Hi Sergiu,
sdumitriu (SVN) wrote:
> Author: sdumitriu
> Date: 2009-04-19 21:40:15 +0200 (Sun, 19 Apr 2009)
> New Revision: 18827
> Added:
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/boolean.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/calendar.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/database.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/groups.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/move.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/number.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/password.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/propertyType-Generic.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/rights.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/staticlist.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/string.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/textarea.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/tree.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/users.png
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/js/xwiki/dataeditors/
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/js/xwiki/dataeditors/dataeditors.css
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/js/xwiki/dataeditors/dataeditors.js
> Modified:
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/templates/editclass.vm
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/templates/editobject.vm
> platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/templates/editpanelsvars.vm
> Log:
> XWIKI-3635: Improve the object and class editors
> Done. L10N will be done afterwards.
> Property changes on: platform/web/trunk/standard/src/main/webapp/resources/icons/datamodel/rights.png
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Name: svn:mime-type
> + image/png
This image is not very comprehensive. I had to look twice before getting
it is key ring.
> +XWiki.XPropertyOrdering = Class.create({
Shouldn't this be namespaced under the XWiki namespace ?
For example "XWiki.dataeditor.XPropertyOrdering"
If we do not make submodules in the XWiki objects, we'll make the same
mistake we did with the window object, and we will end up with a large
collection of properties and functions that have nothing to do one with
each other.
I'd rather keep the XWiki object for both holding modules and
functions/classes/properties that have sense in all XWiki pages, not
just in one module.
> _______________________________________________
> notifications mailing list
> notifications(a)xwiki.org
> http://lists.xwiki.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications
jvelociter (SVN) wrote:
> Author: jvelociter
> Date: 2009-04-16 20:03:35 +0200 (Thu, 16 Apr 2009)
> New Revision: 18760
> Modified:
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources.properties
> platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources_fr.properties
> platform/xwiki-applications/trunk/tag/src/main/resources/XWiki/TagCloud.xml
> Log:
> XE-430 In space dashboard, display tag cloud with tags of the space
> Modified: platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources.properties
> ===================================================================
> --- platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources.properties 2009-04-16 17:21:20 UTC (rev 18759)
> +++ platform/core/trunk/xwiki-core/src/main/resources/ApplicationResources.properties 2009-04-16 18:03:35 UTC (rev 18760)
> @@ -1117,6 +1117,7 @@
> # Tag application
> xe.tag.tags=Tags
> xe.tag.notags=No document has been tagged yet. Documents can be tagged from the information section (footer) or from the Document information panel available in edit mode. For more information on tagging please refer to the <a href="http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/">User Guide</a>.
> +xe.tag.notagsforspace=No document has been tagged yet in space *{0}*. Documents can be tagged from the information section (footer) or from the Document information panel available in edit mode. For more information on tagging please refer to the <a href="http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/">User Guide</a>.
I think we should rethink how/if to use wiki markup in localization
resources. This would fail if used in a document with the 2.0 syntax,
since the bold markup was changed.
Sergiu Dumitriu
* Thomas and I would like to split the current begin/endDocument()
events by adding begin/endGroup(). We're currently reusing the same
event for group usage (with the (((...))) syntax).
* This will allow us to write things such as (%...%)(((....))) in
order to add parameters for a group of standalone blocks
* We also propose to remove the (%...%)...(%%) notation in favor of
(%..%)(((...))) notation
* (%..%) will always be applied only to the next element, even for
inline content.
* Add support for (%...%){{macro/}}
Here's my +1
It works like a charm ;)
You are looking for something like:
Check the API of your XWiki (http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/DevGuide/API/xwiki-core-1.8.1-…), please.
Here a snippet where the prefix "XWiki." is handled in Velocity. Only the user login name and group name has to be entered.
Have fun,
#if(($request.action) && ($request.action == 'CheckGroupMembership'))
#set($group = "XWiki.${request.group}")
#set($user = "XWiki.${request.user}")
User $user IS in group $group
User $user IS NOT in group $group
1 Check Group Membership
<form action="$doc.getURL("view")" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="null" />
<td><input type="text" name="group" value="$!request.group" size="60" /><td>
<td><input type="text" name="user" value="$!request.user" size="60" /></td>
<input type="submit" value="Check Group Membership" onclick="document.getElementById('bequiet').style.visibility='visible';this.form.action.value='CheckGroupMembership'" />
<!-- <input type="reset" value="Cancel" /> -->
<div id="bequiet" style="visibility:hidden">
I`m trying to figure a way to check if a user is a member of one group.
I`m looking for something like:
a) retrieve the groups membership of an user in velocity
b) check if a user is a member of a specify group.
Thanks in advance
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Group-Members-in-Velocity-tp2641137p2652257.html
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi devs,
We need to come to a conclusion for handling New Lines(NL) and white
spaces (WS) in HTML and Velocity Macro.
If you remember from http://markmail.org/thread/mhqhxnz5twhev5se the
current problem is that we cannot indent scripts since WS and NL are
I'd like to reiterate the proposal that was sent but not enough people
voted on it (only Thomas did).
A) For the HTML macro, we propose to make the following changes:
- strip NL/WS between elements (elements that don't accept CDATA)
- strip leading/trailing NL/WS for element content before passing them
to the wiki syntax parser
B) for the Velocity macro we have 2 choices I can think of:
1) strip all leading spaces for all lines (but keep NL)
Note that this means that inside a velocity macro you wouldn't be able
to have a line break with the new line starting with spaces without
escaping the leading space with ~(space).
Note also that this means we will not be able to add extra new lines
to format the text nicely (since that would add new paragraphs) or
split a single line into several lines for extra readability. This is
the case today with the old syntax and it's a pain not to be able to
aerate the text with empty lines.
some text
~ next line #if (...) this goes on the same line #something(...)
This is a new paragraph
In this example notice that we need the velocity #if to be on the same
line since NL are significant.
2) strip all leading spaces for all lines + remove all NL too.
This means we need to ensure we still have one space remaining between
"words" (same as HTML).
The user would use something like $nl and $sp to explicitely enter new
lines and spaces.
The advantage is that you control completely the formatting (no magic
anymore) at the cost of a little extra work (adding the $nl where
Basically this means the same pros/cons as when you work with HTML
where you need to explicitly add <br/> when you want new lines.
some text $nl
$sp next line
#if (...)
this goes on the same line
#something(...) <-- this is also on the same line
$nl $nl
This a new paragraph
Note: I've aerated the text by putting extra new lines around the
velocity #if to show that it would work.
3) Same as 1) + strip 1 NL (i.e. line breaks) and only allow "forced"
line breaks with "\\".
The exact algorithm is: if there's 1 NL remove it, if there's more
than 1 leave them.
some text\\
~ next line
#if (...)
this goes on the same line
#something(...) <-- this is also on the same line
This a new paragraph
I'm +1 for A)
For B) I think the most flexible is 2) but I'm wondering if it's too
big a change for our users or not. If not 2) then 3).
i have this error since yesterday and all i did is trying to add a excel plugin
so i followed the tutorial , i added the jxl jar in lib directory and i putted the line
in xwiki.cfg but after having this error i rolled back all my changes i deleted the jar and restored
the xwiki.cfg to the same old state but still have the error:
Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context
Wrapped Exception: Error number 3001 in 3: Cannot load class com.xpn.xwiki.store.migration.hibernate.XWikiHibernateMigrationManager from param xwiki.store.migration.manager.class
Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: invalid configuration
Powered by Jetty://
what should i do, my work is lost?
help on this one please thank you very much
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Error-number-3-in-0-tp2642272p2642272.html
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
In the rendering code we have several places where we've had to create
generic string manipulation classes/methods (for example a method to
remove a single NL at start and end of string).
I think it would be better to create one or several components for
these string manipulation methods (same as we have xwiki-xml for xml
The idea is that we should use existing framework as much as possible
(StringUtils from commons lang for ex) but when we cannot find an
existing framework to manipulate text then we would put it in xwiki-
On Apr 16, 2009, at 12:56 PM, sdumitriu (SVN) wrote:
> Author: sdumitriu
> Date: 2009-04-16 12:56:05 +0200 (Thu, 16 Apr 2009)
> New Revision: 18727
> Added:
> enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/it/com/
> xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/SimpleAdvancedTest.java
> Modified:
> enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/it/com/
> xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/AllTests.java
> Log:
> XAADMINISTRATION-35: Administrative users get their own setting on
> usertype, and not the setting for the user whose profile they're
> viewing
> Added test.
> Patch submitted by Arun Reddy Nelakurthi, applied with codestyle
> changes
> Modified: enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/
> it/com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/AllTests.java
> ===================================================================
> --- enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/it/
> com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/AllTests.java 2009-04-16 10:54:34 UTC (rev
> 18726)
> +++ enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/it/
> com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/AllTests.java 2009-04-16 10:56:05 UTC (rev
> 18727)
> @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
> addTestCase(suite, DocExtraTest.class);
> addTestCase(suite, PanelsTest.class);
> addTestCase(suite, SectionTest.class);
> + addTestCase(suite, SimpleAdvancedTest.class);
Shouldn't this go in the existing UserProfileTest.class instead?
There seems to be some duplication too to create a user.
> return new XWikiSeleniumTestSetup(new XWikiTestSetup(suite));
> }
> Added: enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/it/
> com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/SimpleAdvancedTest.java
> ===================================================================
> --- enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/it/
> com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/
> SimpleAdvancedTest.java (rev 0)
> +++ enterprise/trunk/distribution-test/selenium-tests/src/test/it/
> com/xpn/xwiki/it/selenium/SimpleAdvancedTest.java 2009-04-16
> 10:56:05 UTC (rev 18727)
> @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
> +/*
> + * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
> + * information regarding copyright ownership.
> + *
> + * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
> + * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
> + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
> + * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> + *
> + * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> + * Lesser General Public License for more details.
> + *
> + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> + * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
> + * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
> + * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
> + */
> +package com.xpn.xwiki.it.selenium;
> +
> +import com.xpn.xwiki.it.selenium.framework.AbstractXWikiTestCase;
> +import com.xpn.xwiki.it.selenium.framework.AlbatrossSkinExecutor;
> +import com.xpn.xwiki.it.selenium.framework.XWikiTestSuite;
> +
> +import junit.framework.Test;
> +
> +/**
> + * Verify Advanced and Simple User type settings.
> + *
> + * @version $Id$
> + */
> +public class SimpleAdvancedTest extends AbstractXWikiTestCase
> +{
> + public static Test suite()
> + {
> + XWikiTestSuite suite = new XWikiTestSuite("Verify Advanced
> and Simple User type settings.");
> + suite.addTestSuite(SimpleAdvancedTest.class,
> AlbatrossSkinExecutor.class);
> + return suite;
> + }
> +
> + protected void setUp() throws Exception
> + {
> + super.setUp();
> + open("Main", "WebHome");
> + }
> +
> + public void testSimpleAdvancedUsertype()
> + {
> + // Remove "JohnSmith" user if already exists
> + loginAsAdmin();
> + deletePage("XWiki", "JohnSmith");
> + getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad("30000");
> + // Ensure that the user isn't logged in
> + logout();
> +
> + // Register new user "JohnSmith"
> + getSelenium().click("headerregister");
> + getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad("30000");
> + getSelenium().type("register_first_name", "John");
> + getSelenium().type("register_last_name", "Smith");
> + getSelenium().type("xwikiname", "JohnSmith");
> + getSelenium().type("register_password", "JohnSmith");
> + getSelenium().type("register2_password", "JohnSmith");
> + getSelenium().type("register_email",
> "JohnSmith(a)example.com");
> + getSelenium().click("//input[@value='Register']");
> + getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad("30000");
> +
> + // Login as "JohnSmith" and chech for the user type. Verify
> whether the Usertype Switch Link works.
> + login("JohnSmith", "JohnSmith", false);
> + getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad("30000");
> + open("XWiki", "JohnSmith");
> + assertTextPresent("Switch to Advanced edit mode");
> + getSelenium().click("link=Switch to Advanced edit mode");
> + getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad("30000");
> + getSelenium().click("link=Switch to Simple edit mode");
> + getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad("30000");
> + assertTextPresent("Switch to Advanced edit mode");
> + logout();
> +
> + // Login as "Admin" and Verify whether usertype of
> "JohnSmith" is Simple.
> + loginAsAdmin();
> + open("XWiki", "JohnSmith");
> + assertTextPresent("Switch to Advanced edit mode");
> +
> + // Switch Usertype of "JohnSmith" to Advanced.
> + getSelenium().click("link=Switch to Advanced edit mode");
> + getSelenium().waitForPageToLoad("30000");
> + assertTextPresent("Switch to Simple edit mode");
> + logout();
> +
> + // Login as "JohnSmith" and verify whether the usertype is
> Advanced.
> + login("JohnSmith", "JohnSmith", false);
> + open("XWiki", "JohnSmith");
> + assertTextPresent("Switch to Simple edit mode");
> + logout();
> + }
> +}
Hi devs,
based on feedback from our system administrator & project managers, I'd like
to suggest the following improvements to the Office Importer application
(those improveents were initially suggested in 2 JIRA issues):
Administration - XAOFFICE-13
- Ability to set the server path in xwiki.cfg or xwiki.properties
(already done)
- Ability to overwrite the server path in a field on
- Provide an option to set the OOo server to start automatically when
XWiki gets started
- Ability to define this setting in xwiki.cfg or xwiki.properties
- Ability to overwrite this setting on
Ideally, we should also allow *remote access to the OOo server*, so that the
same OOo server can be used by more than 1 wiki and be located on another
machine. Asiri tells me that this is not possible with the current version
of JOD converter. However this feature is going to be oft requested. *Is
there any other way to make it work?*
*User Experience - XAOFFICE-14*
Right now, the link to the Office Importer is located in the action bar,
under the "Actions" menu. The action bar is meant to let users interact with
the current page (context actions), thus the "Import Office Document" link
shouldn't be located there.
- Move the "Import Office Document" link from the action bar to the Quick
Links panel and rename it to "Office Import".
- That's what we do with current default applications (Blog) and what we
used to do with the Photo album and the calendar. Since the Office Import is
a default application as well, I don't see why it should be trated
differently. Additionally, it would make it easier for admins to remove the
link if needed, by editing the panel (right now the link cannot be removed
from the interface, which is annoying if the admin doesn't want to setup an
OOo server and rather hide the feature).
On the XWiki/OfficeImporter page, the import feature is displayed even if
the OOo server is not currently running. Only after the user first tries to
import a file is the "Open Office Server not available" message displayed.
- If the OOo server isn't running when the user accesses the
XWiki/OfficeImporter page, a message should be displayed saying that:
- "You cannot import an Office document since the conversion server
has not been started. Please ask an administrator to get it started."
- If the current user is an admin, the message should read:
- "You cannot import an Office document since the conversion server
has not been started. You can start the OpenOffice server and
manage it from
this page (link to the OOo server administration page)."
On the XWiki/OfficeImporer page, the user is expected to know the name of
the space he will import the file into. This is not very user friendly.
- Provide a select box displaying a list of spaces before the input
field. If no space is selected (select box left empty), the value in the
input field is used. If the input field is empty as well, a warning asking
the user to choose a space is returned.
- Change the text to read: "Please select a space: [space select box] or
create a new one [create space input field]"
If the user tries to import an Office Document on a page that already
exists, an error message is dislayed but no "next step" is suggested.
- Ideally, when the user types the name of the page he wants to create, a
live JS validator should tell him whether the page already exists or not
- If the JS solution isn't possible: the message should be improved to
- "The target document Main.WebHome already exists. Please try again
(link to the XWiki/OfficeImporter page) and choose another page name."
The XWiki/OfficeImporter page offers little explanations as to its purpose
and how it works.
- An additional line should be added at the top, between the title and
the import field, reading:
- "This page allows you to import Office Documents into your wiki. It
will turn the Office document you uploaded into a wiki page."
- "Document" should be renamed to "Select a document to import" next to
the input field
I'm aware there's a lot of data in here, I'll create a separate thread to
discuss a specific point if one of them turns out to be controversial.
Thanks for your feedback,
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype ID : wikibc
Hi everyone,
We've just found that XE 1.8.1 is having some GWT service
initialization issue in multiwiki mode. All applications using the
XWiki GWT service fail on XE 1.8.1 (in multiwiki mode only).
More specifically this will affects users in multiki mode and using
the new WYSIWYG editor or XWiki Watch (both using GWT Services).
For those users we recommend to wait for XE 1.8.2 which is planned for
early next week (week of the 20th of April).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
-Vincent on behalf of the XWiki dev team