I think it would be nice to look at Compass (http://www.compass-project.org/overview.html
) or Hibernate Search (http://www.hibernate.org/410.html) for the
I think Compass is better for us since we don't want to rely on
Hibernate for our storage in the future.
Here are some features of Compass:
- Simple Compass provides a simple API for working with Lucene. If you
know how to use an ORM, then you will feel right at home with Compass
with simple operations for save, and delete & query.
- Lucene Building on top of Lucene, Compass simplifies common usage
patterns of Lucene such as google-style search, index updates as well
as more advanced concepts such as caching and index sharding (sub
indexes). Compass also uses built in optimizations for concurrent
commits and merges.
- Mapping Compass provides support for mapping of different data
"formats" - indexing and storing (caching) them in the Search Engine:
Object to Search Engine Mapping (using annotations or xml), XML to
Search Engine Mapping (using simple xpath expressions), and the low
level Resource to Search Engine Mappping.
- Tx Compass provides a transactional API on top of the Search Engine
supporting different transaction isolation levels. Externally, Compass
provides a local transaction manager as well as integration with
external transaction managers such as JTA (Sync and XA), Spring, and
ORM ones.
- ORM Compass integrates seamlessly with most popular ORM frameworks
allowing automatic mirroring, to the index, of the changes in data
performed via the ORM tool. Compass has generic support for JPA as
well as embedded support for Hibernate, OpenJPA, TopLink Essentials,
and EclipseLink allow to add Compass using three simple steps.
- Spring Compass integrates seamlessly with Spring. Compass can be
easily configured using Spring, integrates with Spring transaction
management, has support for Spring MVC, and has Spring aspects built
in for reflecting operations to the search engine.
- Distributed Compass simplifies the creation of distributed Lucene
index by allowing to store the Lucene index in a database, as well as
storing the index simply with Data Grid products such as GigaSpaces,
Coherence and Terracotta.
The last point is especially important for our distributed lucene
searcg feature developed during the GSOC.
Hi devs,
We need to create a jira project for the MS Office integration. Jerome
has proposed to put in "XWiki Core & Products" section, with the
"*XOFFICE*" key. WDYT?
The first Add-in in the suite will be the Word Add-in and is currently
named *XWriter*( XWord is another option). I target the first milestone
release on November 19th, and a first final version somewhere around XE
1.8 final release date.
The solution also contains a project named *XWikiLib*. This is an
assembly that will contain most logic for the server connection and
other utilities. It might be useful for other members of the community
that may want to connect to XWiki from a .NET client.
Florin Ciubotaru
Could be a good idea to upgrade... Maybe we could try it during the
next release?
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> ** Task
> * [MRELEASE-316] - remove copy of plexus-utils' XML encoding
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I have configured Xwiki (release 1.6-milestone-2.12601) to authenticate
against my OpenLDAP (v2.3.35). I am continuously getting a "Wrong user name"
message on my UI. On investigating my ldap logs, I found that Xwiki first
authenticates successfully to OpenLDAP with the users id & password.
However it then tries to do a lookup of the user (I assume for the details
of the user), and at that time, it does not seem to be passing the base DN
in the request. In such scenarios OpenLDAP returns a "No such object" error.
I tried to do a test using ldapsearch without passing the base, and I got
the same error. Also, the error did not occur when I passed the base
parameter to ldapsearch.
I am trying to trace through this problem in the source, but meanwhile,
would like some help in figuring out whether my configuration is wrong, or
if someone has encountered a similar problem before.
Xwiki.cfg - LDAP Section
#-# new LDAP authentication service
#-# Turn LDAP authentication on - otherwise only XWiki authentication
#-# 0: disable
#-# 1: enable
#-# LDAP Server (Active Directory, eDirectory, OpenLDAP, etc.)
#-# base DN for searches
#-# LDAP login, empty = anonymous access, otherwise specify full dn
#-# {0} is replaced with the username, {1} with the password
#-# Force to check password after LDAP connection
#-# 0: disable
#-# 1: enable
#-# only members of the following group will be verified in the LDAP
#-# otherwise only users that are found after searching starting from the
#-# [SINCE 1.5RC1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# only users not member of the following group can autheticate
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.exclude_group=cn=admin,ou=groups,o=MegaNova,c=US
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the identifier to be used as the
XWiki name (default=cn)
#-# [SINCE 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the password to be used "when
xwiki.authentication.ldap.validate_password" is set to 1
#-# [SINCE 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The potential LDAP groups classes. Separated by commas.
#-# [SINCE 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The potential names of the LDAP groups fields containings the members.
Separated by commas.
#-# retrieve the following fields from LDAP and store them in the XWiki user
object (xwiki-attribute=ldap-attribute)
#-# ldap_dn=dn -- dn is set by class, caches dn in XWiki.user object for
faster access
#-# [SINCE 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# on every login update the mapped attributes from LDAP to XWiki otherwise
this happens only once when the XWiki account is created.
#-# [SINCE 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# mapps XWiki groups to LDAP groups, separator is "|"
#-# [SINCE 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# time in s after which the list of members in a group is refreshed from
LDAP (default=3600*6)
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.groupcache_expiration=21800
#-# [SINCE 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# - create : synchronize group membership only when the user is first
#-# - always: synchronize on every login
#-# [SINCE 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# if ldap authentication fails for any reason, try XWiki DB authentication
with the same credentials
#-# [SINCE 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# SSL connection to LDAP server
#-# 0: normal
#-# 1: SSL
#-# [SINCE 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The keystore file to use in SSL connection
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl.keystore=
#-# [SINCE 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The java secure provider used in SSL connection
OpenLDAP Log output (invoked from xwiki)
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(cn=manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>)=0
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>>,
do_bind: version=3 dn="cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>" method=128
==> bdb_bind: dn: cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>
do_bind: v3 bind: "cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>" to
send_ldap_result: conn=5 op=0 p=3
send_ldap_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=13 tag=97 err=0
ber_flush: 14 bytes to sd 19
connection_get(19): got connid=5
connection_read(19): checking for input on id=5
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 14 contents:
ber_scanf fmt ({m) ber:
do_extended: unsupported operation ""
send_ldap_result: conn=5 op=1 p=3
send_ldap_result: err=2 matched="" text="unsupported extended operation"
send_ldap_response: msgid=14 tag=120 err=2
ber_flush: 44 bytes to sd 19
connection_get(19): got connid=5
connection_read(19): checking for input on id=5
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 40 contents:
ber_scanf fmt ({miiiib) ber:
>>> dnPrettyNormal: <>
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <>, <>
SRCH "" 2 0 1000 0 0
begin get_filter
ber_scanf fmt ({mm}) ber:
end get_filter 0
filter: (uid=mmehta)
ber_scanf fmt ({M}}) ber:
send_ldap_result: conn=5 op=2 p=3
send_ldap_result: err=10 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=15 tag=101 err=32
OpenLDAP Log output (invoked by ldapsearch with base parameter specified)
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>>,
do_bind: version=3 dn="cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>" method=128
==> bdb_bind: dn: cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>
do_bind: v3 bind: "cn=Manager,dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>" to
send_ldap_result: conn=10 op=0 p=3
send_ldap_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=1 tag=97 err=0
ber_flush: 14 bytes to sd 21
connection_get(21): got connid=10
connection_read(21): checking for input on id=10
ber_get_next: tag 0x30 len 58 contents:
ber_scanf fmt ({miiiib) ber:
>>> dnPrettyNormal: <dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>>
=> ldap_bv2dn(dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>,0)
<= ldap_bv2dn(dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>)=0
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>)=0
=> ldap_dn2bv(272)
<= ldap_dn2bv(dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>)=0
<<< dnPrettyNormal: <dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>>,
SRCH "dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>" 2 0 0 0 0 ************** This is the
place where the base is available **********************
begin get_filter
ber_scanf fmt ({mm}) ber:
end get_filter 0
filter: (uid=mmehta)
ber_scanf fmt ({M}}) ber:
=> bdb_search
entry_decode: "dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>"
<= entry_decode(dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>)
search_candidates: base="dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>" (0x00000001) scope=2
=> bdb_dn2idl("dc=<mycompany>,dc=<mycountry>")
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_list_candidates 0xa0
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_list_candidates 0xa1
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_equality_candidates (objectClass)
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [b49d1940]
<= bdb_index_read: failed (-30990)
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=0, first=0, last=0
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=0 first=0 last=0
=> bdb_filter_candidates
=> bdb_equality_candidates (uid)
=> key_read
bdb_idl_fetch_key: [b5212845]
<= bdb_index_read 1 candidates
<= bdb_equality_candidates: id=1, first=37, last=37
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=1 first=37 last=37
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=1 first=37 last=37
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=1 first=37 last=37
<= bdb_list_candidates: id=1 first=37 last=37
<= bdb_filter_candidates: id=1 first=37 last=37
bdb_search_candidates: id=1 first=37 last=37
=> test_filter
<= test_filter 6
=> send_search_entry: conn 10
ber_flush: 769 bytes to sd 21
<= send_search_entry: conn 10 exit.
send_ldap_result: conn=10 op=1 p=3
send_ldap_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
send_ldap_response: msgid=2 tag=101 err=0
Hi there,
Microsoft just announced at the PDC that Windows Live ID becomes an OpenID
Provider [1]. This will create millions of new OpenID users to the already
existing ones of Yahoo, AOL, Blogger, Flickr, and so on.
I can hardly wait to see my OpenID support to be integrated into the next
XWiki release :-)
[1] http://dev.live.com/blogs/devlive/archive/2008/10/27/421.aspx
Dear devs,
Regarding XWIKI-2784 (Create a {{map}} macro for XWiki Syntax 2.0), I'd
like to discuss the way I should go to have several implementations
available for the same macro.
The idea is for one to be able to chose a map provider (google, MS live,
yahoo, etc.). From a syntax point of view, there are 2 possibilities :
1. Using a parameter : {{map service="google" .../}}
2. Using aliases for the macro {{livemap .../}}
(and 3. supporting both)
For 2. we could implement one macro per supported service, all of them
using the same parameters bean. There might be some redundant code
though, that would need to be extracted in a common class (for example
the code to generate the proper JS call according to the parameters, as
I plan to have a common JS interface for all services, and load the
proper one according to the service requested).
For 1. (or for 3.) I guess it would mean a unique macro class entry
point. Then a possibility I discussed with Thomas could be to have a
component interface for generating blocks for a map (MapProvider, or
something like this), and one implementation of that component per
service. The macro would then lookup for the proper implementation
according to the alias used or the parameters used.
WDYT ? Do I miss something there ?
Hi there,
Here's the roadmap I propose:
* Fix current issues
** Write Selenium tests for all current features (JV).
** Provide a Range/Selection implementation for IE. (fixes XWIKI-2737,
XWIKI-2738, XWIKI-2739). One option is to wrap this JavaScript code
. I have Jorgen's permision to use his code. This will save me from
implemeting it by myself (which is the second option). The third option
is to use the selection support from rocket-gwt library (
http://code.google.com/p/rocket-gwt/wiki/Selections ), which is limited
right now. I'm waiting for an answer regarding their roadmap. 24 man-hours
** Reimplement list support. (fixes XWIKI-2734). The default
implementation doesn't wrap nested lits in a list item element and fails
to detect the presence of a list when the cursor is on a list item with
a nested list inside (generated by the wiki editor). Indent/outdent for
nested lists have to be reimplemented also. 16 man-hours
** Improve history mechanism (fixes XWIKI-2731). I should restore the
previous selection on Undo/Redo. Right now, only the cursor position is
restored. 8 man-hours
** Reimplement the heading (using id's and possibly named anchors) and
improve the Format plugin (by adding Inline and Paragraph options
besides Title X). 8 man-hours
** Fix horizontal rule generation. (fixes XWIKI-2729) 2 man-hours
** Fix Insert Symbol features so it won't require any special encoding.
(fixes XWIKI-2669) Right now I have no idea on how fix this. 6 man-hours
** Use the same styling in edit mode as in view mode. (fixes
XWIKI-2721). I have to check what CSS rules from the Toucan style sheet
messes up the editor. 8 man-hours
** Fix cursor issues (navigation through empty DOM nodes using arrow
keys; avoid cursor hiding when the user clicks on an empty DOM element).
8 man-hours
Total: 80 man-hours // 1.7M1
* Integrate (& revisit) implemented features
** Justify (left, center, right, full) 3 man-hours
** Font (family, size) 3 man-hours
** Color (background, foreground) 3 man-hours
* Implement new features
** Teletype text. I have to discuss this with Vincent because there are
two use cases. 16 man-hours.
** Definition lists. Currently there's no support at all. 22 man-hours
** Clear inline formatting. 2 man-hours
** Insert/Edit/Remove Link. I have to extend the built-in command
"createlink" for our custom wiki link. We have to implement one big
tabbed-dialog for insertion and the link inspector. We also need to
implement the remote services for retrieving wiki, space, page,
attachment names, as well as comments and history. 8+32 man-hours
** Insert/Edit Image. We have to implement the insert dialog and the
image inspector. We also need to implement the remote services for
uploading and retrieving images as/from attachments. 24 man-hours
** Insert/Edit Table. We have to implement the insert dialog and the
table inspector. 24 man-hours
** Insert/Edit Macro. We have to implement the insert dialog and the
macro inspector. 24 man-hours
Total: 161 man-hours // 1.7RC1
* Pending features (in case we finish all the above)
** Full screen editing. I have to investigate this more, so I'm not sure
about the effort. 24 man-hours
** Paste/Import Office document fragments. Requires catching the paste
event and some on-server clean-up. We may also need an insert dialog. 16
man-hours, provided the server part is already done.
** Find & Replace. 24 man-hours
Total: 64 man-hours
As you can see there are plenty of things to do. We have to finish them
before Javapolis.
Hi Guys,
How can i get the currently logged in users in a separate page.(Currently
logged in of all the users in xwiki).
if i use the following *$context.user* its showing the currently logged in
user id.
Please comment.
I'd like to propose that the default target option for link insertion in the
new WYSIWYG editor be as follows:
- Internal link: use the default target (not specified)
- External Links: use target_blank to force opening the page in a new tab
/ window (at a later stage we could do the same thing that otehr wikis such
as Confluence or MediaWiki and add a small icon showing that the links
points to outside of the wiki)
So that the user does not lose contact with the wiki.
Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype ID : wikibc
Hi Devs,
I have hit a wall trying to implement Digest Access Authentication for the
xwiki-webdav module. I'll try to be clear as much as possible.
*+ INTRO* : Digest Access Authentication is used to avoid the transmission
of clear text passwords over http for authenticating users. Instead of the
clear text password, following hash (RESPONSE) will be transferred to the
server by client,
HA1 = MD5(username,password,realm)
HA2 = MD5(method,digestURI)
RESPONSE = MD5(HA1,nonce,HA2)
Here the 'nonce' is some weird string token generated by the server for that
particular client for a particular session. So the RESPONSE instead of the
clear text password will be transferred to the server. For more specific
information about Digest Authentication, you may refer [1].
*+ PROBLEM* : Simply put, the way xwiki handles authentication requires the
presentation of a clear text password by the client (which is not available
with Digest Authentication scheme). What we have with xwiki (on the server
side) is a crypted version of the original password.
One possible solution to overcome this limitation is to store the HA1 value
in our databases (is this possible ?). This is one of the limitations of
Digest Authentication scheme as mentioned in [1] :
*"There is an important problem with implementing Digest access
authentication. This is the requirement that either cleartext passwords or
the HA1 hashes must be known in order to perform client response validation"
I would like to know what other developers have to say about this issue, and
possible workarounds ... [?]
- Asiri
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication