My send page by email panel isn't functional. I get a error telling me
that there might be an error in the email address I've entered. This
panel was installed correctly with a user that has programming rights.
Any thoughts on the settings that I need to play with? Or is my version
of xwiki not capable of doing this?
I've been reading some of these emails and it looks like maybe in a new
version of xwiki this panel will come standard, is this true? If so I
can I update to the current version and also be able to delete
properties in a class?
Thanks for your help
Grant Sales
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Our goal is to develop a wysisyg macro allowing to :
- Insert an Image stored on Alfresco
- Insert a link to a document stored on Alfresco
To do this; we have develop a small browser on Alfresco in order to choose
the image to insert (img src) or the file to link (a href).
After selecting the Alfresco file; we need to generate a macro like :
[[Lien vers le doc
title="Ouvrir le doc toto..."]]
Using the wiki editor and the old Wysiwyg editor; we had no problem to do
this. (Openning popup and populate les link field with alfresco file path.)
With the new editor; I can't find the way to do this.
In fact my problem could be resume to add a picto in the 'link' and 'image'
macro GUI allowing to open my alfresco browser in order to populate the path
Any idea to do this ?
View this message in context:…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at
Hi devs,
I propose to move servlet filters out of the old core to
There are 3 filters,
They are almost self-contained (except for ActionFilter, see a note
later) and are easy to move. Moreover, SavedRequestRestorerFilter offers
functionality to save the request, that might also be useful in other
places (like csrf-token). There is (currently) no need for portlet
filters, so moving filters into a separate module doesn't seem to be
worth it.
Since the filters are not used directly, I'd move them into
org.xwiki.container.servlet.filters.internal and public methods used
elsewhere into org.xwiki.container.servlet.filters.
Note that xwiki-core would become dependent on xwiki-container-servlet
(it currently depends on container-api), but it shouldn't be a problem.
In more detail,
* SetCharacterEncodingFilter would be moved as is to filters.internal.
* SavedRequestRestorerFilter would be split into the actual filter and
SavedRequestManager that would contain the static methods
String getOriginalUrl(HttpServletRequest)
String saveRequest(HttpServletRequest)
String getRequestIdentifier()
SavedRequestManager could also be a component, but it would make it
more complicated to use from the filter.
* ActionFilter should be moved to filters.internal too, but it uses
XWiki.stripSegmentFromPath(String, String) to parse the URL and
replace the action part by the stored value.
There are 2 other copies of the URL parsing code that uses
stripSegmentFromPath(...), in XWiki.getDocumentReference(...) and
XWiki.getXWiki(...), I can think of 3 alternatives:
1. Leave ActionFilter in the core
2. Move URL parsing code into xwiki-url, i.e. add/implement missing
methods to create XWikiURL from string representation and extract
host, action, document reference and parameters from it.
3. Move stripSegmentFromPath(...) to xwiki-container-servlet too
I'm +1 for 2, since it's the cleanest option.
Hi friends,
I'm proposing a patch (see to stop logging a full exception at error level when the wiki fails to register a wiki macro due to insufficient privileges for the asked visibility.
This is currently what happens, and it can trash your log, for example if you initialize a farm with hundreds of wikis throwing couple of times such error :)
Thing is this is not a real error, in the sense "something went wrong" so it should be logged at the debug level.
The patch introduce a new exception : org.xwiki.rendering.macro.wikibridge.InsufficientPrivilegesException, which when caught by the wiki macro initializer is logged at debug level, by opposition of the more generic org.xwiki.rendering.macro.wikibridge.WikiMacroException that remains logged at error level.
I'm calling for a vote since the patch introduce a API signature change. Though I tend to think it's internal enough not to go through deprecation cycle.
My +1
There are a number of public methods in XWikiHibernateStore which are either nolonger used,
unused outside of XWikiHibernateStore, or used in only a few places in old code.
To make maintainence easier I propose deprecating them to discourage outside code from using them
so they can later be removed or made private.
Here is a list:
used 1 place in c.x.x.XWiki#addUserToGroup which appears to be easily fixed.
used 3 places in the stats plugin.
used 1 place in the old query plugin.
used 3 places in the stats plugin.
used 1 place in stats plugin.
used 1 place in stats plugin.
used nowhere.
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere.
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere (outside of XWikiHibernateStore).
used nowhere.
used nowhere.
I'd like to refactor AbstractScriptMacro in order to be able to change
script behavior in the future without fanout violations. Here is the
plan emerged after several discussions with ThomasM:
Introduce a notion of cancelable events. Such events can be canceled by
the receiver (providing an optional reason), the actual canceling is
performed by the sender.
Send a cancelable event ScriptEvaluationStartsEvent in
AbstractScriptMacro just before evaluating the script and a
ScriptEvaluationFinishedEvent right after evaluation has finished (in
finally block).
Add the following 3 listeners to those events (into
rendering.internal.macro.script) and move the corresponding code from
AbstractScriptMacro there:
* does class loader manipulations currently performed by
AbstractScriptMacro#getClassLoader & Co
* Aborts execution of scripts that need PR if the document is not saved
with PR
* To distinguish velocity and PR scripts, introduce a new interface
PrivilegedScriptMacro extends ScriptMacro and let
AbstractJSR223ScriptMacro implement it
* Replaces NestedScriptMacroValidator (ScriptMacroValidator component
is removed completely)
The refactoring will remove the following methods (breaks API):
* protected boolean canExecuteScript()
* public List execute(JSR223ScriptMacroParameters, String,
* protected boolean canHaveJarsParameters()
* protected ClassLoader getClassLoader(String, ClassLoader)
It seems that
platform/trunks/core/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/flickr plugin
is not used by anything in XWiki. It seems to be old and deprecated.
I propose to remove it from xwiki-core.
The things to discuss would be :
Topic I.
Where to move it:
1.Deprecate it (move it to contrib retired)
2.Remove it from everywhere (delete code)
3.Move it to CORE plugins
4.Rewrite it nicely as a service and have it : core module contrib sandbox
Topic II.
Relation to the platform
1.bundle it by default
2.not bundle it by default
I am +1 for I.2 and II.2 .
Hi Ramon,
First of all sorry for the late reply, I've been in holidays for the
past two weeks.
On 08/18/2010 09:05 PM, Ramon Gomes Brandão - SERINT wrote:
> Hi Marius,
> I’m a long-time enthusiast of XWiki and I think it’s the best wiki tool
I'm happy to hear that!
> ever. However, I feel some lack of updated documentation on how to
> build it. I’m implementing a large instance of XWiki Enterprise 2.4 in
> my work here in Brazil, and I’m facing an issue: detailed instructions
> on how to build the new WYSIWYG editor. I’ve translated the
> file in Portuguese, and I’m trying to use Eclipse
> with m2eclipse to build it, but I definitively don’t know how to
> proceed. I saw your messages on xwiki-users archives about this build.
> Could you help me sending detailed steps on how to do this? Here are my
> questions:
> 1) I’ve installed Eclipse+m2eclipse+subclipse and checked out the
> platform/web/trunk folder. It contains the following sub-folders (modules):
> -gwt
> -standard
> -xwiki-gwt-dom
> -xwiki-gwt-user
> -xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-client
> -xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-server
> Do I need all the modules to proceed?
The WYSIWYG editor code is split between xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-client and
xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-server. The server side depends on the XWiki core,
while the client side depends on xwiki-gwt-user and xwiki-gwt-dom. You
can ignore the other two modules (gwt and standard). You can ignore
xwiki-gwt-dom too if you don't plan to change/enhance the DOM API.
> Where should I place
> ? Do I need to modify “extended-property …” both
> on xwiki-gwt-user and
> xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-client/resources/…/Wysiwyg.gwt.xml or only in this
> last one?
There are three translation files as indicated on . One is included in
xwiki-gwt-user and the other two are in xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-client:………
Best is to translate all these files. You should place the translated
file (e.g. in the same directory as the
corresponding source file (e.g.
Then you have to modify both:…
in order to update the locale property:
<extend-property name="locale" values="...,pt"/>
> 2) Which modules do I need to build (with right click - > Run as ->
> Maven build or Maven install)? In which order?
I don't build from eclipse although I have m2eclpse installed. I prefer
the console. The right build order is:
xwiki-gwt-user > xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-client > xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-server
xwiki-gwt-user and xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-client generate jars that are used
by xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-server which generates a war. Note that building
xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-server takes a long time because GWT compilation is
> 3) Does this build generates a war automatically? Where does it
> generates the war (where I can find it)?
The war generated by xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-server is placed in the target
directory (e.g. target/xwiki-web-gwt-wysiwyg-server-2.5-SNAPSHOT.war). I
know this happens when you build from command line. Might be different
when you build from eclipse, but you should be able to find the war
anyway. In the worst case, if you run "mvn install" the war will be
installed in your local repository:
> 4) How to load the new build into my running XWiki Enterprise 2.4
> instance?
You have to replace (don't merge!)
webapps/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe directory from your XWiki
installation with the one from the previously generated war. If you
change code on the WYSIWYG sever side then you have to update the jars
from WEB-INF/lib (copy those from the generated war) but that's not your
case from what I can see. Don't forget to clear the browser cache.
> How to force always the WYSIWYG editor to be shown in Portuguese?
You can either configure the Portuguese language as the default language
in XWiki (the clean way) or, the hard way, you can build the WYSIWYG
editor only for Portuguese language by replacing:
<extend-property name="locale" values="...,pt"/>
<set-property name="locale" value="pt" />
in the descriptors of the xwiki-gwt-user and xwiki-gwt-wysiwyg-client
GWT modules.
> Hope you can help me.
Note that the best way to contribute a translation is to add it to . This way all the previous steps are done by us. The
downside is that you have to wait for the next release to see the
Portuguese translation in action.
Hope this mail doesn't come too late,
> Regards,
> *Ramon Gomes Brandão*
Because protectPassword generates a base-64 encoded java serialized form, the size is quite a bit larger than
the 255 character limit of StringProperty and thus PasswordProperty.
The use of java serialization is central to the upgradability of the password verification function because
any new class which implements PasswordVerificationFunction automatically works.
Given this, I want to migrate the database to move password hashes into the xwikilargestrings table and change
PasswordProperty to extend LargeStringProperty. During this migration, any passwords still stored in plaintext
will be ported to the scrypt function, passwords stored as a hash will have an exclamation mark pretended to the
text (this is invalid base64) and be inserted into the table as is.
PasswordClass will keep the sha-512 hash function for legacy passwords but will port passwords to the new format
as users log in.
These changes will allow us to close