Create space XYZSpace
Create user Xwiki.XYZAdministrator
Give user Xwiki.XYZAdminister administrative rights in XYZSpace
Administration link shows on XYZ.WebHome
But, when Xwiki.XYZAdministrator clicks the link he's not
allowed to view the Xwiki.XwikiPreferences page
So.. Xwiki.XYZAdministrator can't grant view or edit rights to
XYZSpace to other users
So then... we give Xwiki.XYZAdministrator administrative rights
to the Xwiki space
Now he is allowed to veiw the Xwiki.XwikiPreferences page
But, he can now grant global rights to any users
Which seems odd to us
The question is:
How can a user that has administrative rights in a space, but
has no rights in the xwiki space, be able to grant view or edit rights
to other users in the space he can administer.
If a space administrator can't administer users rights to the
space he can administer what is the point of granting administrative
rights at the space level?
Please help.
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Hello devs,
I would like to propose to apply Marius's patch attached to
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-2149 ("Extend the FeedPlugin to
allow the creation of RSS/Atom feeds from any source"), in order to have
it available in 1.5.
The patch comes with unit tests, and does not change existing code (it
only adds new classes in the feed plugin/introduce a new util class in
com.xpn.xwiki.util, + new APIs in the feed plugin API). I believe it is
not harmful.
I'm +1 for it, and dedicated to apply it if we agree we want it.
(btw, this is a prerequisite for XE-240: Improve XE RSS feeds, marked as
fix for M2)
Hi Developers,
#pagedViewLinks macro is not working properly when
used with filters. (i.e) When there are more pages and if we filter the
results... the filter applies only to the current page... Can anyone tell me
how to overcome this..
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/pagedViewLinks-macro-not-worked-when-filters-are-used…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Watch 1.0 RC 1.
Go grab it at http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download#HXWikiWatch !
This is the first release candidate for the 1.0 version, the final release
being planned for end June.
Changes from 1.0M4:
* fixed interface and usability bugs (XWATCH-10, XWATCH-104,
* improved usage coherence (XWATCH-77, XWATCH-124, XWATCH-133,
* added installers to XWiki Watch (XWATCH-85)
For more information, see the Release notes at:
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/ReleaseNotesWatch10RC1 .
The XWiki dev team
I would like to modify object/class editor by integrating some richer UI
widgets such as tabviews.
Apparently, you are trying to get rid of Rico, YUI and trying to do as much
as possible with Proto...culous
But Protoculous doesn't provide tabviews for example.
In this case, what do you advise as JS framework for this? YUI as it is
already integrated in XWiki and can be used with velocity? GWT by
redeveloping a set of serverside APIs but without the possibility to use
Hello fellow developers,
I followed
building with maven 2.0.9 on MacOSX to get curriki running on a
development machine.
- building went very fine
- tried changing things in xwiki.cfg but the indicated property is not
there and xwiki.cfg contains an amount of "undefined" values,
importantly the encoding and default-Skin among others. I could add
each of the missing properties (i.e. the properties used in xwiki.cfg
generation) by adding sibblings of the element
<xwikiCfgEditCommentMandatory>. Similarly, I could add the dependency
on our postgres driver by enriching the dependencies in this pom.xml,
and I could add a few properties which seemed not correct in xwiki.cfg
in the xwikiCfgAdditionalProperties element.
I also activated superadmin... the indicated admin password didn't
work there I think.
- changing the hibernate.cfg.xml I could do as well, but it should be
said not to change the one in target... since it gets overriddent at
every build, but the one in web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
At the end I got, with two changed files, a webapp that seems to match
my expectations and which actually started. Ideally, these changes
should happen in an extra file... is there space for this? Something
such as ~/build.properties in maven-1?
After changing catalina.sh to bump memory, I could import the xar
(which I built as well).
There I got stuck because I had to put albatross and not toucan as
default and base skins.
After that I could import the xar and it started looking like curriki.
The log showed an amount of errors which I've ignored thus far.
I concluded with the three manual steps... are they here to stay?
Should I try to update the installation instructions or are there
enhancements to my procedure?
I'm pretty happy with this adventure.... I could, right away, record a