I have a java macro which I've written that I'd like to reference from a panel.
Is there a way to use xwiki 2.0 syntax in a panel so I can invoke my macro?
It would appear that panels utilize 1.0 syntax? As a workaround I added yet another 2.0 page with just the macro invocation and then included that page in the panel. It seems like a catch22 if I create a component macro I can only use it in 2.0 and if I create a radeox macro I can only use it in 1.0.
How does one write a macro that can be accessable from 1.0 or 2.0 as well as from a panel?
Or, will the 1.0 be jettisoned entirely at some point ?
I think we need to add a plain text parser & a "plain/1.0" syntax id.
Here's a use case: you want to add a groovy class in a wiki page (and
you don't want it to be rendered as wiki syntax of course).
Following the previously aborted vote, here's a new proposal. The
problem with the current implementation is that you cannot write:
for (LinkBlock block : xdom.getChildrenByType(LinkBlock.class, true)) {
Block newBlock = new
FormatBlock(Collections.<Block>singletonList(block), Format.ITALIC);
This fails because when the "block" is added in FormatBlock, its
parent is set to be the FormatBlock and thus when block.replace()
executes the parent of the new block is set to be the format block
instead of its parent.
I thus propose an API that is inline with the w3c DOM API:
* Replaces an existing children block with the passed new block.
* Also sets the new block's parent to be the current block.
* @param newBlock the new block to replace the old block with
void replaceChild(Block newBlock, Block oldBlock);
* Replaces an existing children block with the passed new blocks.
* Also sets the new block's parents to be the current block.
* @param newBlocks the new blocks to replace the old block with
void replaceChild(List<Block> newBlocks, Block oldBlock);
Note for Sergiu (before he asks ;)):
- We had evaluated using either the w3c Node API or the JCR Node API
before we created our own Block API.
- We cannot use the w3c Node interface since it contains too many
references to XML (like CDATA, ProcessingInstruction, etc)
- We cannot use the JCR Node API since it's too complex and contains
references to mixins, etc.
Here's my +1
It seems that plugins that need to add panels or js/css support files end up creating a space with pages to store these elements. This in turn seems like it would lead to a plethora of spaces for which end users don't really have much use.
Ideally it would be nice to just have all these files in the jar file and have them invisibly be part of xwiki without needing to import an xar and create a new space. The advantage of this is you have a nice single package for updating and installation. This is typical of a confluence plugin.
Are there any plans to allow for 'plugin spaces' that might be 'hidden' or possibly have content provided more easily from a jar?
On a separate but related note, how do people deal today with revision control when there are wiki pages needed as part of a plugin? Do you keep exporting the plugin space and checking in xar files? I'm currently keeping page content separately as conventional files and pasting them into the wiki for testing.
I guess I'm not reporting anything is broke here but seems like some rough edges I'd like to smooth out.
Right now we have a Block.replace(List<Block> newBlocks) API but I'd
like to add a new one:
Block.replace(Block newBlock);
Here's a use case, be able to write:
for (LinkBlock block :
xdom.getChildrenByType(LinkBlock.class, true)) {
Block newBlock = new
FormatBlock(Collections.<Block>singletonList(block), Format.ITALIC);
Rather than:
for (LinkBlock block :
xdom.getChildrenByType(LinkBlock.class, true)) {
Block newBlock = new
FormatBlock(Collections.<Block>singletonList(block), Format.ITALIC);
The rationale is that in most cases when we do a replace we do it with
a single block since most of our blocks contain children blocks.
I'd like to add this in 2.0 and also in 1.9 (not breaking anything).
The reason for 1.9 is that I'd like to use it in our Rendering
documentation (actually that's how I discovered the pb).
Here's my +1
Hi devs,
Currently our Checkstyle configuration contains this:
<module name="LineLength">
<property name="ignorePattern" value="(@version|@see|@link|^import)"/>
<property name="max" value="120"/>
I propose we add the following pattern to the ignorePattern property:
The reason is that "Java identifiers referenced from within JSNI methods
can get quite long and cannot be parsed if split across lines." (
http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/makinggwtbetter.html#codestyle ).
Here's an example:
var editor =
So without modifying the ignorePattern I'm forced to exclude an entire
Java source file from Checkstyle just because some of the JSNI lines are
too long.
I'm +1 changing the ignorePattern property.
On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 06:45, asiri <platform-notifications(a)xwiki.org> wrote:
> Author: asiri
> Date: 2009-06-03 06:45:22 +0200 (Wed, 03 Jun 2009)
> New Revision: 20727
> Modified:
> Â platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java
> Log:
> [misc] Made setParent() method use a compact document name serializer instead of the toString() method in DocumentName class.
> Modified: platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java
> ===================================================================
> --- platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java  2009-06-03 00:14:00 UTC (rev 20726)
> +++ platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/doc/XWikiDocument.java  2009-06-03 04:45:22 UTC (rev 20727)
> @@ -605,7 +605,9 @@
> Â Â Â */
> Â Â public void setParent(DocumentName parentName)
> Â Â {
> - Â Â Â Â this.parent = parentName.toString();
> + Â Â Â Â DocumentNameSerializer serializer =
> + Â Â Â Â Â Â (DocumentNameSerializer) Utils.getComponent(DocumentNameSerializer.class, "compact");
You don't need that, there is already a compactDocumentNameSerializer
initialized in XWikiDocument constructor.
> + Â Â Â Â this.parent = serializer.serialize(parentName);
> Â Â }
> Â Â public String getFullName()
> @@ -3154,10 +3156,10 @@
> Â Â public List<String> getChildren(XWikiContext context) throws XWikiException
> Â Â {
> - Â Â Â Â String[] whereParams = { this.getWikiName() + ":" + this.getFullName(), this.getFullName(), this.getName(),
> - Â Â Â Â Â Â this.getSpace() };
> -
> - Â Â Â Â String whereStatement = "doc.parent=? or doc.parent=? or (doc.parent=? and doc.space=?)";
> + Â Â Â Â String[] whereParams =
> + Â Â Â Â Â Â {this.getWikiName() + ":" + this.getFullName(), this.getFullName(), this.getName(), this.getSpace()};
> +
> + Â Â Â Â String whereStatement = "doc.parent=? or doc.parent=? or (doc.parent=? and doc.space=?)";
> Â Â Â Â return context.getWiki().getStore().searchDocumentsNames(whereStatement, Arrays.asList(whereParams), context);
> Â Â }
> @@ -3953,10 +3955,7 @@
> Â Â Â * renaming algorithm takes into account the fact that there are several ways to write a link to a given page and
> Â Â Â * all those forms need to be renamed. For example the following links all point to the same page:
> Â Â Â * <ul>
> - Â Â * <li>[Page]</li>
> - Â Â * <li>[Page?param=1]</li>
> - Â Â * <li>[currentwiki:Page]</li>
> - Â Â * <li>[CurrentSpace.Page]</li>
> + Â Â * <li>[Page]</li> <li>[Page?param=1]</li> <li>[currentwiki:Page]</li> <li>[CurrentSpace.Page]</li>
> Â Â Â * </ul>
> Â Â Â * <p>
> Â Â Â * Note: links without a space are renamed with the space added.
> _______________________________________________
> notifications mailing list
> notifications(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications
Thomas Mortagne
Hello devs,
I'd like to reorganize the document footer as depicted in
http://incubator.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Mockups/DocumentFooter , namely:
1: Tags will be displayed after the document content, as links to tag
pages, and not in an input element in the Information tab as they are
now. They are still editable in view mode by clicking an edit button
available after the tags list.
2. The "Created by ... on ..." information about the document will be
displayed before "Last modified by...", under the document content, and
not down in the page footer, where it seems ambiguous (seems to be
referring to the whole wiki), nor in the Information tab.
3. The "Information" tab becomes "Related documents", since it does not
contain the tags and the creator anymore. The related documents are:
* parent (editable in view mode by the same mechanism as the tags)
* children
* included documents
* links and backlinks
4. A new "Rights" tab is displayed for admins after "Related pages",
basically providing the rights management UI.
Here's my +1.
Any objections / other suggestions?
Sergiu Dumitriu