Hi devs,
Because of tomcat and because tomcat is by far the most used container for xwiki and because we also bundle tomcat in the debian and docker dsitributions, I think we should disallow / and \ in page names by default. It's causing too much trouble for users. We keep having users posting problems and for one user who post a problem there are 100 who don't.
The latest one: https://forum.xwiki.org/t/please-help-broken-link-routing-cannot-open-page-…
Implementation idea:
* Offer an extension point in the create page UI to allow plugging some cleaning algorithm
* Provide the \ and / cleaning algorithm by default
* Handle backward compat. Find ways to not break existing users who are having / and \ in page names. For example we could imagine a property in xwiki.properties that we would set to point to the hint of the / and \ cleaner component. Thus existing users would need to voluntarily upgrade their xwiki.properties to have it if they want it. We would need to provide some script to convert existing pages with / and \ too probably.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
11.1 RC1.
This release adds support for renaming apps created with App Within Minutes
and brings improvements to the WYSIWYG editor: inline editing of the Box
Macro title and macro category count displayed by the Macro Selector.
Advanced users can now copy the page reference from the Information tab at
the bottom of each page.
You can download it here: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
Hi all,
I would like to contribute an extension that will display page preview popovers when hovering wiki links, similarly to what MediaWiki offers:
Its name could be 'application-page-preview-popover' - what do you think? As discussed with Caty yesterday, the extension will use the Bootstrap popovers. Should you have any need or suggestion, please let me know.
If the name is ok, can I ask you for the creation of a repository and JIRA project?
Stéphane Laurière
XWiki www.xwiki.com
Hi devs,
We have already started defining the roadmap for XS 10.2, see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Roadmaps/#HXWiki11.2
However, it’s come to my realization that we’re having a lot of stability issue on XS these days. I see plenty of users messages on the forum about users failing to use XWiki or to upgrade XWiki and having problems in general. I have the feeling that our quality has regressed.
If we check our number of bugs created vs number of bugs closed for 2018, we can clearly see that we’re loosing the battle since Feb/March 2018, see:
Since Feb/March we’re at 820 vs 963 which means we have a relative difference of 143 bugs. Note that the BFD sessions are not enough and they don’t close a lot of bugs anymore (this can be seen on https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Blog/XWiki%20Days).
I believe that XWiki’s stability and reducing user frustration for installation/upgrades is a key aspect and it’s one of the biggest possible contributor to Active Installs.
Thus I’m proposing to devote 2 releases (i.e. 2 months) to focus on bug fixing and thus on XWiki stability, namely
* XS 10.2
* XS 10.3
Note that this is something that I’ve already discussed with committers from XWiki SAS. Please voice your opinion if you disagree (or even if you agree, always good to get confirmation we’re going in the right direction ;)).
Now that JUnit 5.4.0 is out we have test ordering. I propose the following best practices for TC-based docker tests:
public class MenuIT
public void verifyMenuInApplicationsIndex(TestUtils setup)
public void verifyMenuCreationInLeftPanelWithCurrentWikiVisibility(TestUtils setup)
public void verifyMenuIsAvailableInAdministration(TestUtils setup) throws Exception
Instead of the current:
public void verifyMenu(TestUtils setup) throws Exception
* Easier to run each test
* Easier to debug and view recorded video for a specific failing test
* More in sync with JUnit’s practices
* It’s still a scenario and thus doesn’t incur penalty of extra test setup
* Starts and stop the VNC docker container for each test. It takes between 1 and 2s to start the VNC container and the stop (i.e. video recording save) should be the same as before.
So I think it’s worth it. Out of 3mn, 3-6 more seconds for 3 tests is not too much (between 2% and 3% more).
Hi Devs,
The XWiki committers have voted a new committer: Simon Urli.
Welcome as a committer Simon :)
@Simon: Congrats, and thank you for the work you’ve done so far. Keep it up.
See https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Committership
We’ll add you to the various places.
Hi devs,
After TAKE 2 (see http://markmail.org/message/owtyhkmrz4tcbymn ), and after analyzing several modules (I analyzed about 4-5 in total), I think we should improve a bit the strategy to make it usable and applicable.
Lessons learnt
* It takes a lot of time to analyze a single global tpc drop (every time it takes me around 2 hours)
* In general the results of the analysis are not that great. There are often “good enough” reasons for the drop. It’s often a lack of unit tests and code that is exercised by functional tests but the path has changed for various reasons.
* I find the ratio of time to spend on the analysis vs result to be too low.
* In the end what’s important is that our global TPC continues to grow
New Strategy
* We run the Clover Jenkins pipeline every night (between 11PM-8AM)
* The pipeline sends an email whenever the new report has its global TPC going down when compared with the baseline (vs one or more modules had their TPC lowered in TAKE 2)
* The baseline report is the report generated just after each XS release. This means that we keep the same baseline during a XS release
** Technically it means that the pipeline will update the latest.txt file (which contains the clover report timestamp) when it notices a version change
* We add a step in the Release Plan Template to have the report passing before we can release.
* The RM is in charge of a release from day 1 to the release day (already the case), and is also in charge of making sure that the global coverage job failures get addressed before the release day so that we’re ready on the release day.
* Implementation detail: don’t send a failure email when there are failing tests in the build, to avoid false positives