Hello devs,
I'm trying to figure out a "clean" way of storing third-party applications
credentials in a XWiki user profile.
My use case is the following (and I believe such use cases will continue
to occur as we offer more web-services integration). We want XWiki
Workspaces users to be able to update their twitter status too when
posting an update on a workspace "workstream", just checking a box.
First time they would be asked for their twitter credentials, but for the
following ones, it be nice not to ask.
A possible way I want to propose is to encrypt the username/password
couple (for example, represented under their base-64 form since twitter
API requires basic authentication) through a cipher, using a secret key
based on a combination of the user XWiki password hash and a secret
parameter located in xwiki.cfg. This way, programming rights or physical
access to xwiki.cfg would be required to decrypt the login/passwd.
If the user changes his XWiki password, thus the hash, or if the secret
parameter value is changed, the user would be asked to enter is
credentials again (In fact, as soon as the service authentication fails).
WDYT ? Are there cleaner/more secured ways of doing this ?
Thanks for your inputs,
Hi developers,
I am a new comer to java and xwiki. I am trying to to download the xwiki
1.4 source
code and setup the xwiki build environment in Eclipse. Is there any
tutorial for that
or can any one help me with that? Any help will be highly appreciated.
Hi GSOCers,
Just a kind reminder that this is currently the bonding period (till
26th of May) and we'd like you to follow the guidelines we've set at http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GoogleSummerOfCode/
as much as possible.
I haven't seen much activity from you on the list in general. It's
possible you're talking directly to your mentors in which case I'd
like to ask you to communicate through the mailing list instead. One
main goal of the GSOC is that you integrate an open source project's
Also have you been able to pick some jira issue and work on them? If
you have any problem doing that please let us know how we can help
you. If you have already sent a patch in a jira issue and it's not
been reviewed and applied yet please let us know by answering this
email too.
Thanks again
We'd like to create a class with a domain property in wich we would like
to store a list of domains.
It looks like tags principle.
So we want to have a list of domains to let users choose wich domains to
attach to each instance.
But we want this list to evolve and we had like to select these domains
from another DB table.
Indeed, we have try to add a dblist property to our class.
But when we try to create a new object the select list for domains is empty.
So our request doesn't work.
Our db table domains is simple, only a field "name".
Our request is : select name from domains;
Could we please have an example of how to create a class with a dblist
Thank for your time
Hello developers,
1. Is it possible to create two separate classsheets to render the
objects of the same class? One with a 'View only' presentation and the other
with an 'Edit & View' presentation? The default classSheets have a 'view
only'. How can I invoke the 'edit' previleges and do an 'Update' to object
data in the database?
2. How do I go about calling these different classsheets from the same
template? Will I need two classtemplates?
3. Is it possible to send an Object handler, document name or object id
from one page to another? The HTML Post does'nt seem to do what I want.
Archana Mettu.
Is there an easy way to work on the stable 1.4 branch. I would like to
work on some improvements to the form validation system but I don't want
the hassle of the changes that will come up in 1.5 until I have a nice
patch ready. What are the 1.4 branches neede do get platform-web running
and is there a way to all get them at once.
I've seen:
- xwiki-core-1.4
- xwiki-web-1.4
- xwiki-toucan-1.2 (is that a 1.4 branch ?)
- xwiki-albatross-1.4
Are there any plugin branches ?
Ludovic Dubost
Blog: http://blog.ludovic.org/
XWiki: http://www.xwiki.com
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
nice article: http://blog.springsource.com/main/2008/05/15/why-should-i-care-about-osgi-a…
I think we already support most points through:
* Our conventions of using the internal package for non user public
code. BTW we can (and we should) enforce this at build time and fail
the build if someone is using the internal package using the maven
enforcer plugin.
* The fact that we're using maven and components creates clean
boundaries between modules and allows different teams to focus their
work on some subpart of the system.
* Dependency mgmt: done with Maven
Nice things we don't currently have:
* "Faster testing cycles". We already have a way to do with Eclipse
but this is a part that could be improved.
* "isolate changes". This can be done with Plexus (+ classworld) later
on but we're not using this feature yet. This could also be done with
XBean I believe.
In summary I don't think we're too bad compared to the list of
advantages listed in the article. We're working on improving that but
we're already on good tracks. The single most important thing we have
to do is modularize the core into components and well-delimited build
So, I tried the querystring option. Didn't quite work.
We have a form that we ask the user to fill on page 1 and this form
represents only a PART of an object that gets created for this particular
So, say for eg., we have a name field in the form and this gets copied on to
the underlying obect when we click a button. Now, currently when we cllick
the button on this page, we have a script that is run and what that does is
- Creates a new object, creates a new document with the name entered by the
user in the form, adds the new object to this document and copies all form
fields to the Object properties. Finally the script redirects the user to
the newly created page which displays the object with the help of the class
sheet. (the following is the last line of the script which does the
Now, our use case has changed a little bit, in the sense that, the user will
need to enter form field values (object values in xwiki) on a sequence of
pages, i.e, everything does not get added to the object the first time a
button is clilcked. In this case, to be able to copy the values from the
Page 2 to the same object as was created in Page 1, we need some way to
access the same object.
This could be done using the object name and as seen in the
response.sendRedirect line above, we pass the title (which is the name
entered by the user) to the next page (newdoc page in this case). But, when
I try to access this on that newdoc, I do not get a value I am expecting.
So, what am I doing wrong when I try this scritp on the newdoc:
#set($title = $request.getParameter("title"))
The title : $title
This returns:
The title : XWiki - $doc.web - $doc.name
#set($template = $request.getParameter("template"))
The template : $template
This returns:
The title : $template
Please point out whats wrong in this usage and if it is valid in the first
Also, what alternative could we use. I mean how to access the application
context in the velocity scripts?
Thanks much for all help.