Hi devs,
Caty and I would like to work on improving xwiki.org and the first big items that we’d like to do is:
* Move all content from platform.xwiki.org & enterprise.xwiki.org to xwiki.org (i.e. the main wiki)
* When moving pages, use redirects
* Deprecate platform.xwiki.org & enterprise.xwiki.org by adding a banner (After Header UIX)
* Move all pages to 3 locations on the main wiki: Documentation.UserGuide, Documentation.DevGuide and Document.AdminGuide
* We also replace “XWiki Enterprise” with “XWiki” and be as generic as possible
Hi guys,
Reminder: we have an event calendar on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Events
It’s using google calendar and we need to all contribute to it to add all the known XWiki events to it.
Committers should be granted edit rights already for most of them (if you don’t have the rights let me know and I’ll add you).
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
This release introduces a new feature for the Notifications: the Watched
Entities. It is disabled by default but you should try it to experiment it
because it will replace the Watchlist Application soon.
For the users, we now have more usable notification filter settings and a
nice helper when you edit a "Database List" field.
For developers, it is easier to propose an extension containing REST
resources, or to customize the Flamingo LESS code. We have also exposes
more database columns in the Query Module for users who don't have the
programming rights. The notification filters AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
proposes new types of nodes to create complex filter queries. There are
also new facilities to avoid using SyntaxFactory, to make Extension Manager
faster, or to identify skins elements with proper IDs.
As usual, this release brings bug fixes (15 in this one!).
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
Hi devs,
I’ve been thinking how to automate testing of various XWiki configurations and I’ve come up with an architecture that I’ve published in a blog post:
Let me know what you think and if you’d like to see this in action! :)
Also, if you’re interested in participating let me know and we can share the workload.
Hi everyone !
So, recently I have been dealing with a module that uses two kind of
translation strings.
- "Static" translations : the title of a block, a xHint, … the
translation key itself is not meant to be changed over time.
- "Dynamic" translations : things like :
- mymodule.component.<componentId>.name
- mymodule.component.<componentId>.description
Those are translation strings that depend on a parameter (here
componentId) that can be part of a list.
If you want a better in-context example, check out this gist :
Currently, we don’t have a lot of best practices regarding the
translation keys (see the doc :
so it may b nice to think about improving them.
Here are some proposals :
* For translation keys used for a livetable, we could use the following
: <prefix>.<liveTableId>Table.<columnName> or
<prefix>.table.<columnName> if the livetable doesn’t have a specific id.
* If we deal with "dynamic" translation keys, it would be nice to mark
them as different from the others with an underscore (_) prefix, or a
specific keyword.
Hi devs,
Let’s do our first ProgrammingRights-Fixing Day. The goal is to modify pages part of XWiki Standard that require PR so that they don’t require PR anymore (for example by adding new APIs or using other APIs).
Here’s a list of pages that currently require PR (there are probably more):
* XWiki.DeletedDocumentsJSON
* AppWithinMinutes.DynamicMessageTool
* AnnotationCode.Style
* XWiki.DeletedDocuments
* AppWithinMinutes.LiveTableEditSheet
* AppWithinMinutes.ClassEditSheet
* XWiki.DeletedAttachments
* Main.Activity
* AnnotationCode.Script
(see http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-10446?focusedCommentId=83579&page=com.at… )
I suggest that we each mention which page we’re handling to avoid duplicating work.
Let’s try it! I have no idea what we’ll succeed in doing or not but we need to try :)