Hi devs,
In a recent pull request
(https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/pull/254), I have "fixed" a
bug reported by the accessibility validator by hiding a
link if javascript is not enabled on the browser. It didn't fix the fact
that the feature is unavailable without javascript, but at least the link
was not there.
I did it because I have the feeling that some committers think we don't
need support the navigation without javascript in 2014.
Now, it seems that we do not all agree about this.
That is why I think we should talk about this to decide what rule we should
put in place for the next years.
Thanks, in advance, for your opinions.
Due to performance reasons I had to improve Groovy script to
print results directly to the response object:
def out=response.getWriter();
try {
out.println('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');
But now problem is that after that I got additional XWiki HTML even
using ?outputSyntax=plain parameter.
I suspect, I need to end/close response somehow programmatically.
Any hints?
Thanks in advance
Hi devs,
Today is release day for 5.4M1.
I see that there are quite a few broken functional tests (GuillaumeD, it seems you’ve broken the build 2 weeks ago… could you please fix it ASAP?). Could everyone check the CI to see if there’s anything they can fix?
We also need a RM to start the release. Any volunteer? (If not, I’ll propose someone based on http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/ReleaseManagerRoster Good candidates: GuillaumeD, Denis, Sergiu and then Thomas, Vincent and last Marius who’s been doing quite a lot during the 5.x cycle).
Please don’t commit anything that may fail the build ATM since we need to release M1. Note that I’m worried since the next release is RC1 and not much has been done compared to the defined roadmap… Please make sure that you can still implement what you had planned to do. Let me know how you wish to proceed.
Hi guys,
I’ve rebuilt XE from sources and I’ve found that the DW is broken. I removed the data/ dir to get the DW from a HSQLDB/zip distribution and I’ve found 2 issues:
1) Tons of the following warnings:
2013-12-20 22:22:54,293 [http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/distribution/XWiki/Distribution] WARN  o.x.v.i.DefaultVelocityEngine  - Cannot retrieve method getcause from object of class java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException due to security restrictions.Â
2013-12-20 22:22:54,294 [http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/distribution/XWiki/Distribution] WARN  o.x.v.i.DefaultVelocityEngine  - Cannot retrieve method getCause from object of class java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException due to security restrictions.Â
2) The Admin user is not imported anymore.
Any idea?
Hi devs,
I’ve added support for H2 locally as I wanted to test something on it. The question is whether we’re ok to add support for it in our source (creating subwikis, deleting subwikis)?
What I propose is:
* I add what I’ve done to the sources
* We don’t support it officially (ie similar to other DBs such as DB2)
Hello XWiki gurus,
we've met an annoying bug in our xwiki 3.5.1: creating nested lists (numerated or bulleted) breaks the first sub-item because a (% %) appears in front of the list marker. (http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/CURRIKI-6409)
This is not there in xwiki.org today so I suppose it got fixed.
But crawling Jira did not illuminate me on when this got fixed.
Can someone give me a hint about it?
thanks in advance
Hi everyone,
I’d like to wish you some very good Christmas holidays and a happy new year since I’m going on holidays tonight for 1 week.
Several committers are already on holidays and next week there’ll be very few of us active so it’ll be a quite week :)
We’re charging up our batteries for the new XWiki 6.x development cycle next year!
If you wish to help please fill the quick survey about what you’d like to see in XWiki 6.x:
Thanks a lot to all
Merry Christmas
-Vincent Massol