The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of
XWiki Enterprise 4.2.
This is the third release of the 4.x cycle. This release brings
extension manager improvements including an experimental install/upgrade
wizard, new field types (emails, lists of pages, and computed fields),
new macros (JIRA and content macros), macros improvements (chart and
documents macros), as well as many other new features and improvements.
You can download it here:
Make sure to review the release notes:
-The XWiki dev team
Hi devs,
Here's a proposal for the 4.3 roadmap. I'm putting names of committers I've discussed it with, please correct me if I'm wrong and please add any other items you'd like to do for 4.3 for committers not listed or even for committers listed if you want to work on other stuff! :)
"Large Features"
- Improvements on Search Components SOLR Implementation - Assignee: Edy
- Implementing Usability Action Plan: from Wysiwyg macros improvements, improvement dashboard look, Help center, XEM Usability - Assignee: JV
- Improvements on AppWithinMinutes (according to the initial specs: user fields, suggests, validation, automated naming of pages, doc title + doc content, app generation quality) - Assignee: Marius with Sergiu for "automated page names"
- Extension Manager Maintenance (testing, bug fixing, etc.) - Assignee: Thomas
- Extension Manager Authentication - Assignee: Thomas
- l10n module and especially automatic Registration of translation objects in wiki pages (similar to wiki macros) - Assignee: Thomas
- Ludovic's Mobile Skin Patch - Assignee: Sergiu (if he gets the time)
- Validating LibreOffice as standard Office Importer (brings pptx support) - Assignee: Sorin
There are 3 important JIRAs that we should commit on:
- Be able to rename a space from the UI (also Rename Application) - XWIKI-6722 - Assignee: ? (Sergiu maybe if he gets the time)
- Improvements on Dashboard editing - XWIKI-7681- Assignee: JV
- User picker (User field does not scale to 1000 users - User picker implementation) - Assignee: Sergiu
Other important JIRAs (but no commitment):
- tag suggest feature does not work if Main.WebHome is not saved with programming rights - XE-539
- Tracking Active Installs - no JIRA yet - Vincent (I hope I can find the time)
- Profile Improvements - XWIKI-6307
- Lucene Search should not return HTML tags - XWIKI-8111
- Search suggest does not use translation keys (Show all results... and No results!) Patch aleardy exists, it has to be applied - XWIKI-7138
- PDF Export when CDATA section (generated by Livetable) - XWIKI-7871
- App Within Minutes pages cannot be annotated (and any page using the HTML macro)- JIRA?
- 4.x Skin. Assignee: Caty
- Scalability Auditing. Assignee: Sorin
- Mobile Skin + Mobile App investigation. Assignee: Ludovic
- 4.3M1: 22 oct (3w)
- 4.3M2: 5 nov (2w)
- 4.3RC1: 12 nov (1w)
- 4.3final: 19 nov (1w)
Then 4.4 around beginning of January and 4.5 around beginning of February ==> 4.x cycle finished for early February.
I've had a lot of fun using Byteman to debug some HSQLDB code last week.
I wrote a quick tutorial to explain how it works:
PS: It's really really powerful and simpler to use than Aspects IMO when your use case is to debug stuff.
Hi guys,
FYI I've just sent the following email for proposing a "wiki" devroom for FOSDEM 2013
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Hi guys,
Several members of the XWiki community (on behalf of other wiki communities too) would like to kindly ask for a devroom at FOSDEM. Here are the details:
* Devroom name:
What's next for Wikis?
* Description:
Wiki systems have been proven as an effective way for organizing information and for encouraging and improving collaboration. Wikipedia is among one of the most obvious examples, but wikis have provided solutions in different contexts such education, e-democracy and also in the enterprise domain.
By gathering together the experts in open source wiki systems, the goal of this devroom is to start a discussion between the different wiki communities about the next features and ideas they're all working on, with the intent of cross-pollination and synergies between wikis.
The topics can also be broadened to discuss what makes wikis different from other collaboration tools today.
* Project URLs:
In addition to XWiki (we can have 5-10 persons from the XWiki community), we've contacted the MediaWiki and Foswiki communities and they've both agreed to participate to this devroom already.
- any other open source wiki community interested in participating, the more the merrier!
* Preferred day:
* Why should FOSDEM accept this proposal?
Because FOSDEM is one of the few conferences in the world where people from various wiki open source communities can meet! And because wikis are still a hot topic but they need to reinvent themselves to not lose steam vs all the other types of collaboration tools out there today and a global discussion with the open souce wiki actors on this topic would help a lot.
Thanks a lot
-Vincent Massol
XWiki open source committer
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I'll let you know if our devroom is accepted.
Hi devs,
In many APIs we sometime want to manipulate several Block but we don't
want to put them in a meaningful Block like XDOM which is supposed to
mean a full document. Right now the only way to do it is to have both
an API with Block and another with Collection<Block> but it's a bit
more annoying for return type where you are forced to return a
List<Block> even if you are in a case where you actually have only one
Block to return like in macros for example.
We talked a long time ago with Vincent about a BlockCollection which
would not have any meaning (i.e. no corresponding event in the stream
rendering API) and would just be here to be able to pass several
blocks as a Block.
Since UI extension is going to use it a lot I propose to introduce it now.
Any better idea for the name ?
Here is my +1.
Thomas Mortagne
Hi devs,
I find myself starting to copy past a lot of stuff from one
ScriptService to another and I wanted to discuss with you think I find
common enough to be put in a AbstractScriptService in
xwiki-commons-script to be reused everywhere.
As a discussion based I committed a first thing in…
in a branch.
So here are some ideas:
* helper to set/get exception that every method is supposed to catch
to make error handling in languages like velocity easier (in the
* helper to find a proper "safe" wrapper based on the type of an
object (there is a example of such helper in…)
Any other ?
Thomas Mortagne
Hi guys,
For those of you who might be interested, I created a platform branch
that contains a demo of how XWiki's WYSIWYG Editor can be used outside
XWiki. The editor uses the rendering module and the component manager,
but they can be removed also if you want to use only the client side
(JavaScript code). See…
. If you want to try it, you need to build the WYSIWYG Editor modules
(use -Pdev for a quick build) and deploy the standalone war in a
servlet container of your choice.
Hope this helps,
I would like to pass in a variable from a JSP page, named mySession, to the
login page of Xwiki, such as:
So when the user has valid credentials they will be redirected here:
/xwiki/bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin/?mySession=" + session.getId();
There is some a custom authentication class written in Java that extends
XwikiAuthServiceImpl and inside of the checkAuth(XWikiContext context)
method I am trying to retrieve the value I passed in from the JSP page.
String mySession =
The value of mySession is always null. Does anyone know where I went wrong
in trying to accomplish this?
View this message in context:…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at
Hi devs,
Just a reminder that we have a Template for creating release notes on The way to create a new release note is:
* Go to
* Click in Add>Page in the top menu and select "Release Note"
* Starting with 4.3M1 name the page: ReleaseNotesXWiki<version> (without the "Enteprrise" part).