
  • 9400 discussions

[xwiki-devs] [Fun] Creating jira issues for failed tests automatically (bad idea IMO)
by Vincent Massol
11 years, 9 months

[xwiki-devs] [PROPOSAL] Allow simple users to choose from a menu of editors instead of forcing WYSIWYG.
by Caleb James DeLisle
11 years, 9 months

[xwiki-devs] [QA] Feedback for 5.0 M2
by Manuel Smeria
11 years, 9 months

[xwiki-devs] XWikiDocument#get/setUser/Creator/ContentAuthorReference() and guest
by Thomas Mortagne
11 years, 9 months

[xwiki-devs] [Reminder] BFD#13 today
by Thomas Mortagne
11 years, 9 months

[xwiki-devs] [GSOC] XWiki is applying for GSoC 2013. Proposals and mentors needed!
by Eduard Moraru
11 years, 10 months

[xwiki-devs] Where is the Class Editor Wizard?
by markus.u.mueller
11 years, 10 months

[xwiki-devs] [xwiki-dev] How to add new action in application made with AppWithinMinute
by Arnaud bourree
11 years, 10 months

[xwiki-devs] Nexus: Promotion Completed.
by Nexus Repository Manager
11 years, 10 months

[xwiki-devs] Nexus: Staging Completed.
by Nexus Repository Manager
11 years, 10 months
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