FlorinCiubotaru (SVN) wrote:
> Author: FlorinCiubotaru
You should use a name like fciubotaru for commits.
Sergiu Dumitriu
I think it would be good to include in our release notes the deprecations.
Jerome Velociter wrote:
> Hi Azzedine.
> I answered your question in FAQ entry here :
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/WhyDoIHaveDeprecatedUsageOfMethodXX…
> Regards,
> Jerome.
> Azzedine Ait Khelifa wrote:
>> In the dos console I see ....
>> 2008-10-15 10:23:35,246 [http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/] [P1-19] INF
>> O .AbstractXWikiMigrationManager - No storage migration required since current
>> version is [7351]
>> [WARNING] Deprecated usage of method [com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseInt] in Main.
>> WebHome@14,25
>> [WARNING] Deprecated usage of method [com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseInt] in Main.
>> WebHome@14,25
>> [WARNING] Deprecated usage of method [com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseInt] in Main.
>> WebHome@14,25
>> [WARNING] Deprecated usage of method [com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseInt] in Main.
>> WebHome@14,25
>> ANyone have an idea ?
Sergiu Dumitriu
Hi ,
I am working on Swizzle-confluence .I found u edit this jar file according
to your needs as compare to the generic jar file.
In ur xwiki distribution of source i found only jar files which
doesnt include source code.
Let me know from where i get this source if i need to add some new code.
Hi Devs,
I'm using fedora :)
And I can install mediawiki simply by issuing 'yum install mediawiki' I
wonder if we can make the same thing possible with XWiki ? Just a thought :)
- Asiri
Hi Devs,
I think it's fair to call our current webdav implementation a generic webdav
server implementation for xwiki because it directly utilizes the xwiki core
and presents a custom webdav view of an xwiki repository for users. At the
time we began working on webdav, this is the only option we had. But with
the xwiki-jcr component in town we can have a different sort of a webdav
server which is kind of a ready made one which is capable of exposing any
jcr repository via webdav (ex. jackrabbit jcr server). Now the conflict is
now we have two webdav server implemntations, what are we going to do now ?
Please excuse me for any errors since my current understanding of JCR is
- Asiri
as you may now (or even may have coded), you can put a SQL query in a
DBStringList property...
something like
select prop.value from BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop where
obj.name = "mydocname" and obj.className="myclassname" and obj.id.id =
prop.id and prop.name = "mypropname"
but you can also use 2 columns (first one for stored value and second one
for displayed value)
select prop.value, prop2.value from BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as
prop, StringProperty as prop2 where obj.name = "mydocname" and
obj.className="myclassname" and obj.id.id = prop.id and prop.name =
"mypropname" and obj.id.id = prop2.id and prop2.name = "myprop2name"
So then I have tried something more complex
select prop.value, prop.value||prop2.value from BaseObject as obj,
StringProperty as prop, StringProperty as prop2 where obj.name = "mydocname"
and obj.className="myclassname" and obj.id.id = prop.id and prop.name =
"mypropname" and obj.id.id = prop2.id and prop2.name = "myprop2name"
select prop.value, concat(prop.value, prop2.value) from BaseObject as obj,
StringProperty as prop, StringProperty as prop2 where obj.name = "mydocname"
and obj.className="myclassname" and obj.id.id = prop.id and prop.name =
"mypropname" and obj.id.id = prop2.id and prop2.name = "myprop2name"
and it throws some funny errors... why? In DBStringListClass, makeList
transforms the SQL query to separate both columns and re-creates SQL query
with one column only. But apparently, it doesn't manage such expressions...
the funniest is "||" since it looks like it is rendered as a Wiki