Today I just got my first OOM when building xwiki. It happened in the
xwiki-core tests:
Running com.xpn.xwiki.notify.PropertyChangedRuleTest
org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireExecutionException: Java heap
space; nested exception is java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
The bad part is that I'm building with:
Anyone else has noticed a memory req increase in the build?
Thank you Guillaume! It works now!
Hello Marius, I have improved the document
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/WysiwygEditor by giving
an example how to add a new button to the toolbar of WYSIWYG editor. At
first, I thought only Xwiki people who created Xwiki can edit the document.
Today I tried to register and I know I can edit it too! That's great! I also
can write a document about how to Load GWT application to Xwiki page, do you
know where should I place this new document? Should I place it in a existing
page or should place create a new page?
Marius, I will digest what your replied last time. Thank you! :-D
PS: I will be in China during Dec 26 ~ Jan 11, 2011, if anyone xwiki people
have a chance to come to Beijing let me know I will should you around.
Have a nice week everyone!
We did it !!!!
I want to all thank you for helping making this happen. This is just
great for XWiki.
With this conference where we get 5 minutes on stage in the keynote room
+ a mini-pod in the exposition room, we will get a huge exposure for XWiki.
If there are some Californian's that want to meet while I'm there in San
Francisco, please tell me. It Nov 2nd, 3rd at the Moscone. I'll probably
stay a few days after.
Do come see us at the exposition. If you have a great usage of XWiki
come even more to show it to other potential users of XWiki.
The best way to help XWiki is to spread it's usage.
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi devs,
One of the items for the 2.1 XE is:
"Clean the colibri skin so that it's no longer a pile of code added on top
of Toucan"
I would ask you to help me test the cleanup for the Colibri skin. The
cleanup was made on the XE 2.0 release.
You can find colibri.css, ie-6.css and ie-all.css at:
>From the original colibri.css size of 73,9 Ko and 4408 lines of code,
now we have 29,7 Ko and 1526 lines of code.
My problem is that I didn't delete too much. You can find the leftovers at:
The code could be even more compressed if there weren't so many
inconsistencies in the markup for doing the same thing (ex. button usage,
panel input elements, etc).
I didn't use anything from the colibri/ie.css - so this can be deleted if
the cleanup is accepted and committed.
There are some standards in the cleanup, like:
- alphabetical order for the css proprieties;
- 2 spaces indentation for the proprieties;
- comment headers for separation and grouping of different parts of the
- "Overwrites" and "Should be in" comments for dependencies overwriting.
It would be nice if the code can be tested in a more "advanced" manner to
cover for the unusual parts that I might not cover in my testing.
There are some minor differences from the XE2.0 Colibri in the display. My
request is: if you find one of those be sure it doesn't have another style
associated or the problem is not in the CSS, but in the markup.
You can report bugs replying to this mail or on the incubator page
Thank you,
Hi Devs,
right now an user can have edit rights on a page even though he does not
have the view right on that page.
This sounds weird to me since that user can still access the page's content
by going to the right URL.
Thus I think it would be better to have the view right inherited from the
edit right (if an user can edit a page he should also be able to view it).
Is there any drawback to this?
Here's the matching JIRA issue: http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-4491
Thanks for your feedback,
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki SAS
Skype: wikibc
Twitter: glerouge
Hi Everyone, Hi Marius,
I have successfully load my GWT tree on to the Xwiki page. I met a new
problem which is that I cannot add the background color button to the
toolbar of WYSIWYG editor. I have read the document:
and I tried two ways, first is to edit templates/macros.vm I edited this
line: toolbar: '$xwiki.getXWikiPreference("wysiwyg.toolbar", "bold italic
underline strikethrough backcolor teletype | subscript superscript |
unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format fontname
fontsize forecolor backcolor | hr symbol | link unlink | importer")', No
matter where I put "backcolor forecolor" it just would not show up.
Second I added wysiwyg.toolbar as String property to Xwiki.preferences
class, and edit the Xwiki.preferences in the object editor and I put bold
italic underline strikethrough teletype | subscript superscript |
justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull | unorderedlist
orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format | fontname fontsize
forecolor backcolor | hr removeformat symbol as value of wysiwyg.toolbar,
please see the screenshot for what I did:
After that the background colorWYSIWYG editor still does not appear. please
see the screen shot:
you give me some ideas what was wrong?
I successfully load my GWT tree view to Xwiki right side pannel(Thank you,
Marius.) I want to make it interact with WYSIWYG editor. For example, if
user highlighted one sentence from a document in the WYSIWYG editor and
clicked on one node of the GWT tree say "Argument", then it will set the
highlighted sentence's background yellow(or blue). Could you give me some
ideas how can I make the tree interact with WYSIWYG editor like that?
Thank you for your help! Really appreciate it!
Is there a way to register a Wiki Macro through scripting. When I import
a Wiki Macro it does not seem to get registered and when I do
$doc.save() on it it does not register it either.
I suppose it's because we intercept the save at a different level
(probably on the save action).
How can I workaround that ?
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Since we need 65MB of perm size and since Sun's JVMs have it set to 32
(client) or 64MB (server) by default I propose to modify our default
shell script that start xwiki with:
JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx300m -XX:MaxPermSize=64m"
Note that strangely for me, I get 64m+32m=96mb of non heap space with
this setting. If I use MaxPermSize=96m then I get 128mb. I still
haven't figured this out.
Could it be that MaxPermSize is the additional memory from the default
(32m for client)?