
  • 9400 discussions

[xwiki-devs] [GSOC] Features of Solr Search Component
by savitha sundaramurthy
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] [GSoC] [Request] Responsive Skin - data for extensive testing/bug finds/feature requests
by Jonathan Solichin
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] m2eclipse and xwiki-commons
by Gary Kopp
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] Maven Profiles
by Gary Kopp
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] Hackathon 2012 is starting!
by Vincent Massol
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] [GSOC] [Refactoring Notification] XWIKI ANDROID
by sasinda rukshan
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] Errors Building xwiki-commons
by Gary Kopp
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] Enterprise Build Problem (quartz?)
by Gary Kopp
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] Are Outside Developers Really Welcome?
by Gary Kopp
12 years, 5 months

[xwiki-devs] Trying to Understand Repositories
by Gary Kopp
12 years, 5 months
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