Users filtering also by entering first and last name, not just the user id
** Displaying a livetable list filter for a non-static list field is not scalable
** Support LiveTable text filtering on DBListclass columns
* Notifications - Continue work - Guillaume
** Finish replacing the Watchlist
** Replace the Activity Stream
** Add notifications for recommended apps
* XWIKI-14605: REST resource installed as extension is broken when upgrading/uninstalling a JAR from the same namespace or root namespace - Thomas
* Work on restructuring xwiki.org on several aspects - Vincent + Caty
** Remove XWiki Enterprise and mention the Standard flavor instead
** Improve the navigation by adding a navigation panel on the left and reorg pages as nested pages where it makes sense
** Small improvements to the skin to make it simpler for a website
If time permits
* Fix the move issue: http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14626
* Administration: Default values
** {{jira url="https://jira.xwiki.org" style="enum"}}XWIKI-14157{{/jira}} Display the default and inherited values in the Administration
** {{jira url="https://jira.xwiki.org" style="enum"}}XWIKI-9663{{/jira}} Show default value for date format in administration
* XWIKI-14162: Save button more visible. Position Save buttons on a fixed-bottom area. (continue from Pierre's PR)
* Improve XWiki Upgrades
** Display a notification when there’s a newer version available
** XWIKI-14377 Warnings when editing extension pages (same as for delete)
* Multipage tour feature
* Add an {{attachments}} macro
* Performance work
** Finish stuff to make filesystem attachment/history content the default (automatic migration, broken deleted attachments UI, etc.)
Let me know if anyone sees any issue with this and if other devs/contributors want to contribute something for 9.8!
Greetings everyone!
I’m delighted to announce the first stable public release of the Dokuwiki importer, completing my GSOC project.
This importer can now:
> Support all supported archives from apache compress as both File and streaming input.
> Can import user data, document revision, and also attachments.
> Using the syntax parser from M2, it can convert the dokuwiki syntax to xwiki/2.1 syntax strings.
This can be downloaded from the extension page here: http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/DokuWiki/ <http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/DokuWiki/>
Note: The syntax parser can also be used separately to parse dokuwiki syntax.
Suggestions/bugs are welcome!
Shubham Jain