Hi devs,
I did not had much time to work on Extension Manager lately so you did
not seen much new things.
I'm concentrating again on it and here is what you can expect for 3.0M3:
* multiwiki support: it means that you can install an extension on
specific wiki(s) (even jar extensions)
* xar handler: the possibility to install/upgrade/uninstall a xar. It
will be only a first version here since it's a very big work.
** will contains:
*** import a xar into the wiki
*** the xar can have infinite number of pages and attachments,
it's just limited by the size of each attachment right now until the
storage API support fully streamed attachments
*** very limited upgrade: import add a new version to make sure to
not loose anything, there is no real merging handling
*** still experimental (not stable) API
*** still demo-like UI
I'm pretty much done with multiwiki support and import and currently
writing tests for it. Then I will add new feature in the UI.
The next step will be to concentrate on xar merging for framework side
and start sealing a bit more the API. Some work on the UI will
probably be done at the same time too.
Thomas Mortagne
Hi (Sergiu),
I think there are 2 things we absolutely need in the message stream (user status) implementation before we can release 3.0 final, ie so that it can be put in production:
* Ability to filter user statuses per wiki. On a XEM install a user status sent in a given subwiki shouldn't leak to another subwiki. This is required for example for myxwiki.org.
* Ability to remove a given user status. Imagine that we upgrade xwiki.org or myxwiki.org to 3.0M3 and someone registers and send a user status with some spam content... We wouldn't be able to remove it (except by having to go to the DB).
Hi XWiki devs and users,
FYI, XWiki applied as a mentoring organization for Google Summer of
Code 2011 (http://socghop.appspot.com/). We have participated in
2005-2009, but we were not on the accepted organization list last
year. We have prepared and submitted yesterday an application for this
year's GSoC, and we'll be receiving a verdict from Google on March
18th (according to the timeline
Here is the list of possible student projects we've come up with so far:
http://gsoc.xwiki.org .
We're open to new project proposals, and we'll inform the community as
soon as we get an answer from Google regarding XWiki's acceptance in
this year's Summer of Code.
Hi everybody,
I was wondering in which XWiki subsystems the REST API is used in a direct way.
I know that it is used in different place but I don't have a clear vision.
Could you please tell me where are you using it?
Hi all,
As many of you may know, 7 years ago, I created the XWiki Open-Source
software. A few years ago, especially when Vincent arrived, I took a
step back from development of the XWiki product to focus on developping
XWiki SAS which allows to support the XWiki development. I've
particularly spent my time making sure that the deployments of XWiki our
Customers have been doing are successfull. I've left the product
development work to committers who under the lead of Vincent have done
amazing work in the last few years. We have provided some product
marketing in addition through Guillaume's and lately Gregory's work
which allowed to bring some feedback from users and customers and also
bring a different less technical perspective to the XWiki Product
development. Cati also joined the team and allowed us to make huge steps
forward in product usability and design.
Now, as XWiki SAS's project implementation team is doing great work on
it's own, I've decided to involve myself more in the future of XWiki's
product. I'm now the new XWiki SAS 'Product Marketing' head which means
I will involve myself in community discussions about the product
features actively developped, investigated for future development as
well as in general discussions about the XWiki Software's future. I will
try to bring the knowledge that XWiki SAS's customer, project managers,
support team bring us from using XWiki in production environments to the
community so that we make better decisions, more focused on developments
that will allow to increase XWiki's success with end users. At XWiki SAS
we have already done a lot of work to organize this feedback so that we
know more things that XWiki SAS's developers and the XWiki community
should work on.
In the next few weeks you will therefore see me work on the
investigations of future features as well as work more closely with
developers whenever they feel the need on the features they implement
actively. I will also manage the different surveys we have done in the
past to gather feedback from our community. These surveys have still
been running on the xwiki.org web site although they are now quite
outdated. I will propose to review them and launch them again.
If users or developers have any feedback about XWiki, about what we
should work on in priority, please do send that feedback on the list
(preferably). Although we have a much bigger list of great ideas than
what we currently can achieve, you can help us on helping us select the
most important ones that will make a difference.
I would like to use this occasion to thank our great community of
developers and users who help the committers every day to make XWiki
better. We could not do this without all the suggestions, ideas, patches
that our community provides.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi guys,
In order to fix http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-5691 and a few
related bugs I had to refactor the way macros are displayed inside the
rich text area of the WYSIWYG content editor. Along with this I
introduced a few improvements in the way the user interacts with macros.
Here's a list of changes:
* macros are displayed now 100% like in view mode
* macros that have output are emphasized only when hovered or selected
* you can navigate the macro output with the arrow keys
* you can copy content from the macro output
* press Enter to edit macro
* press Space to toggle between collapsed and expanded state
* Ctrl+Shift+R reloads the macros
* Ctrl+Shift+E expands all/selected macros
* Ctrl+Shift+C collapses all/selected macros
* Ctrl+Shift+M to open the insert macro wizard
Known issues that I'd like to fix for 3.0 final:
* you can cut text from macro output
* you can drag text into/from macro output
* placing the caret before/after a macro is still tricky
Please take a look and let me know what you think.