The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise 1.9.3.
Go grab it at
This is a bug fix and enhancement release mainly around security and
the tag and mailsender applications.
Changes since XWiki Enterprise 1.9.2.
* XWIKI-4065 New Footnote macro
Important Bugs fixed:
* XWIKI-4109: Guest users are sometimes logged in with another user account
* XWIKI-3827: GWT wysiwyg editor has dark background with Albatross skin
* XPMAIL-17: Wrong characters in non-ascii emails
* XATAG-21: List documents with tag, rename/delete tag fails with
specific versions of MySQL5
* XATAG-22: Rename and delete actions fail with tag containing non-ascii chars
* XABLOG-27: Article date not displayed properly in IE6
For more information see the Release notes at:
The XWiki dev team
Please give feedback on the menu iteration. You can view the mockups at
1. We need to decide the way we handle the actions we are able to do
(depending on the rights we have): enable/disable them or hide them.
2. You can select to have an simple or advanced menu (View and Edit submenus
Hi devs,
I would like to introduce a first partial beta of the event network
distribution system in the 2.0M3.
Note that the module itself is complete what will need to be done with
debugging is making everything in core use the new Observation Manager
instead of the old notification service.
For this release i plan to:
- add the remote observation manager module (disabled by default)
- implement a EventConverter for documents events (event convert has a
generic converter for Serializables events but documents converted has
XWikiDocument and XWikiContext we want to filter before sending it to
the network).
- make XWiki cache store listen to remote doc event to invalidate the
cache accordingly (this is the main thing that will bring event based
clustering support to XWiki, all the rest is already supposed to
update its cache based on events remote or not)
Here is my +1
Thomas Mortagne
I know that we all volunteer for this project and so this is not a critic of anybody's work but I have to say that the Feed Plugin has more holes than a Swiss cheese and I should know. I could work around all the issues but now the SyndEntryDocumentSource class does not render Wiki 2.0 code (hard coded to 1.0).
There is also an issue where the conversion of Categories fails in the Rome Converters because the Categories is a String but the Rome expects a SyncdCategory. The only conversion that works so far is atom_0.3.
One of the problems I see with the Feed Plugin is that the test suite is not sufficient and therefore many of the method now fail in 2.0. I would volunteer to help to build it if someone could show me to how to setup a test environment where I could execute the Feed Plugin against (Blog first). Is there a plugin that tests against a mock up XWiki to make sure it is working?
Andreas Schaefer
Could you please consider writing a short tutorial on creating /
modifying skins?
For example, how to use a custom logo?
Right now I'm trying to replace standard Toucan logo with my own with a
couple links below it, I tried replacing <div id="companylogo"> fragment
in global.vm, but I'm completely stuck with the css part. The logo and
the links are there all right, but the layout is wrong. And I can't
simply search-and-replace all 220s and 80s, because it's not a single
picture but a table with 2 pictures and 5 links inside. I'd probably
manage to do it by trial and error, but then I'd have no idea if it
looks the same on other systems.
It's probably easy, but my knowledge of css is rudimentary (basically I
know what it is, how to apply it, and how to use it for fonts, sizes and
colors; layouts are beyond me).
It would be nice to have a basic tutorial like "if you want to replace
the logo with your own picture enter it's size here, here and here, if
you want to replace it with arbitrary html change this, this and this so
the height of the logo area isn't hardcoded".
Greetings, Lilianne
Hello Community,
I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature:
rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a
standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.
About the functionality.
Equations are written in the TeX/LaTeX syntax, which is pretty simple,
and seems to be the syntax of choice for mathematical equations in other
wikis, too. The macro can distinguish between inline and block equations
and render them accordingly. The output can be either PNG (the default
one), GIF or JPEG. While PNG is definitely the best, I kept the other
two in case somebody really wants to use ancient browsers that only
understand GIF.
Q: Should I leave just PNG as the output format?
Another feature is that the font size can be specified, in order to
render larger or smaller equations. All the font size commands from
LaTeX (from \tiny to \Huge) have an equivalent. I renamed them to a more
easy to understand name (also because the configuration is case
insensitive, so there's no difference between large and LARGE).
By default images are generated so that the font looks relatively OK
with the default XWiki skin on a 72 or 96 DPI display. They might look
disproportionate with a different DPI, or with a different default font
Q: Is the default DPI setting OK?
Second, a few technical details:
The standalone component is located in
platform/core/xwiki-equation-rendering. I don't know if the name is the
best (Vincent complained). On one hand, this describes better what the
component does: it renders equations. On the other hand, it might cause
confusion with the xwiki-rendering system.
The component currently has three implementations:
- a native one, which relies on the latex system being present. It gives
the best results, from a graphical point of view, but requires the
presence of external programs, and involves a slight overhead for
starting new processes and for working with the disk. Currently it might
have some security problems, I'll have to see if opening input and
output files from TeX is a problem, or how to disable this. Any help
from someone who know more about TeX?
Q: Does anybody know of any security issues with running latex, dvips or
convert? Especially with the \openin and \openout commands?
- one which uses MathTran as a remote service through HTTP requests. It
gives results as good as the native one, enhanced with some metadata,
and depending on the configuration of the server, it might have better
performance than the native one. The disadvantage is that it relies
heavily on a remote server. Note that MathTran is free software, and can
be installed locally on the same or a neighboring server. Oh, another
minor problem is that it uses a variant of the TeX syntax, not LaTeX.
- one which uses SnuggleTeX and JEuclid to transform LaTeX into MathML,
and then render it into images. The results are not as eye-pleasing as
those obtained from LaTeX, but it is a self-contained solution, with no
external dependencies.
SnuggleTeX uses the liberal 3-clause BSD license, JEuclid uses the
Apache v2 license, so both can be deployed. Together, they weight in at
730k, so it's not a big impact. The other two implementations are not
contaminated by the licenses of the underlying system, so there's no
license conflict.
Q: Should either one be removed?
Q: Do you know of any other (better) alternative?
By default the native renderer is used, since it gives the best results
and doesn't depend on an external service. SnuggleTeX is configured as a
backup (safe) renderer which kicks in when the default one isn't working
(missing tex subsystem, or communication error with the remote server).
Q: Is this setup OK as the default one? (native by default, snuggletex
as fallback).
The generated images are stored in a cache (using the cache component),
for improved performance. This new cache might increase the memory
requirements, but fortunately it is easy to configure.
The rendering macro is located in
and the macro can be used with
Q: Is the macro name appropriate? Do you know of a better one?
Future work:
- make sure that there are no security issues with the Native backend
- add support for MathML display for the clients that understand it
- improve the alignment of images (especially for the Native backend),
as right now they are a bit raised above the text baseline
Many thanks to Guillaume Legris who provided the starting point for this
Sergiu Dumitriu
We have some rules on
I'd like to clarify it with this:
* A module's package name should be of the form
* Thus the internal package should start at
* Default modules (*-default) should use the same package root as the -
api module they're implementing.
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Asiri Rathnayake <
asiri.rathnayake(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Niels Mayer <nielsmayer(a)>
> wrote:
> > Another interesting advanced JS data-visualization toolkit that would be
> > useful to integrate in Xwiki.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Protovis sounds cool, but the way xwiki macros work will make it difficult
> (or messy) to implement a macro that will have to depend on a JS library.
> What we can do is this:
> * Implement the wiki-macro bridge:
> (Basically this will allow
> you
> to convert any wiki content into your personal macro) - I'll finish this in
> a week or so.
> * We use a JSX (?) to get protovis support.
> * Neils can implement a js charting wiki-macro using protovis ;)
> I want to ask other developers, Is this possible? (I have a confusion about
> macros + js working together)
I have Macros/JS working together all the time, using JSX. I'm certain it's
possible, given the kinds of integration I've been able to do in
Exhibit&Xwiki, e.g.
Here's a simple example, which are tests for my Xwiki integration of which is the media
player used in the NPRpods3 application above:
(xwiki integration of
with an improvement, the JWplayer example doesn't work on Linux/Firefox,
mine does!)
(wiki-code for above)
(the javascript playlist from XWiki.JavaScriptExtension[0])
## Load and initialize LoadJS: defines injectJS(url) required by JWPlayer
## Load and initialize JWPlayer after LoadJS.
## Load JavaScript playlist from object XWiki.JavaScriptExtension[0] into
## js variable jwplayer_jspl, used below in parameter to
## function(jwpl){jwpl.sendEvent(’LOAD’, jwplayer_jspl);}. This function
## by jwplayer’s playerReady() calback when player has been instantiated,
## causes the javascript-based playlist to get loaded.
#set( $jw_name = "$" )##
#set( $jw_player = "jwplayer_embed_generic(’$jw_name’, ’mpl’,
function(jwpl){jwpl.sendEvent(’LOAD’, jwplayer_jspl);}, ’100%’, ’385px’);"
#jwplayer_create("$jw_name", "$jw_player")## is another test
using playlists.
This also calls JS jwplayer_embed_generic(), but with an external file,
passed as URL/string, instead of creating the playlist in lambda-function as
above. ( ):
#set( $jw_player = "jwplayer_embed_generic(’$jw_name’, ’mpl’,
’/xwiki/bin/view/Macros/JWPlayer_PlayList?xpage=plain’, ’100%’, ’385px’);"
JS functions jwplayer_embed(), jwplayer_embed_generic() and macros
#jwplayer_xwiki_init(), #jwplayer_create() are from
Going in "the other direction", here's an example of using velocity to
compute results returned by Javascript:…
#set( $total_attachments_size = 0 ) ## javascript:getAttachmentsSize()
#set( $total_attachments_names = [] ) ## javascript:getAttachmentsNames()
#foreach ($attach in $doc.attachmentList) ## {
#set( $ok = $total_attachments_names.add("'${attach.filename}'") )
## append attachment filename to ArrayList
#set( $total_attachments_size = ${total_attachments_size} +
${attach.getFilesize()} ) ## compute total size of atttachments
#end ## } -- foreach
function getAttachmentsNames() { return (${total_attachments_names}); }
function getAttachmentsSize() { return (${total_attachments_size}); }
lpattachments is called from an iframe. The parent document accesses the
iframe'd document's javascript functions like this: (…
// get size of files in attachments iframe
function getAttachmentsSize() {
return (window.frames['attachment_iframe'].getAttachmentsSize());
// retrieve ArrayList of filenames contained in attachment
function getAttachmentsNames() {
return (window.frames['attachment_iframe'].getAttachmentsNames());
-- Niels