Hi devs,
I just noticed that although we've been saying that "This wiki is
licensed under a Creative Commons 2.0 license", all the source files for
the wiki pages are actually under the LGPL, which contradicts the wiki.
So, there are three possible choices:
- change the default copyright notice
- change the license of the applications
- don't change anything, implying that the CC applies only to new
content inserted by the user
Personally I prefer to keep all the wiki content as CC, since LGPL is
not exactly suited for content. However, since most of the default wiki
pages are actually code pages, we could say that they consist mostly of
code, which could go under the LGPL.
As a side note, we should be more specific about which kind of Creative
Commons is that, BY, SA, NC...
Sergiu Dumitriu
On 02/04/2010 06:02 PM, Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 5:45 PM, Daniel Johansson<djohansson(a)haascnc.com>wrote:
>> Indeed, I just tried in 2.2M2 and it tells you the document exists. in 2.04
>> I
>> did not delete the older post, it got overwritten so now I had 2 posts with
>> the exact same title and content in the News category, it's still here in
>> our wiki. And I actually updated the first post which updated both posts!
>> They are identical, same date, title and content.
>> The solution to tell user that document already exist is not very good. In
>> time you may have hundreds of blog entries in one category, making it
>> pretty
>> hard to keep titles unique. In our case we wanted to use it to post what
>> testing is to be done for the week. So each week you want to post an entry
>> such as "Weekly testing". It'll be hard to come up with unique variants to
>> that every week!
> You can modify the article creation form to add something like:
> $xwiki.getUniquePageName($space, $input)
> see
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/DevGuide/API/xwiki%2Dcore%2D2.…
> details.
> Sergiu, I'm starting to think we could add this to most of the creation
> forms to avoid duplicates, WDYT?
> I'm increasingly doing it for apps I write on my projects (almost all the
> time now).
I'm not quite fond of this idea, but something more complex would work.
If the page already exists, offer a few options:
- link to the page so that the user can go to it and edit it instead of
creating a new page
- let the user type another page name
- use getUniquePageName, which appends a number at the end
- append the current date at the end
Sergiu Dumitriu
Hi All,
I am very new to XWiki and also to rest api. I have gone through the link
given by xwiki for rest api
But i dont getting clear idea, how can i create a page under space with
some contents.. and i am not getting any good samples for xwiki rest api.
Normally through httpclient we can send the url with contents like
eg :String url = "http://localhost:8080/jforum/jforum.page?"
+ "module=adminCategories" + "&action=insertSave"
+ "&category_name=" + categoryName + "&moderate=0"
+ "&groups=1" + "&groups=2" + "&groups=3" + "&groups=4";
using POST method in httpclient and the data get stored in the respective
Kindly anyone give me idea how rest will get differentiate in xwiki
Can anyone give me a code snippet for this requirement so that i can
improve my progress in my project..
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/How-to-add-a-page-with-contents-in-xwiki-through-Rest-…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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This is following the proposal done here some time ago:
Since we now have a generic Script notion we need to revisit it in
that light. Also we really need to implement it now since more and
more components are put in the velocity context (office importer,
syntax factory, etc) and we need to bring some order.
Here's a new generic proposal:
Short term
* The variable "services" is bound in the script context. For ex in
Velocity: $services
* The Services object (ScriptServiceManager) has a ScriptService
get(String serviceName) method which returns the service
* We use the namespace: services.<module name>.<method>. Each module
provides only one service entry point.
* ScriptService interface (empty interface) represents a service to
be bound in the context
* ScriptServiceManager.get() looks for all components of role
ScriptService and returns the component matching the the name as the
component hint.
public class MyModuleScriptService implements ScriptService,
public void myMethod() {}
In script:
Medium term
* We handle @authorization(Authorization.PROGRAMMING) annotations to
check for access rights. To do this in ScriptServiceManager.get() we
use a Dynamic Proxy to implement MyModuleBusinessInterface (we
probably need a ScriptService.getInterface() method to make it
unambiguous). The Dynamic Proxy checks the annotation before proxying
to the real object.
PS: This is to answer Sergiu's question about where is
getAvailableParserSyntaxes() from my other mail... ;) Answer: It would
be in RenderingScriptService.
Hello developers,
what's the best way for me to setup tests for the lucene plugin?
Is there an easy way for me to create an xwiki content-store with all
the documents of this xar directory?
That'd be my favourite.
Alter natively, I could create XWikiDocument from xml by hand in the
editor (but then I'm missing the callback "also add this and that").
thanks for hints.
Hi devs,
I'd like to further the move from web to space by deprecating all the
methods that still use Web in their name. These are:
- in XWiki: getWebCopyright, getWebPreference*, copyWikiWeb,
getDefaultWeb, useDefaultWeb
- in Document: getCurrentMonthWebStats
- in objects.BaseClass: get/setDefaultWeb (should we keep the element
name in the XML?)
As per our official deprecation strategy, these methods will continue to
be present in the generated classes via the deprecation aspect, for at
least 2 major releases.
Sergiu Dumitriu
foaf+ssl [1] is a very simple protocol for distributed authentication. It essentially does what OpenId does, but in a RESTful manner. It works with most desktop browsers since X509v3 came out (which is a long time ago). It only uses open standards and protocols - it just uses them in a more distributed way.
It is also very easy to implement, and here is what would be needed to implement in XWiki. I can help out here.
1. Profile Creation
Take any user home page URL.
1. You can either have that page link to an rdf/xml representation of a foaf graph, or you can add RDFa directly to the home page by marking up the page with foaf. It depends on how much those pages are templated. If they are very templated then the rdfa solution can be very neat, as there is less risk that the user will mess something up.
2. Add a certification creation servlet that knows how to deal with the keygen tag, and the microsoft activeX component. We have the code for this available open source in Java. What we need in addition is a little database to keep track of the different public keys used by the profile owner, so that he can delete a key if he looses his computer, or add a new one if he wishes to use someone else's.
The above should be very little work, and should allow people to log into other services in one click. You can try a test case out by going to http://foaf.me/ but clearly generating rdf/xml for users to play around with is not a good idea. Also foaf.me only allows one to have one certificate per profile.
Ok, so you will say there are not a lot of services for the moment. True. We are in boot strapping mode. But with one tiny little trick you can get one useful service going. http://openid4.me/ gives anyone an openid automatically and allows them to log in using foaf+ssl. (There are just a few lines of code that you need to add to get that to work at the top of the profile page)
2. Authentication
There is one super easy way to get authentication working and that is to use
The details of how that works is explained there. (and the source code is also available at https://sommer.dev.java.net/ )
With that service you can get someone's WebID in a few lines of code. See the login link at the top of http://foaf.me/ .
Setting up an xwiki server so that it asks the user for his Client certificate is a bit more advanced, as it requires a hack to the SSL layer on the server (so that authentication does not fail if it cannot find the Certificate Authority).
(By the way this should not be the only means of authentication. OpenId and username passwords are good fallback solutions)
3. Possible services to build
With the previous pieces in place some very nice services should be buildable. But those could be left to groovy developers.
1. Improve comment management on blogs.
(if someone logs in with an OpenId that points to a foaf, or with a webid, you can get links to images of the person, their blog, and other accounts, friends perhaps, etc... This can help the person who is going to validate the post to get some contextual information on the person posting the blog (and perhaps add him to a contact list). Verification can be done automatically by the server by GETing a blog page and finding a link there back to the foaf)
2. Allow people from other XWiki instances (and indeed any foaf file) access to another wiki.
So one could specify things like: allow only my friends or friends of my friends access to this wiki page. Or the colleagues of my friends, ... ) But one should start simple...
We have written out a list of use cases here:
There are bound to be a lot more. But for us and everyone to try them, we need to have some basics in place.
[1] see the introductory material here http://esw.w3.org/topic/foaf+ssl
Social Web Architect
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 2.2 Release Candidate 1.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
This is the first and hopefully last release candidate for the 2.2
version. This release is mostly a bugfix and stabilization release.
Changes from XWiki Enterprise 2.2 Milestone 2:
* Bug fixes and improvements on new XAR Import UI and User Profile UI
* UI improvements on tag applications
* WYSIWYG and Rendering bugfixes and improvements
* Fixed files handlers leak on Lucne plugin
* Many other bugfixes and improvements
For more information see the Release notes at:
-The XWiki dev team
For the French language since we're a lot here to speak French I think we should only import validated translations.
After looking for 10 seconds I found the following problems:
+core.importer.documentSelected=Documents selectionn\u00E9s.
+core.importer.importHistory=Hostorique import\u00E9
+core.importer.replaceDocumentHistory=Remplacer l'historique du document par l'historique issue de l'archive.
+core.importer.resetHistory=R\u00E9initialiser l'historique pour la version 1.1
+core.importer.securitySettingsChanged=Les conditions de s\u00E9curit\u00E9 ont chang\u00E9 durant l''import. Vous allez avoir besoin de <ahref\="{0}"> pour authentifier </a> dans le but de continuer \u00E0 administrer le wiki.
+core.importer.selectThisPackage=Selectionner cette archive.
+core.importer.selectionEmptyWarning=Selectionnez au moins un document \u00E0 importer s'il vous plait
I'm sure there are more obvious problems. These need to be fixed before we release at least since they're easy to spot and fix.
On Feb 3, 2010, at 1:55 PM, tmortagne (SVN) wrote:
> Author: tmortagne
> Date: 2010-02-03 13:55:05 +0100 (Wed, 03 Feb 2010)
> New Revision: 26638
> Modified:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_de.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_fr.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_lv.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_nl.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_ro.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_sk.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_sv.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_zh.properties
> platform/web/trunk/wysiwyg/src/main/resources/com/xpn/xwiki/wysiwyg/client/editor/Strings_sk.properties
> Log:
> XWIKI-4846: Update translations