Hi devs,
Raluca has worked on a new plugin to manage comments and ratings.
The objective of this plugin is to allow the comments and rating to be
more modular. This way we can use different type of implementation and
still have some common APIs work even though comments or rating
information are stored differently.
For example this new plugin would allow to decide if we store comments
as XWiki Object or as separate Pages. The experience of usage of XWiki
has shown that depending on the usage both cases are actually
interesting to use.
This plugin also allows to apply a comment more precisly. We can assign
a comment to a part of a page, or to another comment. This is why a
"Container" has been created which can define precisly the parent of a
The initial design proposal is here:
Raluca has started coding by reimplementing the current behavior in the plugin. It still needs to be wired to the current code to maintain compatibility.
The code is in the sandbox
Feedback welcome
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
I gone through the code of xwiki_workspaces.war file and get to know
1.On first login page the username and verfication is done through
login.vm which will call to xwikilogintable class for uservalidation.
My query is where this file is located?. Whether it is a java file
ornsumthing else.
second thng ---Is this file make a link with hibernate and fire query into
the database for accessing stored records?.
Please reply me! with suggestion
Deepak Sharma
Assistant Software Engineer-T
Tata Consultancy Services
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When i try to use copy document it shows following error, how to solve
this error Or how copy a document to another space
[http-8088-Processor22] ERROR log.SimpleLog4JLogSystem - Left side
mail) of '==' operation has null value. If a reference, it may not be in the
text. Operation not possible. Main.WebHome [line 39, column 28]
Hi devs,
I need to take a decision on this. Right now parseContent() is used to
render some text using only Velocity and Groovy renderers. This is
used in several places:
* resource properties values
* TextArea class rendering if the type is "velocitycode"
* in sendValidationEmail() for rendering the content extracted from an
object property
* in the TOC generation for rendering the section titles -- BTW this
means no wiki syntax in section titles right now
* more...
The decision:
1) either I wrap the content passed to parseContent() in {{velocity}}
2) either I render it normally but in this case we change the values
For examples in ApplicationResources.propeties this mean changing:
viewcodetitle=Wiki code for <em>$doc.displayTitle</em>
viewcodetitle=Wiki code for ~~{{velocity}}$doc.displayTitle{{/
It also means removing the difference between "velocitycode" and
"fullyrendered" for TextAreas since they would be the same. Would
remain only "puretext" and "fullyrendered". This means that if you
have some TextArea for which you wish velocity rendering but no wiki
syntax rendering you would write: {{velocity}}{{nowiki}}...{{/nowiki}}
Basically it means deprecating parseContent() in favor of
getRenderedContent() since they would have the same behavior.
My preference goes to 2) but I'm not sure how to make that work during
the transition period where we have the 2 renderings. So I think we
don't have the choice and for the moment we should do 1).
Hi Asiri,
Could you write a installation documentation of the webdav component on
I'd like to create an interoperability page afterwards to tell people
how to use it in different platforms.
Some more interop news: it works on Vista and Gnome/Nautilus !
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi all,
I found out, that Xwiki 1.5 doesn't load LDAP connection info from
I had to put these details directly into code (into bind method),
recompile core class and then it works.
Any solution?
Good day.
Anybody know, how to build xwiki-enterprise.war after svn reordering ?
(xwiki-platform-enterprise directory, mention in documentation is missing in
repo now.)
Ruslan Shevchenko
GradSoft. http://www.gradsoft.ua