Hi devs,
I think we are now satisfied with our experimentation with the "users"
mailing list on discourse. I propose you to move the "dev" ML too.
My main point is that it allows advanced formatting (which is good when you
have complex proposals), meanwhile the formatting is lost with our
archiving tool like markmail (it's plain text).
Here is my +1.
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the XWiki.org project
Hi devs,
We currently have https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/DatabaseSupportStrategy
However, it doesn’t say explicitly which versions we officially support:
* For HSQLDB it says 2.3.3 which is wrong since the latest version is 2.4.1
* For MySQL it says 5.x but doesn’t specify which specific version(s)
* Same for other DBs
We cannot really support every versions since supporting means testing too.
So what I propose:
Question 1: definition
* We say we support the latest stable version of the databases for a given version cycle
** For MySQL, it’s the latest of the 5.x cycle, which is 5.7.24 as of today (see https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/)
** For PostgreSQL, it’s the latest of the 9.x cycle, which is 9.6.10 as of today (see https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/)
** For Oracle, it’s the latest of the 11.x cycle, which is as of today (see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/in…)
Question 2: review what we support
* For MySQL I think we could also start supporting MySQL 8.x (ie the latest version of that cycle). We have an issue open for it currently: https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-15215
* For PostgreSQL we could also start supporting versions 11.x (ie the latest version of that cycle)
* For Oracle, we could also start supporting versions 12.x (ie the latest version of that cycle)
Question 3: decide if we drop some support
* Is there any cycle that we should support for? Right now I think that MySQL 5.x is still heavily used, same for postgreSQL 9.x I guess. Don’t know for Oracle.
* Any idea?
So WDYT about the 3 questions?
Hi devs,
This is a proposal for the content we would have if we were to create an
OpenCollective account for XWiki.
Take a look at
The issues we need to solve / validate are:
A. Decide on the URL name (xwiki is already taken by XWiki SAS)
B. See if XWiki SAS can act like our Fiscal host
C. Validate the tiers and content
(we might need more details on how the "Bug Fixer" works in case we agree
to it)
Let me know what you think,
Hi devs,
I don't think there is currently a process that is in place to handle
pull requests and I have the feeling that the way there are handled
today is a bit random.
There are usually comments sent out on each pull request but sometimes
it seems that some pull requests are going in sleep mode and it's not
clear who is in charge.
I would like to suggest that a process is put in place where it's
clear who is responsible for a pull request and a status is given to
the contributors that propose that pull request.
Something like:
Assigned developer: XXXX
New -> new pull request, not yet assigned
Assigned -> assigned to a developer, he is in charge of reviewing the
pull request and ask for modifications or accept it. The developer can
auto assign it to himself. If nobody does, we need to decide how they
will be taken into account.
ModificationsRequired -> for now rejected with comments. Contributor
needs to apply comments and then change back to Assigned for further
VoteRequired -> there are no more comments, but a vote is required as
the changes to XWiki core are important
WaitingFinalAuthorization -> optional step for complex patches where
a additional authorization would be required (need to define who would
be the persons that give the authorization)
WaitingApplication -> there are no more comments and no changes or
vote required. The pull request can be applied and is waiting for a
developer to apply it
Abandoned -> contributors is abandoning the pull request (cannot do
the changes, no more time, etc..)
Rejected -> pull request is rejected (quality not enough, etc..)
Applied -> pull request is applied
What do you think ?
Ludovic Dubost
Founder and CEO
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi devs,
I've started to analyze the 971 tests failing on webstandards related to
the WCAG validation.
I plan to create issues in order for us to fix the errors. The problem I
have is that we were validating against the Dutch Guidelines validation
tool (previously http://www.webrichtlijnen.nl/english/testing) but this
tool has been discontinued by the Dutch Ministry in July 2017, see
The difference between the W3C WCAG rules (https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/) and
the Dutch Guidelines was that the latest were more strict. Also WCAG
specification advanced to version 2.1 in Jun 2018.
Since I don't have much experience in the way we've implemented the
validator, I'm asking if anyone has any idea of another validator we could
replace this one with (in case we want this). Else, I will try to
investigate and find a replacement for a new reference validator.
Currently the plan is to fix our code to match the current definitions and
in cases that are not covered by W3C WCAG and where we want to add
"exceptions" I test also online on:
* https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-4/accessibility-checker/ and
* http://wave.webaim.org/
Let me know if you have any objections to the 2 tools mentioned above.
I've started the investigation at:
we can discuss each error and "exception" on the individual issues.
Hi all,
I would like to contribute an extension that will display page preview popovers when hovering wiki links, similarly to what MediaWiki offers:
Its name could be 'application-page-preview-popover' - what do you think? As discussed with Caty yesterday, the extension will use the Bootstrap popovers. Should you have any need or suggestion, please let me know.
If the name is ok, can I ask you for the creation of a repository and JIRA project?
Stéphane Laurière
XWiki www.xwiki.com
IE is the last browser we are supporting at a particular version, see
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/BrowserSupportStrategy . For
all the other browsers, we are supporting just the latest release.
We are supporting the latest version of Microsoft Edge since XWiki 9.9,
starting from 24/Oct/17. Microsoft Edge replaced Internet Explorer as the
default web browser since the release of Windows 10 (launched Jul 2015).
Internet Explorer 11 is maintained on Windows 10 for compatibility
purposes, but is deprecated in favor of Edge and is no longer actively
We discussed dropping IE11 in the past Oct 6, 2017 (see
https://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/qsrkka6zfrmyxv3d), but the vote failed.
Some updated statistics:
XWiki.org's 1 year traffic (between Sep 30, 2016 - Sep 30, 2017) compared
to Oct 1, 2017 - May 31, 2018:
- Internet Explorer dropped from (5.84%) to (4.65%)
-- from this percentage, IE 11 usage has increased from (88.43%) to (88.76%)
- Edge increased from (1.56%) to (1.84%).
In terms of Worldwide market share for Desktops, for the past 12 months
(according to
http://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/ ), we have Sep,
2016 - Sep, 2017 compared to May 2017 - May 2018:
- Internet Explorer dropped from 8.21% to 6.97%
- Edge dropped from 4.3% to 4.15%
In May 2018, Global Market Share Worldwide for All Platforms contains:
- Chrome 58.09%
- Safari 13.78%
- UC Browser 8.16%
- Firefox 5.27%
- Opera 3.68%
- Internet Explorer combined is at 3.08% (with IE 11 having 2.65%. IE11 in
August 2017 had 3.04%)
- Edge combined having 1.91% (Edge combined in August 2017 had 1.8%)
- etc.
In terms of statistics, IE11 is more used than Microsoft Edge. The only
argument of dropping IE11 is that it's a browser that is deprecated for
about 3 years, and it's limiting the usage of newer specifications (like
CSS Flex, Grid, etc.)
I'm curios about how this period of supporting both IE11 and Edge went, and
if you have other examples of things you wanted to use and are not
supported by IE11.
Hi devs,
We started discussing a first global test coverage strategy in
I’d like to propose some updates and tuning now that we have a Clover Jenkins pipeline working (brainstormed with Simon):
Here’s the new proposal:
* We run the Clover Jenkins pipeline every night (between 11PM-8AM)
* The pipeline sends an email whenever the new report has modules lowering the global TPC score compared to the baseline report (negative contribution per module)
* The baseline report is the report generated just after each XS release. This means that we keep the same baseline during a XS release
** Technically it means that the pipeline will update the latest.txt file (which contains the clover report timestamp) when it notices a version change
* We add a step in the Release Plan Template to have the report passing before we can release.
* The RM is in charge of a release from day 1 to the release day (already the case), and is also in charge of making sure that the global coverage job failures get addressed before the release day so that we’re ready on the release day.
* Make it easier and only fail the pipeline job when the global TPC value is lower than the baseline (vs failing whenever a module has negative contribution)
Hi devs,
On Matrix/IRC, I’ve posted the following:
* Guillaume Delhumeau: BTW your naming is strange for the internal package
* for ex: package org.xwiki.notifications.preferences.internal.email;
* normally we put internal just after the main package part
* ie.
* org.xwiki.notifications.internal.*
* and org.xwiki.notifications.* for public classes
* see http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/CodeStyle/JavaCodeStyle/#HPac…
* General rule is org.xwiki.(module name).internal.
* I see thomas has done the same “error" for org.xwiki.job.handler.internal and org.xwiki.job.handler.internal.question . So maybe there's something to discuss/change
* I guess we have a mix of both now so we should discuss it and adjust our rules if need be
So I think we don’t have all the same rules/understanding of the definition at http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/CodeStyle/JavaCodeStyle/#HPac…
I’d like to discuss with you to see what you prefer and adjust our rules so that it matches what we do in practice.
Any take in this?