Hi devs,
For the past weeks I've been working on a skin based on Bootstrap[1]. You
can read more about it and test the new Junco Skin at
This proposal is about using the Junco Skin (Blueberry
for xwiki.org.
I prepared some responsive screenshots for the xwiki.org Homepage and an
Extension page.
This is my +1
Please report any issues on https://github.com/evalica/bootswatch/issues
- a change is always welcomed, shows the users there is activity on the
- the skin is responsive;
- by using Bootstrap we have the whole framework's power to use (grids,
components, etc.);
- we have the chance to test a bit the skin in production and see the
possible bugs, in order to later integrate;
- IMO the skin looks nice :)
- the only disadvantage is that there will be bugs and they will take some
time to be detected and fixed;
__Platform integration problems__
1. currently the new skin uses the HTML5 doctype. This is needed if we were
to use some Bootstrap JS components (carousel, menus, etc.) - which we
currently don't on xwiki.org, so I could use the old doctype (but lose some
of the testing purpose). Because of the HTML5 doctype, the HTML validation
fails. See http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7552
2. Junco Skin currently doesn't have support for changing the ColorThemes
on the fly. I would need the help of a developer to fix this problem. Is
not so much a problem for xwiki.org (I could fix them by duplicating some
code in the xwiki.org skin), but it is a problem for the integration.
3. Being build on Bootstrap, it needs LESS to compile the files into CSS.
Again I would need a developer to see how we could integrate the building
of the themes in platform. Right now this is done locally, partially manual
by using Grunt.
Tell me what you think and take some time to test the skin,
[1] http://getbootstrap.com/
Hi devs !
In 5.2, we have introduced Workspace Application in XE. Now, we should go
further and merge Wiki Application with Workspaces.
= New idea =
* Add a "hidden" field to the Wiki. For example, I would like to be able to
create wiki:
** which can not be seen by others
** which does not appear in searches
** e.g: workspacetemplate, or on a farm if I don't want people to know that
I host a company AND its competitor
= Options =
* In your wiki, do you want to have the "Home" menu?
* In your wiki, do you want to create your own users?
= XARs and template =
* The home menu is enabled only if the user want it (trivial)
* The registration button should redirect to the home wiki depending on the
configuration (trivial)
* Disable XWiki.AdminRegistrationSheet, XWiki.AdminUsersSheet from the
Administration (depending on the configuration)
* Create a new UI, partially based on the current WorkspaceManager and
WikiManager spaces.
= API =
* Create a new API: xwiki-platform-wiki.
* The old modules (xwiki-platform-wiki-manager and
xwiki-platform-workspace) go into legacy, and we mark them as deprecated.
* The new API will use the new modules of Vincent:
= Proposal for the API =
* xwiki-platform-wiki
** xwiki-platform-wiki-descriptor
*** xwiki-platform-wiki-descriptor-api
**** WikiDescriptor.java
***** ID
***** Alias
***** Hidden
***** Description?
***** Ability to add custom data (where all will be stored)
**** WikiDescriptorManager.java
***** getAll()
***** set()
***** remove()
***** getByWikiAlias()
***** getByWikiId()
** xwiki-platform-wiki-manager (but this name conflicts with the previous
module that we put into legacy...)
*** WikiManager.java
**** createWiki() (create an empty wiki)
**** deleteWiki()
**** copyWiki()
** xwiki-platform-wiki-template
*** WikiTemplateManager.java
**** setWikiAsTemplate()
**** unsetWikiAsTemplate()
**** getWikiTemplates()
**** isWikiTemplate()
** xwiki-platfrom-wiki-user (handle or not the local users)
*** WikiUsersManager.java
**** canWikiHasLocalUsers()
**** setCanWikiHasLocalUsers()
**** getWikiOwner()
**** setWikiOwner()
**** getMembershipType() (join/invite only/ask to join)
**** setMembershipType()
**** getWikiUsers() (list of the local users + those who are
'members' of the wiki)
** xwiki-platform-wiki-script (for script services)
*** Wiki.java (only an helper)
**** getDescriptor()
**** getId()
**** getAlias()
**** addAlias()
**** removeAlias()
**** getReference()
**** IsTemplate()
**** setIsTemplate()
**** getOwner()
**** setOwner()
**** canHasLocalUsers()
**** setCanHasLocalUsers()
**** getMembershipType()
**** setMembershipType()
**** getUsers()
**** isHidden()
**** setHidden()
**** getDescription()
**** setDescription()
*** WikiManagerScript.java ("$services.wikimanager" but the name
conflicts with the previous module...)
**** getAllWikis()
**** getHomeWiki()
**** getWikiByAlias()
**** getWikiById()
**** getWikiTemplates()
**** createWiki()
**** deleteWiki()
**** copyWiki()
**** isWikiExists()
**** isWikiNameAvailable()
**** joinWiki()?
**** askToJoinWiki()?
** xwiki-platform-wiki-ui (pages for both the home AND the (sub)wikis)
*** ...
+ write tests
+ need a migration path
+ in the future:
* Create a new wiki from a flavor:
** instead of creating a wiki from a template, you give an extension ID
If you like this proposal, I will try to implement it as close it is
possible, but I may change some elements to minimize dependencies. I will
tell you.
Hi devs,
As you may have seen I've started working again on xwiki-platform-url module (http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-3951) and I now need to add wiki alias support for it. Right now wiki alias support is in oldcore and the url module must not depend on oldcore so I need to extract wiki alias support to a new module. I'm proposing to create a xwiki-platform-wiki module which should contain in the future all modules related to multi wiki handling for stuff not in the model (stuff in the model will go in xwiki-platform-model).
Right now I'm proposing to have:
|_ xwiki-platform-wiki-descriptor
where xwiki-platform-wiki-descriptor will implement description of wikis as xobjects in wiki pages (XWikiServerClass), i.e. what is currently in oldcore's XWiki#findServer.
In the future the idea will be to rewrite xwiki-platform-wiki-manager and to move it to xwiki-platform-wiki/xwiki-platform-wiki-manager for example (or with another name).
Barring negative feedback I'll try to start working on this in the coming week.
I'm trying to save a document from inside a job [1] execution, as follows
xwiki.getXWiki(context).saveDocument(doc, comment, context);
Nothing really special ... It used to work (out of a job), but now it
throws NPE:
Checking source code, it happens there (sorry, I roughly decompiled it):
/* 560 */ if ("1".equals(Param("xwiki.virtual.usepath", "1"))) {
/* 561 */ String uri = request.getRequestURI();
/* 562 */ if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
/* 563 */ LOGGER.debug("Request uri is: " + uri);
/* */ }
/* */
/* 566 */ uri = stripSegmentFromPath(uri, request.getContextPath());
>From the logs in DEBUG, I see:
"Request uri is: null"
... which is kind of logical I believe, as I'm in a Thread triggered by
another thread, and not directly in an http request.
I'm not sure of what I should do from here ... And if my analysis is
correct, or if something else is wrong. Maybe I should do something with
ExecutionContext ...
[1] http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Job+Module
Hi devs,
5.2 final was planned [1] for today but since the RC1 has been delayed
till Friday 27 September (to be announced today) I propose to postpone
the final release for 3 days, till 2nd October so that we can test it.
Let me know if you don't agree.
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki 5.2 Release Candidate 1.
This is mostly a stabilization release leading to XWiki 5.2 final and
it brings a new "Home" top level menu (available when there is more
than one wiki) and a new Distribution Wizard step to upgrade all
wikis. The WikiStream framework has been improved and now can be used
to export large wikis in XAR format. Besides this the new release
includes 49 bug fixes and 16 small improvements.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
I'm doing some manual tests of my app, and use EM to install it first, with
an extension repository targeting my m2 local repository, my app being in
version 0.3-SNAPSHOT.
When I fix something, I reinstall a new 0.3-SNAPSHOT of the app in my maven
repository, and update the app in my xwiki instance.
One thing that would be very nice, would be to be able to force the update
of an already installed extension, even if it's in same version (ie,
0.3-SNAPSHOT), or even better to allow this update if a more recent
-SNAPSHOT artifact exists (in the artifact, or in one of its dependencies).
Currently, it's not possible as EM sees it as installed and proposes
nothing else than "uninstall" action. So, to update my app, I have to stop
my server, patch each new .jar file directly in xwiki data dir under
/extension/repository/blablabla, then restart the server. Uninstalling
before does not help as the artifacts are kept in this location anyway (and
not rechecked as long as expected version is found). Also, I don't want to
uninstall, as usually I edit UI parts directly in xwiki, so I'd eventually
prefer a merge as managed by EM.
That feature would save my day as developer/tester :)
(maybe it's my process that is poor)
hey developers,
I am trying this feature in my application.
The feature is like I am coming to Xwiki's page from a different Java Application, and now when I click on the various alerts(units) in my application, I want an informative page on that alert/unit in Xwiki.
So, all it has to do is check whether a page with the same name as alert already exist or not.
If it exists, then directly go to the page.( which I am successful in doing)
And if it doesn't exist then take the required parameters from my java application and fill it in my xwiki page( which is also I am successful in doing)
Now when I get those variables in the page, I want to store them in the object. So, they could be viewed later on.
Thank you in advance.
Seems I have some new issue with the xwiki-platform-tool-packager-plugin ...
I migrated to XWiki 5.1 (and then 5.2-milestone-2) and in both cases I get
the following when building:
[INFO] Copying HSQLDB JDBC Driver JAR ...
[INFO] Copying Skins ...
B at 0.0 KB/s
[INFO] Extracting SmartClient ...
[INFO] Total time: 1:57.850s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Sep 27 18:27:54 CEST 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 33M/247M
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default) on project xwiki-contrib-mailarchive-test-tests: Execution d
efault of goal
failed: For artifact {com.smartgwt:smartgwt:null:jar}: The version cannot
be empty. ->
[Help 1]
Should I specify this smartgwt artifact in my pom ?