On 12/02/2009 06:03 PM, vmassol (SVN) wrote:
> Author: vmassol
> Date: 2009-12-02 18:03:27 +0100 (Wed, 02 Dec 2009)
> New Revision: 25408
> Added:
This is not the right location.
> platform/skins/trunk/xwiki-skin-dodo/
> Removed:
> platform/skins/trunk/dodo/
> Log:
> Move Dodo and Finch skin to the contrib/retired location. Could be resurrected later on if someone is interested in doing so.
> Copied: platform/skins/trunk/xwiki-skin-dodo (from rev 25407, platform/skins/trunk/dodo)
Sergiu Dumitriu
Since we're not maintaining the dodo/finch skins anymore I'd suggest
we move them out of the main code base into the contrib project.
More precisely I propose to move them to:
We also need to update the skins page on xwiki.org to explain the
skins are no longer maintained (but can be resurrected by anyone
Here's my +1
What should we do with the Dodo and Finch skins? Right now they sit in
the platform as any other skin. However they're not in a working
state. I've just tried Finch and the home doesn't display nicely in it.
We have 2 options I can think of:
1) we leave old/non-working modules in platform (as they are now)
2) we move them to a retired location. In this case we could move them
to the contrib repo in retired/. This leaves the door open to anyone
interested to resurrect them (even if it's a bit hidden, but we could
make that more visible). The only small issue (maybe it's not one) is
that name "contrib". Another option would be to create an "attic" top
level project for retried projects.
I can also think of some plugins that could go there (alexa, adwords,
etc) - We'd need to verify that they don't work since otherwise they
probably don't need to be moved.
We could also define a rule to move stuff to the attic:
- the feature is not working anymore
- there's been no commit for one year
Obviously anyone interested in reviving the retired code could do so
and move it back to the platform at any time.
Any idea on this?
I'd like to start making a component to manage javascript and css, I imagine the
interface as follows:
* ExternalContentManager is able to take content which is external to the HTML (eg: Javascript and CSS)
* and register it with specifications for the context, when the context meets these specifications
* (for example the value of the key: "wiki" is "xwiki" or the value of the key "doc" is "Main.WebHome" or both)
* the script will be imported when getImportString() is called.
public interface ExternalContentManager
* The first three methods compare the configuration to the ExecutionContext
* good for the future but not very useful at the moment.
* @param The source of the external content
* @param config The configuration for when and how to use this source.
void register(ExternalContentSource source, ExternalContentConfig config)
* @param The source of the external content
* @param config The configuration for when and how to use this source, header, footer and minify are disregarded
void unregister(ExternalContentSource source, ExternalContentConfig config)
* Unregister everything for this configuration, null unregisters everything.
* @param config The configuration for when and how to use this source, header, footer and minify are disregarded
void unregisterAll(ExternalContentConfig config)
* Because most information is still stored in the XWikiContext
* add compatibility methods which compare the whenToUse parameter in the
* configuration to the XWikiContext.
* @param The source of the external content
* @param config The configuration for when and how to use this source.
void registerx(ExternalContentSource source, ExternalContentConfig config)
* @param The source of the external content
* @param config The configuration for when and how to use this source, header, footer and minify are disregarded
void unregisterx(ExternalContentSource source, ExternalContentConfig config)
* Unregister everything for this configuration, null unregisters everything.
* @param config The configuration for when and how to use this source, header, footer and minify are disregarded
void unregisterAllx(ExternalContentConfig config)
* @return A string of HTML which contains import statments for all of the scripts which should
* be imported based on the values in the ExecutionContext and XWikiContext.
String getImportString()
* ExternalContentConfig is a set of configurations to be passed to the ExternalComponentManager when
* adding a source to be used.
interface ExternalContentConfig extends Map
* @param header This is prepended to the source after minifying but before concatination, use for license info
void setHeader(String header)
* @param footer This is appended to the source after minifying but before concatination
void setFooter(String footer)
* @param shouldMinify make this false to avoid minifying the source, default: true
void shouldMinify(boolean shouldMinify)
* @param whenToUse Each of the values must match value given by the same key from the context after toString() is called on it.
void useSourceWhen(Map<String, String> whenToUse)
public interface ExternalContentSource
public enum SourceType {
/** The source comes from a file in the servlet context. */
/** The source comes from a jar in the classpath. */
/** The source comes from an unknown origin and the code is given in this string. */
* Set the origin of the source, if sourceType is a string then this is the source itself.
void SetOrigin(String origin)
* Get the code of the source from where it is stored.
String() getOrigin()
* Set the type of source this is.
void SetType(SourceType type)
* Get the type of surce this is.
SourceType GetType()
I would like to implement this interface using jawr to compress, concatenate,
and cache the sources, but the interface does not require any more than what
skinx does except not on a per-request basis.
What do you think?
Any other ideas.
Caleb James DeLisle
I'm trying to translate the XE Simplified Chinese but have a question.
On this page: http://l10n.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/XE/XWikiCoreResources,
there is a link "Import/reimport default language file". And after each
specific language, there is also an "import" link. What it means? I guess it
will pull the resource file from the svn trunk, extract all (variable names,
English text) pairs, so that someone can start providing more translations.
I'm I right?
But the import functionality seems broken. When I click "confirm import" it
says, "Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
XE.XWikiCoreResources Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content
with id XWiki
Core Resources"
-- Currahee! We stand alone together!
Hi all,
Since i finished a first POC, I would like to introduce a new XML
based syntax. the goal is to provide an easy to parse exact mapping of
the rendering events.
You can look at http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/xmlsyntax
for more details.
Would be great to have comments about this.
The main things to discuss are:
- what XML syntax exactly
- what syntax identifier
The first use case for this is the support of generic markers in
XHTML: instead of having specialized macro marker in XHTML comment
serialized in a generic, easy to parse and exact repesentation of a
XDOM branch that as been replaced by something else during a
Hi all!
How are you?
I apologize that I wasn't so active recently. I spent all my time with
tasks from my job and my Master.
Now I have a little bit more free time (in the evenings and weekends) and I
would like to continue the XOO project. I'm not clear what should I exactly
do next and maybe you can help me with your feedback and ideas.
I'd really like to contribute again to the XWiki software . Although I was
not so happy with the API from OpenOffice, last summer was a really
interesting experience for me.
Thank you,
Cristina S.
Hi Devs,
in XWiki::initXWiki(XWikiConfig config, XWikiContext context,
XWikiEngineContext engine_context, boolean noupdate) method signature, the
flag "noupdate" indicates whether the database should be updated or not. But
as far as I can understand, it's meaning is reversed:
- if "noupdate" is true -> You can update the database and install data into
it (like define major xwiki classes etc.).
- if "noupdate" is false -> You should not add anything into the database.
(I guess this means you can only create the database schemas.)
One observation I made though is that "noupdate" is actually used only in
the following code segment:
// Make sure these classes exists
if (noupdate) {
* Question:- Do we really need this flag?
The other problem is that pckager plugin is using a version of XWiki
constructor that sets this flag to "false" by default:
This means when we are packaging the database (hsqldb), none of the
mandatory classes are packaged. They will only be initialized when XE is
loaded for the first time.
* Question:- Is this the desired behavior?
Apperantly I have introduced a bug (sort of) because XWiki.WikiMacroClass &
XWiki.WikiMacroParameterClass are initialized inside if(noupdate){} clause
but I have invoked registerWikiMacros(); call outside of it (in
XWiki::initXWiki()). This makes hsqldb database build report an exception
because wiki macro registration code throws an exception if it cannot find
the necessary xwiki class definitions.
I can fix this error by simply moving registerWikiMacros(); call inside the
if(noupdate){} check but I'm not sure whether it is the correct way.
- Asiri