Hi devs,
This proposal is related to the following discussion on IRC :
Abstract: We currently have an abstraction of the notion of a
"container" defined in xwiki-platform-container-api [1]. This
abstraction is very basic, but allows XWiki to support two different
types of containers : Servlet and Portlet, and maybe support other types
in the future.
Problem: As those abstractions are very basic, it's quite hard to use
them without downcasting them. A common example is the following: if I
want to send a redirection in a Response object [2], I will need either
to forge my own output that returns the correct HTTP code, with the
correct header, etc … or I can downcast the given Response to all of its
possible implementations and, for each implementation, find the correct
method to use for sending a redirect.
In order to avoid such tricks in the future, we could implement
decorators that will allow Request and Response implementations to
handle certain actions. In my previous example, a Response implementing
RedirectResponse would expose a method `#sendRedirect(String url)`. The
advantage here is that we don't really need to know on which Response
implementation we are working on.
Hi devs,
According to our rule, non active committers become Emeritus committers. I’ve cleaned up the list of core committers on github and the following devs are now Emeritus:
* Alex Busenius
* Andreas Jonssson
* Fabio Mancinelli
* Jean-Vincent Drean
* Jerome Velociter
* Marta Girdea
This means that you guys are now discharged from VOTEs and such.
If you ever want to commit stuff again you won’t need to be VOTEd again. You just need to send us an email and we’ll add you back to the active committer list.
Thank you for all your work over all those years!
You’re now listed in the hall of fame under emeritus:
Hi devs and all,
Here’s a proposal for XWiki 10.0 discussed internally at XWiki SAS and based on the available developers for this period. Feel free to add items you’d like to implement too in the period! Also feel free to comment on the proposed items.
Note that there’s still some stabilization work that’s needed on XWiki 9.x, especially in the domain of Notifications. The idea is to release new versions of XWiki 9.x every 2 weeks at max.
# Topics
* Finish notifications - Guillaume (will be backported in 9.x)
* FS attachments by default - Thomas
* Performance - Thomas
* Skin refresh investigation + continue on usability for onboarding of admins and users (examples: inviting and adding users, creating the initial hierarchy of pages, change the logo, create the top menu) - Caty
# Dates
* 10.0RC1: 22nd of Jan 2018
* 10.0Final: 29th of Jan 2018
Hi devs.
In XWiki, we have the ability to create wiki components. It means that each
extension can define a custom XClass which is used to create a component
when a corresponding XObject exists.
Sometimes, this XObject contains a textarea where the developer could write
velocity code. The velocity code is rendered, and the result is parsed in
order to complete other actions. For example, velocity can render a
boolean, or a list of documents, etc... The reason why Velocity is used is
because it does not require programming rights. On the other-side, it can
only return a string: the rendered content.
My use-case is to generate a specific list of users when an event is
triggered, to perform some actions with these users.
Currently, we have no recommended practice about this
That's what I propose to always use JSON when velocity is used to render
data in a wiki component. The reason is that JSON is standard and easy to
Use case:
In the Event Stream module [1], the XClass
"XWiki.EventStream.Code.EventClass" is used to trigger custom events when
some event occurs.
Example: if a DocumentUpdatedEvent is triggered and that event contains an
XObject of type "Meeting", you can send a new "Meeting Created" event.
There is a "Validation Expression" field used to determine either or not
the custom event should be sent. Now I need to add an other field to
determine which user should receive the event notifications. For example:
if userA and userB have been invited to MeetingC, I need to send an event
"Meeting Created" only for user A and user B.
Here is my +1,
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the XWiki.org project
Hi devs,
I wanted to give you some info on what I’m doing for implementing multi environment testing on XWiki.
Initially I thought about this architecture (let’s call it the "running maven inside docker” strategy): http://massol.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/DockerJenkinsConfigurationTes…
However after more thinking, I think it’s not the best solution. I’m now exploring the “‘running docker inside maven” strategy which works as follows: The generation of the docker image + the start/stop of the docker containers is done by the maven build itself.
This has the following advantages:
* It’s not dependent on the CI system used
* It allows the build to be reproduced locally on dev machines (only prerequisite is to have docker installed - note that right now the prerequisite is to have FF installed locally and we would swap this req. in favor of docker)
* We’ll generate the official xwiki docker images as part of our build and not anymore as some external build/steps to execute
* The build will be done fully with Maven (no more gradle)
FYI, the plugin I’m exploring for this is the fabric8.io one: https://dmp.fabric8.io/#introduction
I’ve started the work locally and I’ll commit once I have something ready enough.
Let me know if you have some opinion or questions about this.