Hi devs,
We've always tried to follow standards in the XWiki project. I'd like
to propose that we start adhering to the WCAG ones to make XWiki even
more accessible.
The reason I'm proposing this is because XWiki SAS has been contacted
by some Dutch organization promoting the usage of standards in
Netherlands and they're interested in using XWiki for their site. As
such they need that the wiki they use also follows the guidelines...
They've found XWiki since it was one of the wikis out there that
follows most closely the guidelines.
This is our opportunity to meet the WCAG guidelines and go even beyond
(since the Dutch guidelines go slightly further I believe, see http://www.webrichtlijnen.nl/english/guidelines/)
. We would be the first wiki to meet this!
If we agree we'll need to find some ways to automate the execution of
the verifications. Right now we can test pages using this validator:
I've started verifying this page:
Some examples of failing stuff:
1) Style attribute forbidden. Everything from CSS.
Ex from home page:
<div id="globallinks"> <form action="/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebSearch"
style="margin: 0; padding: 0;"> <div id="globalsearch"> <input
id="globalsearchinput" type="text" name="text" value="search..."
size="15" class="withTip"/><input class="button" value="Go"
type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/xwiki/search.png"/> </div> </
form> </div>
<div class="hidden" id="spSpaceCreateForm"><form action="/xwiki/bin/
view/Main/?xpage=create" method="post"> <div> <input name="tocreate"
type="hidden" value="space"></input> <input class="panelinput"
name="title" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Space name'"
onfocus="if(this.value=='Space name') this.value=''"
style="margin:auto;" type="text" value="Space name"></input> <input
type="submit" value="Create"></input> </div> </form> </div>
<p style="font-size:0.75em;padding-left:8px;"><a href="/xwiki/bin/
inline/Panels/QuickLinks">(Edit this panel)</a></p>
2) Need to run CSS Level 2.1 validation. Lots of error. For ex on home
page: http://bit.ly/4x9YlM
3) Apparently we made a mistake by choosing to have 2 H1 (one for
title and for headers). "The document hierarchy contains more that one
h1 tags .".
Before going further I'd like to ensure that we all agree to follow
these guidelines and put in our best practices (and ensure we verify
with some automated tests later on).
Here's my +1
I was looking for yesterday for a widget/macro/application in XWiki that
could provide a nice looking slideshow for some images (with transitions)
with no success. I finally wrote a macro by myself using velocity and
Javascript (all browsers compatible) and I would like to contribute. Thx !
Globotraders Tahiti Founder [http://globotraders-tahiti.com]
Should we make the lucene search the default search or not?
In the default XAR the Lucene search is marked as experimental. This
has been the case for a long time now.
I think we need to do something about this. Do you think the Lucene
search is working well enough to be set as the default?
Hello all,
We are happy to inform you a new Top Level Project as been created :
XWiki Contrib. (see http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Forge for a
list of all Top Level Projects).
As its name state, The *XWiki Contrib Project* provides hosting for
projects related to XWiki. These projects are not part of the official
XWiki distributions and are not maintained by the XWiki development team.
The idea is that anyone with a project can be hosted in the XWiki
Contrib project. XWiki Contrib can provide projects with:
* A SVN directory in the XWiki repository
* Issue tracking on XWiki's JIRA instance
* Documentation pages on xwiki.org websites.
To find out more about it and get the all the details, we encourage you
to read the XWiki Contrib introduction at http://contrib.xwiki.org/
Now don't hesitate to request hosting for your project on the dev list
or to bother us with any question related to this project.
Jerome, on behalf of the XWiki Development Team.
Hi, everybody.
I'm doing some translations in l10n.xwiki.org. I found there is a link
"Get as application resource".
Its contents are:
## XWiki Translation for language zh
#Mon Nov 09 13:55:45 CET 2009
I guess there is a way to import my translation back into my wiki,
isn't there? Or would I have to wait for the next release for my
translation to be applied?
-- ZhaolinFeng
-- Currahee! We stand alone together!
I am working on creating blog entries using xwiki. I was wondering if it would be possible to create a template for the blog entries so that they will be more structured?
Thank you for your time and help!
Hande Aksac
Hello devs,
got a really newbie question and sitting on it for hours.
Your help will be appreciated. All I am trying to do is
- writing a Java class which has a method - when called
with doc name/ID will return the document title. That is all.
The following code is what Itried:
import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext;
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Api;
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki;
import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument;
public class SampleService extends Api
public SampleService()
super(); /// I guess there should be XwikiContext parameter in
the constructor
public String myDocTitle(String:name)
com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument docu =
context.getWiki().getDocument("theSpace.theDoc", context); // I do
not where to get this context from
return docu.getTitle();
Hello all,
Following the initial discussion at
http://markmail.org/thread/kachlhm3d26g22jb I by this mail throw a vote
to move on and create the contrib project.
After giving it some more thoughts in a discussion with Vincent, here is
what I propose :
1) Create a "contrib" top level project, so create :
- The "contrib.xwiki.org" wiki with the draft at
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/Contrib-Main-WebHome as
initial content for it's Main.WebHome
- List this wiki in the Main.Forge page on www.xwiki.org, and also
refactor a little this page using the content at
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/Www-Main-Forge (The main
noticeable difference is the change of wording between "XWiki Products
and Extensions" to "XWiki [Top Level] Projects", and the fact platform
now belongs to the list).
- Create a contrib directory at svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/, with the
following architecture :
*people* will be a directory for "personal tests" projects (such as
http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/sandbox/xdom/). The idea is behind is
to give whoever requests it a personal space where he can experiment
with XWiki code, and that space is private (i.e. an implied rule is that
people are not supposed to commit code in others projects, thus making
it different from sandbox projects). Each sub-folder of people/ will be
composed of the name of the person that requests his project, for
example "jvelociter".
*projects* will hosts the actual contrib projects, that are active
(meaning that they still do make sense as projects in the XWiki
ecosystem, they are not abandoned, etc.)
*retired* will be the "place where dead project go ;(" for example
http://svn.xwiki.org/svnroot/xwiki/sandbox/xeclipse-gsoc/ since it's now
replaced by the XEclipse top level project.
*sandbox* will be the new place for the current sandbox. We therefore
propose to move all sandboxed projects here (except for the retired ones
that will go straight to california).
2) Create a "XWiki Contribs" JIRA project with projects from "sandbox"
and "projects" as components. Note that we want to leave open the
possibility for big projects to have their own JIRA on our installation
as well. We will move existing issues that are right now correctly
componentized in the current XSANDBOX to the new project, and lose the
other ones (which are a couple of old closed issues AFAIR).
Here is my +1
Please let me know what you think of all this. If we agree I'd like to
make the move during the week.
Hi Everyone,
Is there any Hibernate database interface that I can use to store my own
data like design rationale object?
Hi Marius for last time I asked your that:
Could you explain a little how WYSIWYG editor can restore data using
Hibernate? Is there is a API for that or something else. Could you also
point me the package which handle the data restore?
Here is me at Graduate Forum handout XWiki flyers and people are interested
in XWiki :-)
Thank you everyone! XWiki is awesome!