Hi all,
Is it planned to develop a way to update xwiki automatically ?
I have installed XEM on Windows using Oracle, ActiveDirectory, Exchange,
Openoffice... To configure all, it takes time and it is not an obvious
That's why i am wondering if there is a way to automatically update XEM
without change the conf.
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Hello devs,
as a result of the cleaning of the annotations extension, I propose to move it
to the platform xwiki-plugins and the respective xwiki-applications.
The application (client) could use a little more stabilization, but I prefer to
do it when I get to the client improvements part, as presented in the last
roadmap at http://markmail.org/message/5mnfhpdf2cgqlbop (at the end of mail).
I would like to do that now since what we have now is runnable, somewhat usable,
it represents a clean, correct version of what we have in the sandbox, a "zero
point". I am starting to make improvements from here on.
Hi devs,
I would like to release 2.0.4 as soon as possible.
Among other things it contains:
- this time statistics are working, promise (except for
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-4590 but that's another story)
- several important users management related issue fixed mainly
visible in path based multiwiki mode
Here is my +1
Thomas Mortagne
We have a few issues in the WCAG tests for our wiki edit mode
(results are in http://www.webrichtlijnen.nl/english/test/report/76745/182681/)
1) "Use friendly URL's, that are readable and recognisable.". I
believe this is caused by js present in javascript.vm which generate
URLs like:
var surl = "http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/cancel/Main/WebHome?ajax=1";
This is probably a pb with the WCAG test parser. However shouldn't we
move the script in a JS file (maybe in xwiki.js)?
If we don't move it then another rule that says that script element
but have a noscript element specified will be triggered too.
2) "When using client-side script in combination with a link: if the
link does not lead to anything, do not confront the visitor without
support for client-side script with a non-working link."
"Contains links which will not work if javascript is unavailable or
switched off."
Not sure what we should do with this one. Any idea?
3) "Use the th (table header) to describe a column or row in a table
with relational information."
The pb is in the Information Panel.
<table summary="List of included documents"
id="xwikiincludeddocuments"> <tbody> <tr><td><a href="/xwiki/bin/view/
Main/Dashboard">Main.Dashboard</a></td> <td class="xwikibuttonlink"><a
href="/xwiki/bin/edit/Main/Dashboard">Edit</a></td></tr> </tbody> </
We need to decide if we consider it's valid or not. If the table is
not a data table then it could be valid, as mentioned here:
I have tried to find alternatives (like not using a table, adding
headers) but none looks good to me. Should we consider our code is ok?
Hi devs,
We need to decide what to do with html macro content (or any other
RawBlock content) in plain text renderer.
For me the rule of plain text renderer should be to print anything we
are able to print which mean printing any pure text content and skip
styles for which obviously we don't have syntax. RawBlock content is
pure text so we should print it.
Note that first version of plain text renderer was printing html
content and it was lost when introducing RawBlock.
Here is my +1 for printing RawBlock content in plain text renderer.
Thomas Mortagne
On Nov 19, 2009, at 3:53 PM, tmortagne (SVN) wrote:
> Author: tmortagne
> Date: 2009-11-19 15:53:25 +0100 (Thu, 19 Nov 2009)
> New Revision: 25217
> Modified:
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/templates/rightsUI.vm
> Log:
> [cleanup] Apply codestyle
> Modified: platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/templates/
> rightsUI.vm
> ===================================================================
> --- platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/templates/
> rightsUI.vm 2009-11-19 14:43:57 UTC (rev 25216)
> +++ platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/templates/
> rightsUI.vm 2009-11-19 14:53:25 UTC (rev 25217)
> @@ -110,15 +110,15 @@
> </tr>
> <tr id="usersandgroupstable-filters">
> <td>$msg.get("rightsmanager.searchfilter") <input
> name="name" type="text" style="width:65%"/>
> - #if($context.database != "xwiki") #set($mainwk
> = false) #else #set($mainwk = true) #end
> - #if(!$mainwk) ## display the combobox only
> in a local wiki
> + #if(!$context.isMainWiki()) #set($mainwk =
> false) #else #set($mainwk = true) #end
> + #if(!$mainwk) ## display the combobox only in
> a local wiki
> <select name="wiki" style="margin-left:10px;">
This will create some extra spaces in the generated HTML. It would be
great if we could find a way to have nice indentation and nice
generated HTML output too.
I tried to imagine a good solution and couldn't so far (apart from
running the generated HTML to a pretty printer but this is going to
cause some overhead - Maybe it's minor enough to do it though). We
could also have our own pre-processor that would remove spaces at
beginning of velocity lines (as we're doing in the {{velocity}} macro)
> <option value="local" selected="selected">
> $msg.get("rightsmanager.local")</option>
> <option value="global">
> $msg.get("rightsmanager.global")</option>
> <option value="both">
> $msg.get("rightsmanager.both")</option>
> </select>
> - #else<input type="hidden" name="wiki"
> value="local"/>#end
> - #set($colsp = $maxlevel + 1)
> + #else<input type="hidden" name="wiki"
> value="local"/>#end
> + #set($colsp = $maxlevel + 1)
> </td>
> <td colspan="$colsp"><input type="hidden"
> name="clsname" value="$clsname" /></td>
> </tr>