Hi Marius Dumitru ,
As you have instructed I looked into "Auto Completion" mail threads. Sorry
I was busy with exams past few days, thus i could not keep the touch.
- I went through Aparche Lucene in oder to figure out the capability of
using it in the suggested project. It does not seems to give everything
which is needed to implement the auto completion (specially the image
facilities.) Please correct me if i am wrong on this.
- Can we use JQUERY in oder to do some client side processing? Caching
the Macros and pictures which have been recently used will be stored in
the browsers cache until the users log out.
- I also looked into how Microsoft word does autocompletion.
- Please direct me the on current technologies which can be relevant.
*Hasitha Abeykoon,*
*Department of Computer Science & Engineering,*
*University of Moratuwa. *
*Skype: foreverhasitha*
After searching through documentation on JPQL (JPA's query language) I was unable to find any
example of the "doc.object(XWiki.XWikiUsers)" construct. This means XWQL is it's own standard and
there is no authoritative reference on it. What makes an implementation compliant? I have found that
most HQL queries can be executed as XWQL queries with little or no modification so if compliance is
defined as being "just like the reference implementation" then nearly all HQL must be implemented in
order to be compliant.
Looking at the specifications I have rewritten the example query in compliant JPQL and JDOQL.
I wrote these so that they would work if all objects were custom mapped which is similar to the
appearance XWQL gives.
(SELECT doc.fullName FROM XWikiDocument as doc) where doc.author = 'XWiki.LudovicDubost' and
doc.object(XWiki.XWikiUsers).email like '%xwiki.com'
SELECT doc.fullName FROM XWikiDocument as doc, IN(doc.xObjects) obj WHERE obj.className =
'XWiki.XWikiUsers' and obj.email LIKE '%xwiki.com'
SELECT this.fullName FROM XWikiDocument WHERE this.xObjects.containsValue(obj) && obj.className ==
"XWiki.XWikiUsers" && obj.email.startsWith("xwiki.com")
I understood that XWQL was simply a translation scheme which made it appear that we were using JPQL
with the schema we wanted when really we were using HQL with the schema we had. Given that it is not
compliant JPQL that is not the case.
I think when we update the schema, we should cut our losses with this thing and move to something
which has a reference document and is more widely used.
The JPQL specification (originally called EJBQL):
ejb-3_0-fr-spec-ejbcore.pdf chapter 9.
The JDOQL specification:
jdo-3_0-mrel3-spec.pdf chapter 26.
Easy to read, example rich descriptions:
Hi devs,
I see Sergiu has started the git migration, cool. However could we list the different actions to be done and when they'll be done by whom.
I'll start listing some questions:
* Can we continue commit in svn? Has it been put readonly? If not, shouldn't this be done first step?
* Can we commit in the git repos created on github right now? If not when?
* Are we going to continue having the git repos synced with the svn repo and if so for how long?
* I've done a commit on git earlier today but didn't see any email notifications on the notifications list? Can this be set up quickly so that we can see what's happening?
* I'm surrounded by git users for the week end and they're telling me there are several ways to use git (one master repo, 2 repos, etc) and that we need to define best practices of how we want to use git since there are lots of ways to use it. Any idea about this?
Ok enough question to get started.
Hi, Everyone,
I am going to apply for student developer in GSoC 2011 and am interested
in one of proposed XWiki projects, XEclipse "RESTification".
Currently I am a fourth year Ph.D. student in the department of Computer
Science, University of Georgia, USA. My research focuses on
Simulation/Modelling and Web services, and applies them to facilitate
bioinformatics research.
My strengths are the following:
(1). 6-year of Java programming experience including both desktop and
web development and able to perform full lifecyle software development.
(2). developed a SOAP Web service management system using Eclipse RCP
and SWT
(3). developed REST-ful Web services and integrated SOAP Web services
from other collaborators (in German and Japan) to implement integrated
scientific workflow following Web 2.0 standards
After reading through the descriptions of proposed projects, XEclipse
"RESTification" is of great interest to me. This project involves
communication via SOAP and REST-ful Web services and is developed in
Eclipse SWT platform, therefore, I might be a potential match for this
project based on the skill set.
I have several questions regarding the requirement:
(1) what is target development platform?
The current XEclipse requires Eclipse Ganymede 3.4 and the most
recent release is Eclipse 3.6 and 3.7. Is there any plan to support them?
(2) What is the current status of XWiki communication layer?
From what I understand, SOAP + XML play a main role in the current
system. Now XWiki is turning to REST eventually.
I read some discussions on Mar 11 2011 about REST API in dev mail
list, which mentioned that REST API is not there yet. Does this mean
that the whole REST communication layer is not available yet?
(3) What extent of RESTification we are going to achieve for XEclipse?
This is closely related to question (2). If REST API is available,
the XEclipse RESTification will only need to construct the REST-ful
request (i.e., @GET /rest/{space}/{page}) and parse result from server.
If not, more work might be involved.
Best regards
Jun Han
Jun Han
Computer Science Department,
the University of Georgia
I am Shweta Agrawal, final year computer science student at IIT Roorkee,
India. I want to apply for GSoC this year and am interested in working on
Photo Album Application. I have four year experience in web development and
have good understanding of HTML, CSS, Php, python and Javascript. I have
worked on creating user interfaces for a couple of websites and developed
applications like online music player (similar to grooveshark), online
notice board etc for my Institute's intranet.
As far as I understand the project, it's aimed at developing an application
where users can
- upload the photos (one by one or zip files or folders) with
information like date, caption, location etc.- this info can be extracted by
reading exif information. *additional* - multiple file selection and
upload, drag and drop functionality (supported by HTML 5 compliant
browsers). ** *doubt* that do we intend to create a default album for all
the images uploaded/attached by user on any of the pages i.e. not only the
images that are uploaded for some album. It will provide user an easy way to
manipulate and browse through all uploaded image files.
- create albums and add information like title, caption, description and
location. *doubt* - will there be any limit on maximum number of
photographs in an album?
- browse through the uploaded photographs (available in browsers not
having javascript - It can be done using css3).
- view as thumbnails and slideshow (with adjustable timer and with
manual browsing).
- migration tool from the old version photo albums. *doubt* - what does
old version photo albums refer to?
- ability to tag and associate comments with attachments. *doubt* - does
attachments here refers to image files only or any type of files.
I have browsed through the code of older photo album application. I need
guidance that is how should I start working on this application? I am
thinking about starting with uploading part.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Shweta Agrawal
IIT Roorkee
I found this nice diff view: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/EvictionExamples/diff?secondVersionNumber=12
I like it quite a lot:
* ability to choose the diff in rendered mode or markup mode
* ability to see the diff in 2 columns or in 1 column
Would love to see something like this in xwiki.
He is a first draft of the investigation for "page load time" with a
proposed action plan:
My next step will be to run a "manual" test and take some measures and
propose "obvious" improvements we could make if there are any.
Comments welcome. Questions are:
- are the goals ok
- are the measures the right ones
- can we run automated measures
- what is missing in this document
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi All,
What I'm trying to get is:
User logs into XWiki through CAS Auth, I also have a webservice to get remote user credentials (where a User can be in many Groups), and some rights over that groups (only membership), so what I want is to:
- Create a Space for each remote "Group" (named "remoteGroupSpaceX"),
- Create a Group in XWiki (named "remoteGroupX")
- Assign "edit" right to the "remoteGroupX" over "remoteGroupSpaceX".
I already have created the Space (/xwiki/bin/view/remoteGroupSpace/), the Group (XWiki.remoteGroupX) and what I'm trying to get is the XWikiRights from the remoteGroup, but I can't find where can I get the XWikiRights object.
I tried to duplicate (through XWikiDocument.duplicate(EntityReference) method) an existing group (XWikiAdminGroup) and search where is the XWikiRight object, and then change the "levels" field to "edit", and saving the remoteGroup with the modified rights, but the Edit button is still there.
Here's a sample of my code:
private void assignRights(String spaceName, String groupName, String rights, XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException {
// Prepare EntityReferences
WikiReference wikiRef = new WikiReference("XWiki");
SpaceReference xwikiSpaceRef = new SpaceReference("XWiki", wikiRef);
SpaceReference remoteSpaceRef = new SpaceReference(spaceName, wikiRef);
DocumentReference refGroup = new DocumentReference(new EntityReference(groupName, EntityType.DOCUMENT, xwikiSpaceRef));
DocumentReference refRights = new DocumentReference(new EntityReference("XWikiRights", EntityType.DOCUMENT, remoteSpaceRef));
// Get the XWikiDocument relative to the Group
XWikiDocument docGroup = context.getWiki().getDocument(refGroup, context);
// Get the XWikiRights from the Group
BaseObject groupRights = docGroup.getXObject(refRights);
// Modify rights
groupRights.set("levels", rights, context);
context.getWiki().saveDocument(docGroup, context);
String spaceName = "remoteGroupSpaceX";
String groupName = "remoteGroupX";
String rights = "edit";
I know about relation between XWikiGlobalRights and XWikiRights and also about rights priority (Page > Space > Wiki / page.XWikiRights > space.XWikiRights > wiki.XWikiGlobalRights).
So my plan is:
Everybody has "view" (XWiki.XWikiAllUsers) right in the whole wiki, and only members of each "remoteGroupX" has "edit" right over their own space "remoteGroupSpaceX".
I'm a little bit lost with this and I hope any help.
Thank you,
Marco A. Gonzalez
I'm planing to develop Android API for XWiki and the XWiki navigation
app through a gsoc project.
Since from time to time Android keeps changing their libraries and
methods are deprecating.
So is there any targeted Android API version (2.2, 2.3 or 3.0 latest)
to develop?