I thought of removing every MouseEnter or MouseHover event by removing
listeners attached to those events for the browser object but I have
stumbled upon a very weird thing in SWT: There is no getListeners
method for a Control/Widget.
I googled it and found out that only from 3.4M Eclipse thought of
adding this method.
The only mechanism orientated in this direction I found is the
ListenerList class which is for handling listeners but that implies
that you subclass every control you need to have the getListeners
method which is very lame.
I can not imagine how SWT lived so far without such a basic
functionality. I know it is not very commonly required to remove a
listener, but I for one used it a couple of times.
Anyway, does anyone have a solution for this or is it just the wrong approach?
P.S.: Keep in mind that I am experiencing this anomaly only in Fedora
9, from what I see.
> Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I'd like to enable some classes from the commons-lang library as velocity tools.
> [snip]
> Another issue is the name of the velocity variables for these. Isn't escapetool a bit too long? I'd drop the tool part where the remaining name does not cause conflicts, so that we would have:
> $escape $escapeUtils $alternator $iterator $sort $math $arrayUtils $booleanUtils $numberUtils $stringUtils $wordUtils $dateUtils $dateFormatUtils $durationFormatUtils $randomStringUtils $randomNumberUtils
Generally +1.
About the naming :
* I'd prefer to stick to $sometool (or even better $someTool) since
it allow to differentiate user defined velocity variables from
velocity tools easily,
* I'd like capitalization ($someTool instead of $sometool) and it
seems that we don't have a convention about this (see xwikivars.vm for
example) for the moment.
Jean-Vincent Drean
Hi Thomas,
I know you're working on the new cache component (btw would be nice if
you could send an email with your planned architecture/api so that it
can be reviewed - like show the APIs) so I thought I should give you
some needs/ideas I have on this topic.
* We need several types of local caches. I can see at least the
following types:
- a timed cache. I need this for example to cache macros
- a cache with a fixed given capacity and expiring the oldest entries
(not really sure where we need this right now but it looks common
- a cache with a fixed given capacity and expiring the least accessed
entries (not really sure where we need this right now but it looks
common enough)
- a cache with unlimited capacity and bound only by the memory
available. The way to implement this is using PhantomReference.
Basically it's the JVM that calls back the reference to tell it it
needs memory. I was told that the new google collections api have some
code that do this (I think FinalizablePhantomReference). This cache is
the one I would use to save wiki pages' AST in memory.
Of course we shouldn't implement anything ourselves and we should use
existing framework(s) underneath our own API for the Cache API.
* http://www.realjenius.com/node/377
* http://www.javalobby.org/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=16520&messageID=918224…
When using LDAP authentication, is it possible to add users manually before
they login for the first time? Is there some way for XWiki to validate that
the user exists in LDAP so that it can create an account in the database? In
most LDAP implementations, it is possible to query whether a user exists
after you are "bound" using your own account and password.
The use case is that we already know the users who have to be given specific
rights, and would like to grant them the right permission before they login
rather than after.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-add-new-users-before-they-login--tp17402029p17…
Sent from the XWiki- Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Hi all,
I want to know how to add a new data type(property) in the registration
page, and how to store and retrieve the data's from the database.
Prathap Pandian M
Hi everyone,
Here's a strategy that I try to follow and that I think might be good
that we all follow. The end goal is to improve the XWiki documentation
on xwiki.org.
Here's how it goes:
1) someone (A) asks a question on a xwiki list
2) someone (B) knows the answer
3) B verifies that the answer can be found on xwiki.org and if so
gives a link to it in the reply to A
4) If the answer is not found on xwiki.org, then B adds it (*) and
then gives a link to it in the reply to A
In this manner we'll all enrich the xwiki documentation and it'll only
take marginally longer to answer questions. The next time someone asks
the question again we can simply point him/her to the location on
What happens now is that usually people answer in the email, often
giving very long and elaborate answers with lots of knowledge/wisdom
in it. Then another person comes in, asks the same question and we
answer again, etc. The result is:
* the xwiki.org documentation is not better
* overall as a team we are less efficient
(*) One difficult in putting the answer on xwiki.org is to find the
right location where to put it. So here are a few tips:
* For code snippets, add it to the Code Zone
* For questions on how to use XWiki, please add it to the Features guide
* For development questions, add it to the Developer's guide
* For configuration questions and administration questions, add it to
the Administration guide
* For other questions, add them to the FAQ
Applying my own strategy, you can find the content of this email at http://tinyurl.com/4xfel2
Let me know what you think!
Hi devs.
I recently finished my exams and started messing with XEclipse again.
I had already worked on debugging XEclipse and it worked pretty well. Now, at the first steps I ran into a (big) bump.
When hovering over the page preview, my Eclipse (or XEclipse rcp version) closes abruptly. No exception, no error message.
The XEclipse rcp version gives the message "Aborted" upon exit. This is the *best* and *only* feedback I can see when the crash happens.
I have recently upgraded to Fedora 9, from 8. On Fedora 8 it was working, not it's not. On a Windows machine it works also (the windows version).
I am using OpenJDK 1.6.0.
I suspect the problem could be related to the environment (KDE4 or Fedora related).
Any suggestions?
Hi All,
I have finished my university academic work and now i'm starting to work on
the JIRA issues.
I picked http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XECLIPSE-76 . I looked into it
but ran into a small trouble.
I can add a method to com.xpn.xwiki.xmlrpc.XWikiXmlRpcHandler to rename a
page. But i have no idea how to invoke this method from the client side
(Swizzle does not seem to have such method).
Your help is very much appreciated.
- Malaka.
PS: I'm also looking into several other jira issues.
Hello Developers,
what is the login API for xwiki? I am expecting something like
xwiki.login("MyUsername", "myPassword", "cookies or not", context),
which will return (cookies, session...).
Thanks Jean, for the pointer on setting the Registration prefs.
Just wanted to make sure if that is all we need.
I have entered my email id as the Admins email id and have entered a valid
smtp mail server.
should I add anything in the Validation, Confirmation or invitation email
should I say "Yes" for the first field - Use email verification. it is not
set to anything right now!
Is there a need to restart xwiki (tomcat) for the changes to take affect!
Thanks a lot.
> >* Hello Devs,
> *>*
> *>* Sachin, thnaks for your response to that mail. I will try that idea.
> *>*
> *>* I have questions regarding a few miscellaneous topics:
> *>*
> *>* 1) Watch List - Is there anything we need to add/modify in order for the
> *>* Watch list notifications to work?
> *>* -> I have the email ids in the user profile
> *>* -> have 2 pages being watched
> *>* -> the xwiki.cfg has the watchlistplugin and the mailsender plugin included
> *>* -> I came across a watch.vm and watchlistrss.vm in the templates folder..but
> *>* nothing for mail..
> *
> You need to set the admin email and a valid smtp server in
> Administration > Preferences > Registration