Hi, all,
I got a weired problem with url handling, when I am on this page:
http://mydomain.com/xwikim/bin/view/Blog/CreatePost, which gives me a
create post button to create post, I check the form action url is:
"/xwikim/bin/view/Blog/CreatePost?xpage=plain", when I click on the create
button, it comes to this url:
from which I got "Unable to connect" error, I am not sure why it switched
from mydomain.com to localhost, all other links and buttons are working
fine without this kind of problem.
My setup is like that I have an apache web server installed with port 80
opened to the public internet, which forwards request to tomcat with port
8082 on localhost. all other links work fine, only the createpost has this
Any clue from any of you?
Thanks very much in advance
Hi, all,
One question, I am trying to look at the source code of XWikiPreferences
class, AdminSheet class, but after I searched Data Type, I got a lot of
classes back, I clicked on these two classes, it always shows the rendering
result, I have no way to look at the velocity code behind the classes, but
other classes like BlogClass, I can go inside the BlogSheet and use Edit
button - Wiki to see the velocty code, why for these two classes I cannot
see the code, any ideas?
Hi, all,
I am trying to add a file upload page to xwiki, since the FileUploadPlugin
java class is deprecated, is there any other fileupload component available
for reuse? if no, I need to create the component on my own, my concern is I
need to insert the file uploaded into database and keep it separate from
all the other wiki tables, I like to create a separate table specifically
for files uploaded, that means I need to use Hibernate in java code to
handle that, any examples about how to do that? BTW, I am coming from
IBatis background.
Thanks in advance
Hi devs,
In another thread we had a discussion about the new name of the method for looking up components. We had to provide a new one since we introduced support for Types in http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XCOMMONS-121
Thomas has introduced a new lookupComponent() method and has asked in a mail to speak up if we wanted a different name. I have replied to this thread and explained why I preferred a new one (see http://markmail.org/message/lvah3d6f37ak66p3).
I'm copying my rationale here:
All looks good except CM.lookupComponent() which Ï don't like a lot for the
following reasons:
* It's a bit long. It's longer than before and it would be nicer if it were as short as before or even shorter ;)
* It's not symmetrical with other lookups like lookupList and lookupMap, which should theoretically be lookupComponentList() and lookupComponentMap() which are even longer
I've proposed several possibilities and some committers have expressed their preferences for getInstance*() so I'm officially proposing it here as a VOTE since it's an important API that we're going to keep for a long time ;)
So this vote is about using:
* CM.getInstance(…)
* CM.getInstanceList(…)
* CM.getInstanceMap(…)
* Shorter than lookupComponent, LookupComponentList, LookupComponentMap
* This is what is used in Guice and Picocontainer and seems to be a well-known name
Here's my +1
IMPORTANT: Please vote quickly since we need to agree before the release of 4.0 final and 4.0RC1 is planned for this coming Monday so it would be ideal to speed up this vote and do the change today if we agree about it.
Hi devs,
I won't be available to release 4.0RC1 next Monday which is the
planned release date so unless someone else want to do it we need to
move it.
I see two possibilities:
1) today
2) next Tuesday
Here is my +1 for 2) for the following reasons:
* we slipped a bit with 4.0M2 which mean that it has just been
released this week which makes it too short to release the RC1 today
* we need to finish with new ComponentManager API (please answer to
Vincent's vote mail) before the release candidate or then it's not a
release candidate
* I would like to finish with relative vs absolute URL in sendRedirect
so that this change is introduced in a new major version (but it's
more nice than critical)
* anything else left to do for 4.0 ?
Thomas Mortagne
Hi devs,
Currently, requesting a component instance without a hint will look for
the implementation that uses the "default" hint, which makes it
difficult to change the implementation in an XWiki instance. Sure, it is
easy as long as all the implementations use the "default" hint, but
choosing the default between alternative implementations that should all
still be usable by themselves is not possible.
Also, "default" is not really a good hint, since it describes the state
of the implementation, not the technology, the aspect that makes it
different from the others. It would be better to name each
implementation with a proper hint.
I propose to define a mapping that can specify which hint is the default
for a component. In a text file, META-INF/component-defaults.txt, we'll
keep componentinterface=defaulthint mappings. For example:
And then, when we lookup the current storage implementation, we don't
need to check what is the configured hint in xwiki.cfg (or
xwiki.properties), we can just request the default implementation.
If there's no mapping for a component, we'll continue to use the
"default" hint.
I'm not sure where exactly to keep such files. We bundle a
components.txt file in each jar containing component implementations. We
could do the same for the components we consider the platform defaults,
and allow overrides in the
WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/component-defaults.txt file. Still, this means
that whenever platform defaults change, we need to keep another special
section in the release notes, to let users know about these changes, so
that they can manually revert to the old default if they need to.
In the future we could change existing components to give proper hints
instead of "default", where such a change is applicable.
Another idea is to not use "default" at all, and instead go for a
generic "xwiki", "xe", "xwiki-platform" or something like that whenever
there's just one implementation for a component and we can't find
another hint to describe it.
Sergiu Dumitriu
Hello developers,
I have been doing a nifty little cache monitor on www.curriki.org which is still running xwiki 1.5.4.
It can show the entries and capacity of the two xwiki caches, pageExistCache and the document cache which sound pretty central.
Not surprisingly, they're both full on our production server.
name entries capacity
pageExistCache 10000 10000
cache 3000 3000
The caches are using OSCache (through "OSCacheCache").
I've been trying to get a real statistical count but there I kind of failed thus far.
I can use the StatisticListenerImpl which gives fairly high numbers:
> StatisticListenerImpl: Hit = 9583563 / 1320251374, stale hit = 0 / 538, miss = 8541 / 17175236, flush = 27348, entries (added, removed, updates) = 25457741, 0, 7678101
these numbers are integers, and might actually be too small for the 2billions limit of an int, they are static (so count "all the OSCache instances").
What I would like to get is the "eviction rate" but I do not know how to compute it.
That is, I wish to read the number of cache-entries which are thrown away because the cache is full and others come in.
Once I can have it, I can start tuning (cache size, less greedy algorithms, ...) and measure the effect of such tuning. We have plenty of RAM space to accommodate the cache but we should use this well.
The big annoyance with this process is that it can only run on our production server. So thus far I did not dare register a CacheListener in groovy fearing it would suddenly be slow.
Has anyone used a different strategy or tool?
I'm happy to post my little monitor script.
thanks in advance.
I'm using the Extension module and the resolve maven pom to parse some poms
installed in a local repository.
As I have some failures, I realized I was hitting this bug :
My question is on understanding this text from the issue :
Where is stored the AETHER cache repository on a wiki instance ?
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Extension-Resolve-Maven-Pom-clarification…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi, all,
I am trying to add an addComments sub-menu item to image button from the
menu bar of WYSIWYG editor, what it does is to add comments for an image
inserted in the editor because I need to explain what each image is about
after I put it in the editor, I checked the
class:XWiki.WysiwygEditorConfigClass and the wysiwyg.js, I added a
sub-menu in
the WysiwygEditorConfigClass for image menu, but after that, I got lost,
this sub-menu button is supposed to connect to a plugin to trigger java to
run I believe since it is a plugin and each sub-menu like
imageInsertAttached, imageInsertURL is a plugin, but I could not find the
code where it calls a plugin, so how is the sub-menu button hooked to the
plugin? when a user clicks on the submenu button in the editor (inline
form) page, which javascript function gets called?
Thanks very much in advance!!
Hi devs,
We need to take a decision. There are 2 places where we have XMLs:
A) In our SCM when we store our documents and when we call mvn xar:format
B) When we export XARs
Right now we pretty print in A) (very recent, I've done this a few days ago) but not in B) which is not optimal since users absolutely need to call xar:format to be able to diff their output with what is in our SCM.
* Solution 1: we don't pretty print in A and B
* Solution 2: we pretty print in A and B
What would you prefer?