Hi guys, I am not sure that this is right place to post it, but this mailing
list looks like a good place for this post.
Recently I have browsed to XWiki Eclipse web site it looked nice but after
taking a look, I saw a place for collaboration here:
During last year one of directions for my company(OnPositive Technologies)
was developing of a good/mature true WYSIWYG Java framework for Wiki and
actually arbitrary markup authoring.
To the moment project is very near to first release and provides full
support for Tract Wiki markup(Adding parsers for another kinds of markup is
less or more trivial). So I suggest that integrating it to XWiki Eclipse may
be a good fit.
For more details about project please see the screen cast here:
P.S. Any comments/questions are very appreciated.
Best Regards,
Pavel Petrochenko
OnPositive Technologies(http://www.onpositive.com).
Since we're way off for our release dates of XE 2.4 (we'll need to do a retrospective and understand what happened so that we improve ourselves for the next time), I'd like to propose the following new dates:
Original Dates:
- XE 2.4RC1: 28 June 2010
- XE 2.4 RC2 (if needed): 5 July 2010
- XE 2.4 Final: 12 July 2010
New proposed dates:
- XE 2.4RC1: 7th of July
- XE 2.4Final: 15th of July
BTW just to be sure, from now on we should only fix bugs and be very careful about not introducing any risky things, in order to prevent forcing us to have a RC2 since we're short on time.
In order to assure the consistency of visual elements, we need to have some
standards. There is already some work in progress at
Things that mature and are final decided, will be added at
One of this proposed standards is "Items Hover State"
Whenever we have multiples items displayed, the hovered item will be marked
with $theme.highlightColor .
We already cover this pattern in most of the cases, but there are still some
- comments: only the header is highlighted;
- attachments, colorthemes are not highlighted at all;
- trees and WYSIWYG elements have a different color (I don't know if we can
change this to use the color themes variables);
- maybe others?
Having a stardard for this kind of things it will be easier to know what
elements are out of order, and what needs to be fixed in order to assure the
Please vote for "Items Hover State"
Here's my +1
We're excited to let you know that Apurv Gupta has invited you to Dropbox!
Apurv Gupta has been using Dropbox to sync and share files online and across computers, and thought you might want it too.
Visit http://www.dropbox.com/link/20.r0l_GBru7F/NjI0OTMxNDUyNw to get started.
- The Dropbox Team
To stop receiving invites from Dropbox, please go to http://www.dropbox.com/bl/67552c22895d/devs%40xwiki.org
== Shift Turnover Logs ==
#set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name=doc.fullName and
obj.className='ShiftLog.ShiftLogClass' and
obj.name<>'ShiftLog.ShiftLogTemplate' order by doc.creationDate desc")
##set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where obj.name=doc.fullName and
obj.className='ShiftLog.ShiftLogClass' and
#set($results = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
No Shift Logs has been created yet!
#foreach ($item in $results)
#if($doc.title != "ShiftLogSheet")
#set($ShiftLog = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
* [[${ShiftLog.display("question").replace("<p>", "").replace("</p>",
All I want to do is display who edited the file last. All this is
currently doing is showing who made the Shift Log.WebHome
Thanks, Grant
Grant Sales
Security Operations Analyst
111 Washington Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Tel: 612.342.7889
Fax: 612.342.3428
Cell: 320.761.0966
Email: grant.sales(a)us.ing.com
ING. Your future. Made easier. (r)
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#panelheader('Send this page by email')
#if($context.user == 'XWiki.XWikiGuest')
You need to be logged in to send a page by email.
<form id="sendpage" name="sendpage"
action="../$doc.getSpace()/$doc.getName()?sendbyemail=1" method="post">
<input size="18" type="text" name="recipient" value="Enter an email
address" />
<div id="emailmore" class="hidden">
CC: <br />
<input size="18" type="text" name="cc" value="" />
BCC: <br />
<input size="18" type="text" name="bcc" value="" />
COMMENT: <br />
<textarea cols="18" rows="3" name="comment" value=""></textarea>
<label><input style="width: 13px;" name="includepagecomments"
type="checkbox" value="commentsyes" /> Include page comments</label><br
<label><input style="width: 13px;" name="includepageattachments"
type="checkbox" value="attachmentsyes" /> Include page
attachments</label> <br />
</div><span id="more" style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration:
underline;" onclick="toggleClass($('emailmore'), 'hidden')">More</span>
<input type="submit" value="Send page by email">
#if($request.sendbyemail == 1)
#set($emailrecipient = "$request.recipient")
#set($emailcc = "$request.cc")
#set($emailbcc = "$request.bcc")
#set($emailcomment = "$request.comment")
#if($emailcc != "")
#set($testcc = "$emailcc")
#set($testcc = $xwiki.null)
#if($emailbcc != "")
#set($testbcc = "$emailbcc")
#set($testbcc = $xwiki.null)
#set ($commentlist = $doc.getObjects('XWiki.XWikiComments'))
#set ($pagecomments = "
#foreach ($comment in $commentlist)
| Comment by $xwiki.getUserName($comment.author, false) :
Code isn't working.
I get this error.
The page has not been sent. There might be an error in the email
addresses you entered.
Is there some sort of thing that I need to configure in xwiki to get the
mail sender working correctly? Or is there an error in the code?
I installed the mail sender plugin and mail sender pannel application.
Thanks, Grant
Grant Sales
Security Operations Analyst
111 Washington Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Tel: 612.342.7889
Fax: 612.342.3428
Cell: 320.761.0966
Email: grant.sales(a)us.ing.com
ING. Your future. Made easier. (r)
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The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise and XWiki Enterprise Manager 2.3.2.
This is a bug fix release for the 2.3 branches.
Important Bugs fixed:
* [XWIKI-4566] - Users/groups from other wikis are not properly taken
into account when put in a local group
* [XWIKI-5228] - XWiki 2.0 renderer doesn't escape ~ in image reference
* [XWIKI-5277] - Velocity macro cache keeps growing leading to memory issues
* [XWIKI-5278] - Velocity Macros are considered global and not
isolated in XWiki Syntax 2.0
* [XWIKI-5282] - Wiki macros based on user or wiki are not unregistered
* [XWIKI-5302] - Query string is not properly escaped in tags add links
* [XWIKI-5332] - Velocity macro cache still keeps growing
* [XWIKI-5335] - Sometimes velocity macros defined in wiki pages are
not recognized
For more information see the Releases notes at:
and http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesXEM232
-The XWiki dev team