Hi devs,
On Matrix/IRC, I’ve posted the following:
* Guillaume Delhumeau: BTW your naming is strange for the internal package
* for ex: package org.xwiki.notifications.preferences.internal.email;
* normally we put internal just after the main package part
* ie.
* org.xwiki.notifications.internal.*
* and org.xwiki.notifications.* for public classes
* see http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/CodeStyle/JavaCodeStyle/#HPac…
* General rule is org.xwiki.(module name).internal.
* I see thomas has done the same “error" for org.xwiki.job.handler.internal and org.xwiki.job.handler.internal.question . So maybe there's something to discuss/change
* I guess we have a mix of both now so we should discuss it and adjust our rules if need be
So I think we don’t have all the same rules/understanding of the definition at http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/CodeStyle/JavaCodeStyle/#HPac…
I’d like to discuss with you to see what you prefer and adjust our rules so that it matches what we do in practice.
Any take in this?
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Hi devs,
Clemens fixed a bug at https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-15163 and while doing so inroduced a new system property to override the location of the xwiki.properties file. I commented at https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-15163?focusedCommentId=98075&page=com.a…
Even though it’s not necessary to introduce a new system property just for the need of this test (it’s easy to refactor the code to not need this IMO), it raises the question of what we want to do to make the configuration simpler in XWiki (simpler config, simpler upgrades, etc).
We discussed this a few times in the past:
* March 2010: http://markmail.org/message/6cvm5hocvtbqtgp6
* June 2012: https://markmail.org/message/3aq2bjrb6a2ip2ri
Note that the June 2012 proposal was agreed.
Globally this is what we implemented since the June 2012 proposal:
* XCOMMONS-187: The Permanent Data directory resolver should support System Property "xwiki.data.dir". More specifically the code is here: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-commons/blob/55569d3466dc0ea36f6964474973f7a…
* XWIKI-13867: Search xwiki.cfg in /etc/xwiki/ first. Code is here: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/973d4e9c6ad02dbb31d94fe96df9c1…
* XWIKI-13868: Search xwiki.properties in /etc/xwiki/ first. Code is here: https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/93f02215783ac0f4030fe3062cac4d…
I’d like to note that I don’t remember discussions/proposals for XWIKI-13867/XWIKI-13868 and I commented on http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-13867 and didn’t get any response from my various comments.
Current behavior
So right now the behavior is the following on config files (I’m excluding the recent change of Clements, see below in actions):
* If xwiki.cfg exists under the. "java:comp/env” JNDI key, then it’s used
* If not found, then search for it in /etc/xwiki/xwiki.cfg
* If not found, then default to WEB-INF/xwiki.cfg
* If /etc/xwiki.xwiki.properties exist then it’s used
* if not found, search in WEB-INF/xwiki.properties (as a ServletContext resource)
* If not found, then default to an empty configuration
* I think we should ask Clemens to rollback the introduction of the xwiki.properties.default.dir system property and to just make the test work without introducing any system property. I can help Clemens do that.
* I propose that instead we continue implementing the June 2012 proposal defined at https://markmail.org/message/3aq2bjrb6a2ip2ri and introduce the xwiki.config.dir system property.
* Right now I don’t like the solution introduced by /etc/xwiki/* because they don’t allow supporting several instances of XWiki on the same machine. However, the introduction of xwiki.config.dir system property would fix it.
* We could also introduce the user home dir location as a location where xwiki config files would be looked for.
* We also need to generalize the config files to hibernate.cfg.xml and clustering config files (jgroup files), and logback. See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Backup#HConfi…
PS: Sorry for the long mail, I had to do a lot of archeology to research this… Took me a while ;)
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
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The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
In this version we've added a way to rapidly empty the wiki's recycle bin,
that contains all the deleted pages. We've also polished the asynchronous
execution and caching of panels added in the previous version, that makes
the panels render faster. Plus we added many other improvements and
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Hi devs,
I'd be interested in reporting some issues and contributing some fixes related to the GitLab extension. I noticed that its main repository is currently at <https://git.xwikisas.com/ludovic/application-gitlab>, which is not in line with the usual practice consisting in storing extensions in xwiki-contrib on GitHub. Has anyone any objection about moving the repository to GitHub and to create a JIRA project for it – say "GITLAB"?
Stéphane Laurière
XWiki www.xwiki.com