Is it possible to export/import Pages from one XWiki to another XWiki using
different Databases?
XWiki inside Intranet of Institution 1 - using Database A (HSSQL)
XWiki inside Intranet of Institution 2 - using Database B (Oracle)
thanks in advance
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I have written a specific velocity script to display a tags cloud.
The script is correct and displays my tags.
I would insert this script into a panel to display it in all pages.
So I created a specific Panel and I called my script page with: {{include reference="XWiki.TagsCloudParam"/}}
But the panel script doesn't want to return any tag in a view mode while the panel type is "view". The script is well executed but the query returns no result.
Otherwise, if I edit the current page, the tags cloud appears! It is the same for all wiki pages.
And if I am into the Administration space, the tags cloud is also displayed.
What is going wrong?
Do I need to configure something to authorize my query on a view mode?
Thank you for your help.
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I think that due to the fact that the map macro is required by the Meetings
Application it would be nice to have a JIRA project for this as well.
I have an improvement for it and would like to create a task for this.
Could somebody make a new project on JIRA?
I am reffering to this extension:
Thank you,
Hei devs,
I'm looking to improve the Extensions Repository Application by
implementing a rating system.
The ratings for each individual extension should be availble from the
Extension Repository Application as well as from Extension Manager.
I've created a design page for my proposal where I describe a few ideas on
how to get this feature started.
Please review the document and share your opinion of how we should proceed
to implement this feature.
The proposal can be found here:
Hello XWiki community members,
Do you have an issue that is very important to you, but nobody seems to
notice even if you`ve reported it a while ago?
About a month ago we have included in our issue tracker ( ) the ability to sponsor an issue. Have you seen that
green link on the right side (…
), that`s it! :)
We did not get much of a reaction until now, so I should maybe try to
present it properly to the community and see what people think; if it's a
good idea or not; if it`s going to work out or if we should dump it.
The idea is simple and is described in our Contributing page (
Basically, you see an issue that you really want someone to fix and you
offer yourself to sponsor it, in the hopes of motivating people to
prioritize your issue above all others. Other people may join in and
increase the sponsored amount any time, so the chances of the issue to be
fixed will grow accordingly. You do this by clicking the green "Sponsor"
link on the right side of the issue, getting redirected to the website, fill in the details and wait for the magic to
At this point, any member of the community with developer skills can see
your issue above others and have a go at it. When he is done and you are
happy with the work, you can reward him with the promised amount.
More details on the technicalities can be found on their FAQ ( ).
Among the advantages, I can list:
- Prioritize your issue above others
- Reward people for their time spent on helping you out with your needs
- A way to sponsor open source hard work done on the XWiki project
Let us know what you think about this initiative.
Hi devs,
XWiki 6.3 has been released and we’re starting XWiki 6.4, which is the last release of the 6.x cycle. The goal is to release 6.4 before the end of the year so that we can start the new year with XWiki 7.x dev.
XWiki 6.4 being the last release, it’s supposed to be a stabilization release (no new features) and the goal is to finish/polish all the features that were introduced in the 6.x cycle. Namely:
— Flamingo. We still haven’t stabilized fully the new Flamingo skin. We’re still fixing issues at a high rate and there are still quite a lot of open issues on mobile devices for example, and some tuning to do (fully decide on the Add button location, on the top menu behavior, etc).
— Performances. At the moment the performances are back to what they were in 5.4.5 but we need to go beyond that since one of the goal of the 6.x cycle was better performances
— Finish the work started by Marius on the Tree and new Livetable integration
In addition, Lyes/Caty/Gabriela/Clemens are working very actively on improving some applications. They’ve already covered the Forum app, the Calendar app and are now moving to the Meeting Manager app. So this work should continue and at some point we’ll need to decide if we want to move those apps in the xwiki organization in GitHub (see
Last, I had discussed with Lyes the ability to add Ratings to the Repository app. In addition, I know XWiki SAS is going to lend a new contributor, Victor, who is also going to help work on improving the app! :) It would be great if either Lyes or Victor would work on adding the Ratings to the Repository app during XWiki 6.4.
To sum up:
* Thomas - Performances and core bug fixes/stabilization
* Marius - Tree + new LT integration
* Guillaume + Caty - Flamingo polishing + Add button/Navbar decisions
* Edy/Vincent - General stabilization (list of specific JIRA issues to be defined)
* Lyes + Victor + Caty - Apps improvement in general + Ratings
I’m proposing:
- 6.4M1: 1st of Dec
- 6.4M2: 15 Dec
- 6.4RC1: 22 Dec
- 6.4Final: 29 Dec
Hei devs,
I'm looking for the best way to associate certain information for a user
that others (except the user himself and maybe admins) should not be able
to modify.
This is a general issue which applies in numerous cases but at the moment I
need it to store the ratings for extensions in the repository app (more
A way that I see this working would be to use a document as an editor to
which we feed the actual page where the information is stored.
The edition of the information contained within the documents would only be
possible through the editor page giving more control over who and what can
edit. The visualization of the content pages would be available to anyone.
There are a few other suggestions described in this design proposal:…
What do you guys think is the best approach for storing data so that it's
safe from alteration by unwanted users?
This issue is a blocker for the implementation of the ratings feature so
please state your opinion so that we can make a decision.