I've created a proposal for improving the UI for Totem Application [1]
Although the proposal is done using Macaw Skin [2], the principles can be
applied also on the current iteration of the application which is using
Flamingo Skin:
- reviewing the translations and hint messages;
- improving the creation inline-form and modal forms;
- adding link for Totem.Items;
- improved display of a totem's sections (borders, drag&drop);
- improved display of config and order forms;
- standardized modals (header, body, footer) for section edit/items/delete
[1] http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/TotemApplication
[2] http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/MacawSkin
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki 7.1 Release Candidate 1.
This is mostly an improvements release on new performance report
design, Solr search UI and Watchlist notifications. It also introduce
the experimental support for flavors in the Distribution Wizard.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
The following people have contributed code to this release:
Anca Luca
Denis Gervalle
Guillaume Delhumeau
Eduard Moraru
Guillaume Delhumeau
Manuel Smeria
Marius Dumitru Florea
Thomas Mortagne
Vincent Massol
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
Hi devs,
We’ve been a bit late on the 7.1 roadmap implementation, and as a consequence we’ve committed only recently some important features in RC1 and we need more time to verify they work properly. Thus the proposal is to:
* Move the 7.1 final from 8th to 15th (one additional week)
* Let users and testers test the 7.1RC1 properly during the week of the 8th
* All devs not working on known blockers for the 7.1 final release should start working on Nested Spaces starting on the 8th (provided it’s accepted - I’ll send a proposal roadmap tomorrow afternoon for 7.2). The reason is that we'd need to have a working version of Nested Spaces by the end of 7.2 and that’d be a tough challenge so we'd need to get started ASAP if we want to have it ;)
Hi devs,
I’ve noticed the following in getusers.vm:
#set ($arr = [])
#set( $discard = $arr.add( null ) ) ## this may be variable...
#set( $discard = $arr.add( "$value" ) )
The “null” part doesn’t seem correct at all and I don’t understand the comment "## this may be variable…”
Any idea what the original author wanted to do?
This is an iteration for:
Extended-Breadcrumb's purpose is to provide a solution to *combine* the
global-menu functionality with the current breadcrumb functionality, while
supporting *nested spaces* concept and being backwards compatible with
*parent/child* relationship.
Hello devs,
I need a Nexus account in order to perform a release of an extension (
https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/api-usergroup) on contrib that allows to
get all the groups that a user is member of and if those are subgroups, get
all the parent groups also (and so on, recursively). Username: acotiuga.
I would like a repository on xwiki-contrib for a "Tour" application.
Name: application-tour
Description: This application provides for the users a possibility to
create bootstrap-tours for every page they want. ( See
http://bootstraptour.com/ for a preview. )
State: This application is not released on e.x.o yet, but I plan on doing
this as soon as possible.
Tools: repository on github, JIRA project.
Thank you,
*Gabriela Smeria*
*Web Developer*
skype: smeria.gabriela
On 20 May 2015 at 14:49:15, GitHub (noreply@github.com(mailto:noreply@github.com)) wrote:
> Branch: refs/heads/master
> Home: https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/application-parsley-form
> Commit: 8c7dc3f2b69273c185a69586a188ece4cb930310
> https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/application-parsley-form/commit/8c7dc3f2b6…
> Author: Raluca Stavro
> Date: 2015-05-20 (Wed, 20 May 2015)
> Changed paths:
> A pom.xml
> A src/.DS_Store
> A src/main/.DS_Store
> A src/main/resources/.DS_Store
> A src/main/resources/Main/ParsleyDemoForm.xml
.DS_Store should not be committed :)
You should copy the .gitignore from xwiki-commons for example.
> Log Message:
> -----------
> PARSLEY-1 : Port the ParsleyJS Demo Form application to XWiki
By following the example of AngularJS ToDo application, I would like to
port the ParsleyJS Demo Form application to XWiki.
I've created a task on Jira : http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XCONTRIB-276 .
Can someone please create a project under xwiki-contrib for me ? I guess
that the best name for it would be "application-parsley-demoform".
Have a good day,