Hi devs,
In October / November of last year, we integrated the Keypress JS
library as a replacement of OpenJS Keyboard in order to better handle
keyboard shortcuts in the platform and its extensions and add new
shortcut types (such as "sequence" shortcuts) useful for [1].
Moving to this library has also brought some bugs, such as XWIKI-15024
[2]. Currently, that bug can be fixed upstream by the library
maintainer, that unfortunately isn't very active on the project.
Choosing a library that isn't properly maintained might have been a
problem that we didn't really thought of when switching to Keypress JS.
In order not to be stuck by waiting for upstream releases, I propose
that we fork the library, and fix the problem raised by XWIKI-15024
ourselves by reviewing and integrating a patch proposed upstream, but
not yet merged [3]. Of course this solution has pros and cons, the main
downside being that we will need to maintain our fork.
Also note that, if we fork the project, we will have to choose either to
keep the source code in its original form (which is CoffeeScript [4]) or
to translate the code into JavaScript, which is more maintainable for
us, but that will probably not allow us to integrate other patches from
the official project branch.
[2] https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-15024
[3] https://github.com/dmauro/Keypress/pull/137
[4] http://coffeescript.org/
Hello all,
I would need a repository on xwiki-contrib to publish an extension to allow
exporting a bunch of documents to a spreadsheet format: one line per
document, with configurable columns read from the objects of those
Currently it exports only CSV but we could add other spreadsheet
formats (notably
xls), so it should have a more generic name than csv. Not sure if it would
contain other formats that are not spreadsheet-like, so I think spreadsheet
is enough.
Hi everyone,
Here’s a proposal already discussed with Thomas, Caty, Guillaume and Marius.
10.2 (March):
* Finish moving to FS-based attachments by default (it was planned for 10.0 already) - Assignee: Thomas
** Note that the work is done but we’d make it the default in 10.2, giving us more time to do additional tests
* Prevent accidental move/renames - http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14591 - Assignee: Thomas
* Start designing the work for "Discourage or disallow users to edit an extension's page “ - http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14377 (see also http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/ExtensionDiscourageCodeEdit) - Assignee: Thomas
* Finish work on Notifications - Assignee: Guillaume
** Known bug fixes
** Add the ability to select default notifications on the administration - https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14106
** Enable page ('XWiki') notifications by default - https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14129
** Enhance the notifications application so it can replace Activity Stream - https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-15016
** (Nice to have) Live emails notifications should be grouped by XWiki pages - https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14844
** (Nice to have) Add an entry in the Alert menu to explain what it's for - https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14978
* Continue preparation/discusssions about usability proposals listed at http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/Usability/Tasks5/Prioritiza… - Assignee: Caty
10.3 (April):
* Fully replace the AS with Notifications (leftover from 10.2) - Assignee: Guillaume
* Introduce notion of blacklist for the Navigation panel and provide an Admin UI for it. Goal: remove the XWiki space by default using this blacklist (users can be seen in the User Index). Assignee: Marius
* Slot reserved for one usability improvement from those explored by Caty. Assignee: Marius
* Slot reserved for one usability improvement from those explored by Caty. Assignee: Guillaume
* Finish "Discourage or disallow users to edit an extension's page “ - http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14377 (see also http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/ExtensionDiscourageCodeEdit) - Assignee: Thomas
* Start work on performance. Goal: be as good as XWiki 8.4.x - Assignee: Thomas
Let me know if you have any comment or disagreements or if you’re interested in contributing something yourself to these roadmaps!
Hi devs,
We run into a complicated issue related to XWiki cache and permissions. In
order to fix the issue, we would like to know some underlying logics for
XWiki security and group cache:
1. Why XWiki cache purge happens every 4 hours?
2. From our dashboards, we notice that every 4 hours, the security
authorization cache purge will wipe out most entries(from 50K to 5K). Why
this happens rather than selectively expiring 4-hour-old entries over time
3. From our dashboards, we notice the user group cache dumps on an irregular
cadence. The number of entries will drop to nearly 0 on 12:00 and bounce
back at around 16:00 nearly every weekday. Do you know some reasons behind
4. What's the underlying logic of XWiki purges SecurityCache entries? We
assume it will happen in one or both of the following cases:
1. when a given page's permissions are changed
2. when a given user is removed from a (XWiki-internal) group
Is that correct?
5. We have a custom code called LDAP service. When our wiki user calls that
service, we wish to keep the cache for only a few minutes and then
invalidate the cache. So if our user calls again after a few minutes, it
will try to get reply from the service instead of the cache. For our case,
what method do you suggest to use when we invalidate SecurityCache entries?
Is there any side effect if we do that?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Sent from: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/XWiki-Dev-f475773.html
As some of you know, in January we had another session of usability tests
performed. As a result of those tests, I have prioritized [1] some issues
that we might want to improve in our next 10.x+ Roadmaps.
One of the entries from that list is: "Create a dedicated Logo section in
Although we made some improvements in this area, users still struggle to
find the Logo changing area (takes more than 3 minutes). Plus there is a
lot of confusion between the Skin and ColorThemes overriding.
This is a proposal to explicitly have a Logo section inside the Themes
section of Administration
Let me know what you think,
Hi devs,
The purpose of this mail is to decide on some rules for where admin related
applications should be located. This mail resulted after a discussion with
Vincent and it was initially started by the proposal to move Menu
application inside Administration [1].
Some mentions:
- Admins should have a central place where they could find all the
applications they can use and are intended for them. Having a central
location helps discoverability. Administration would be that place.
- Applications have configurations and actions. All configurations should
be in Administration. If the actions are targeted only to Administrators,
they should be listed also in Administration. We will use TABS, one for
configuration, one for the actions UI (ex Invitation app). If the actions
are targeted also to Users, than this application should be publicly
available (ex User Directory).
- These mixed target applications, might have admin dedicated actions
displayed in place (ex. livetable edit, delete entry. ex. Repository app
import). This is fine since it preserves the context, not all admin actions
should be present exclusively in Administration.
- Application Index should contain only applications that are targeted
towards normal users. Admins will have Administration as entry point.
- If the application needs to add special permissions to a group of users,
these can be added with rights, or provide manual links towards the
application in a custom menu/panel (ex Stats app providing access to a
particular user).
This means several changes for the following applications:
Bundled apps listed in AppIndex:
1. Invitation App - Move the actions (Invitation.WebHome) to
Administration. Use ConfigurableClass and create a new Tab containing the
actions. Remove the AppBar entry (UIExtensionClass).
2. Panels - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
3. Menus - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
4. Scheduler - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
5. Tour - move to Administration since it contains tour definitions.
6. User Index - leave it public, but remove the AppBar entry since there is
a dedicated Drawer entry.
Recommended apps:
7. Antispam tool app - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
8. Nested pages Migrator - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
9. Filter Streams Converter Application - move to Administration, remove
the AppBar entry.
10. Flash Messages Application - move to Administration, remove the AppBar
- In case we might have a lot of applications listed in Administration, we
might need in the future to reorder them and prioritize some. We might need
to introduce the concept of Simple / Advanced administration, where in
Simple we could have just the applications that are mandatory for the
initial configuration flow. This should be discussed later.
Let me know what you think,
[1] http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/romxz7iylujslg36
Hi devs,
I’m following up from the http://markmail.org/message/zegx62ogtq5evbsy thread and creating a new one since this is a side topic.
The idea is that right now when the user needs to create side content (ie Panels), it’s confusing since they can use either the Panels app or Menu app.
I have the following proposal: Separate the apps
* Keep the 2 concepts of Panels and Menus and make them separate: Use the Menu app for creating menus and the Panel app for creating panels
* Remove the ability to create panels from the Menu app
* Improve the Panel app to make it simpler to create panels
** Introduce a new xproperty for the panel title (and supporting scripting, could be a text area).
** If the panel xproperty content is empty then don’t display the title. This is to no loose the ability to have panels displayed only if some conditions are met.
** Display panel content textarea in WYSIWYG to make it simple for new admins to create panels.
* Note that this solves issue https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-10112 since we already have a Panel Wizard!
* If we want, we can also easily introduce the concept of visibility for panels.
Do you see any use case that wouldn’t be covered?
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
Starting with this release the Watchlist Application has been disabled and
fully replaced by the Notifications Application. We continue to add new
improvements to Notifications (filters, preferences, etc.) so make sure to
check them out.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team