Just a quick note to say that I've just discovered Textile-J: https://textile-j.dev.java.net/
After a quick review:
* It looks similar in intent to WikiModel and Doxia
* It currently implements the following syntaxes: textile, trac,
confluence, mediawiki
* It generates HTML and DocBook (and Eclipse Help format)
* It has some Eclipse integration already
* It's moving into the Mylyn incubator. This is really important since
it'll get a lot of tractions and it's very likely it'll quickly
improve, support more outputs, more syntaxes.
When I get some time I'd like to create a quick bridge to it (as I've
done for wikimodel and doxia) to 1) validate that we can wrap it
easily and 2) since it has a confluence parser it may be better than
the doxia one which has several issues and doesn't seem to be very
actively maintained.
In the new component-based architecture we are creating lots of
specific apis that we need to make available to velocity. For example
the rendering module should make available it's XDO object so that
users can access any part of a document.
However there are some impedance mismatch.
For example in XDOM the method to find all blocks of a given type
today is: XDOM.getChildrenByType(SectionBlock.class).
This cannot be called from velocity since SectionBlock.class will not
There are lots of other similar examples. One solution would be to
modify the API to be for example: XDOM.getChildrenByType(String
blockName) but this is ugly and type-unsafe.
So I was thinking about a different approach. What about intercepting
method calls in our velocity module and instead of calling the method
right away have some transformation to it. The idea would be for
modules to register method handlers to our velocity runtime so that it
can do the conversion.
For example when you'd call $xdom.getChildrenByType("section") it
would call the XDOMVelocityMethodHandler.convert(...) method and
transform "section" into SectionBlock.class and call the API method.
Thus the idea would be that modules that want to make their APIs more
velocity friendly would just create components implementing some
VelocityMethodHandler interface and automatically these would be used
by our velocity runtime.
The only downside I can think of is javadoc or rather how users will
know the method signature to use from velocity but I think we can find
solutions for this. One solution for example is to use annotations on
methods that need to have a velocity method hander. We'll need that
anyway I think. Something like:
(where "rendering" is the component role-hint)
Sergiu, since you're the one to have manipulated this part of
Velocity, is this possible? (I think it is using uberspectors).
PS: Since we don't want to make our code special for Velocity we
should check how we would do it for other templating engine like
FreeMarker for example.
Hi Vincent,
Input xhtml is :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html><head /><body>
<h1 class="western">Format Test</h1>
<p class="western">Text in a
The rendering in firefox of this xhtml is as the same as
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html><head /><body>
<h1 class="western">Format Test</h1>
<p class="western">Text in a line</p>
But the xwiki syntax generated by XWikiSyntaxRender is
--------------code begin-----------------
1 Format Test
Text in a
--------------code end-------------------
I think the expected should be
--------------code begin-----------------
1 Format Test
Text in a line
--------------code end-------------------
Wang Ning
How can i set admin rights for this page (*http://
<host>/xwiki/bin/import/XWiki/Import?editor=import&space=XWiki*) to all the
registered users.
I need to call xwiki from a simple java client that i have made for university project (sitting outside the xwiki server). For this, the java client needs a jar file which can help to connect server using some specific parameters like URL, username, password etc. This is required to test the persistence of the same user data into xwiki so that I can use my own server's authertication (provided by university server) and no registration is required thru' the xwiki admin functionality.
Any help is appreciated.
Now I want to handle <font> tag which is deprecated in xhtml. I just
want to skip <font> tag, that's easy. But some font tag contain some
font info like size, color, etc,
<p><font size="2" style="font-size: 10pt" color="red">test</font></p>.
I want to change this to xhtml style, etc,
<p style="font-size: 10pt; color: red">test</p>
I want to know if now the wikimodelxhtmlparser and
xwikisyntaxrendering can handle <p style="color:red">test</p>
What will be generated when change the style attribute in p tag to
xwiki syntax 2.0?
Wang Ning
In the new rendering implementation I need to implement section
editing. So far it was done in XWikiHeadingFilter (ie. in the
rendering). However I don't believe it should be done in the rendering
module since this is something that depends on the skin used. I think
the rendering should generate a placeholder only and it's up to the
skin or templates to replace this placeholder by an image+link to edit
a section.
Thus I'm asking how we could do this? I think this is what Interface
extensions are about, am I right?
Sergiu any idea? Anyone?
I am new with xwiki and Bonita.Is there any body who can give me some
suggestion to intigrate xwiki and bonita.
is there any document available.It would be really helpful for me if anyone
can provide me some information about it.
How to display a URL links only for admins in the space.
#if ($xwiki.hasAdminRights())
* [Home>Main.WebHome1]
* [Index>Main.AllDocs]
I tried with the above code, but it seems not working for me.
Any other way ...? OR This is wrong....?