The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
This release brings important improvements on the management of the
conflicts encountered when editing a page as well as better explained
messages, displayed to users, to easily understand the occurring issues.
Also, a dedicated macro for inserting WikiMacro Content was introduced.
You can download it here:
Make sure to review the release notes:
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
Hi devs,
Here’s a proposal for 11.5 + 11.6, discussed with Thomas, Marius and Simon already.
XWiki 11.5
* BFD: All
* Hibernate upgrade to finish - Assignee: Thomas
* "Finish the autocomplete of references which has been dropped since Adel left and we still don't have it in the WYSIWYG + implement autocomplete on attachments.”. - Assignee: Marius
* Merge on Save: - Assignee: Simon
* 11.5RC1: 17 June 2019
* 11.5: 24 June 2019
XWiki 11.6
* BFD: All
* Velocity upgrade (too dangerous for 11.2/11.3) - Assignee: Thomas
* Security: Add permissions for xobjects to prevent giving all permissions to users with edit rights on a page. - Assignee: Marius (+ Thomas)?
* Limit number of login attempts until user gets blocked - - Assignee: Simon ?
* 11.6RC1: 22 July 2019 (added one more week due to the XWiki SAS seminar)
* 11.6: 29 July 2019
The following item couldn’t be planned for 11.5 or 11.6 due to lack of time/manpower but we should consider it for 11.7+:
* Better handling of user removal and transfer of rights ( )
@devs: please confirm that you’re ok. @Simon, please let me know if it’s ok for the item where there’s a question mark. @Marius: same for you.
@evalica: I didn’t put any investigations/designs but we should IMO. Any proposals?
Hi there everyone,
I am trying to begin my adventure with xwiki and begin contributions. I
wish to build the xwiki platform but i ran into some errors.
- I have downloaded and installed maven 3.6.1
- I have java v8 and on Mac OS
Following the link Vincent provided here See When i run **mvn
clean install** i get the following error
MBP-de-MACBOOK:xwiki-platform rachmann$ mvn clean install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for
org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform:11.2-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact
org.xwiki.commons:xwiki-commons-pom:pom:11.2-SNAPSHOT and
'parent.relativePath' points at no local POM @ line 23, column 11
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] The project org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform:11.2-SNAPSHOT
(/Users/rachmann/Documents/open_source/xwiki-platform/pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for
org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform:11.2-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact
org.xwiki.commons:xwiki-commons-pom:pom:11.2-SNAPSHOT and
'parent.relativePath' points at no local POM @ line 23, column 11 -> [Help
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] [Help 2]
Any help would be appreciated thanks
Hi everyone,
I'm currently working on allowing inline editing on new wikimacros.
My first challenge right now is to cope with the problem of inserting
the macro content and allowing to inline edit it.
In order to do so, I propose to create two new dedicated macro:
- wikimacrocontent: would allow to insert and inline edit a wiki
macro content
- wikimacroparameter: the same for a parameter.
The idea would be to be able to write something such as:
This is a content of $xcontext.macro.content.length() characters.
So the purpose of those macros would be twofold:
1. to ease the insertion of macro content/parameters (no need to
always use {{velocity}}$xcontext.macro.content{{/velocity}}
2. to create the dedicated metadata around the content and to be
processed during wikimacro rendering to allow inline editing
Of course those macro would be only to be used inside a wikimacro.
I started to develop the wikimacroccontent, so I have a first working
POC, but I'd like to know WDYT about this.
I would also be really happy if you could give me some wikimacro
examples where the inline editing would make sense, so I could use it in
my tests.
Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
More about us at
Hi devs,
I don't think there is currently a process that is in place to handle
pull requests and I have the feeling that the way there are handled
today is a bit random.
There are usually comments sent out on each pull request but sometimes
it seems that some pull requests are going in sleep mode and it's not
clear who is in charge.
I would like to suggest that a process is put in place where it's
clear who is responsible for a pull request and a status is given to
the contributors that propose that pull request.
Something like:
Assigned developer: XXXX
New -> new pull request, not yet assigned
Assigned -> assigned to a developer, he is in charge of reviewing the
pull request and ask for modifications or accept it. The developer can
auto assign it to himself. If nobody does, we need to decide how they
will be taken into account.
ModificationsRequired -> for now rejected with comments. Contributor
needs to apply comments and then change back to Assigned for further
VoteRequired -> there are no more comments, but a vote is required as
the changes to XWiki core are important
WaitingFinalAuthorization -> optional step for complex patches where
a additional authorization would be required (need to define who would
be the persons that give the authorization)
WaitingApplication -> there are no more comments and no changes or
vote required. The pull request can be applied and is waiting for a
developer to apply it
Abandoned -> contributors is abandoning the pull request (cannot do
the changes, no more time, etc..)
Rejected -> pull request is rejected (quality not enough, etc..)
Applied -> pull request is applied
What do you think ?
Ludovic Dubost
Founder and CEO
Skype: ldubost GTalk: ldubost
Hi devs,
We’re already 10 days into the release so this is coming very late and I apologize.
So here’s a proposal for 11.4:
* BFD: All
* Finish the autocomplete of references which has been dropped since Adel left and we still don't have it in the WYSIWYG + implement autocomplete on attachments. - Assignee: Marius
** Note: this will carry over in 11.5 since Marius won’t have many days available during the 11.4 timeframe
* Inline editing of wiki macros - Assiggne: Simon
* Hibernate upgrade - Assignee: Thomas
* Fix the notifications endless loop: - Assignee: Thomas (note: already done!)
* 11.4RC1: 20 May 2019
* 11.4: 27 May 2019
@committers: if you’re ok please create the relevant jira issues if they don’t exist and assign yourself to them + set the fix version value, and update the roadmap page with the jiras:
PS: I’ll send proposals for 11.5 and 11.6 real soon.
I did a quick analysis of 11.2 & 11.3 to see how many bugs we fixed since they were supposed to be BFD releases.
The results are not that impressive:
* XWiki 11.0 (non BFD): 32 bugs closed
* XWiki 11.1 (non BFD) 44 bugs closed
* XWiki 11.2 (BFD): 37 bugs closed
* XWiki 11.3 (BFD): 54 bugs closed
Here’s the graph:
The graph shows that during the period (March and April) we had:
* Created issues (128)
* Resolved issues (123)
So we were not even able to catch up with created bugs during the period.
So the question is: why are we not able to catch up?
Let’s look at who closed bugs during the period:
Top resolvers:
* Simon Urli - 32
* Thomas Mortagne - 30
* Vincent Massol - 15
* Guillaume Delhumeau - 5
* Marius Dumitru Florea - 2
So one reason is that we roughly have only 2 main issue resolvers (Simon and Thomas) and the other committers are not closing enough. So not enough manpower.
Would be interesting to see if we have more bugs being created every month these days when compared to, say, 2 years ago.
For ex:
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2019-03-01 and created <= 2019-03-31
** 70 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2018-03-01 and created <= 2018-03-31
** 41 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2017-03-01 and created <= 2017-03-31
** 46 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2016-03-01 and created <= 2016-03-31
** 81 bugs created
More generally:
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2015-01-01 and created <= 2015-12-31
** 780 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2016-01-01 and created <= 2016-12-31
** 732 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2017-01-01 and created <= 2017-12-31
** 609 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2019-01-01 and created <= 2019-12-31
* 257 bugs created so far. Extrapolates to 257*3 = 771
So it seems we don’t have specifically more bugs being reported in general.
So it seems it’s mostly a manpower/focus issue.
Hello community, Hello Google Summer of Code students,
First of all, congratulations on your applications and your activity during
the selection period, and welcome in the XWiki development team.
Before guiding the accepted students to their next steps, we'd like to
thank again all those who showed interest in XWiki for this Summer of Code.
We had a lot of good applications this year, with professional approaches
and interesting ideas, and it was very difficult to choose. Unfortunately,
some very good students, with great potential, were not accepted. So, to
those interested in getting involved anyway, without Google's implication,
I renew the invitation to put your ideas in practice under the guidance of
the community. Even though the money will be missing, you can still take
advantage of the other GSoC benefits: learning new things, gaining
experience, earning recognition, etc [1]. If you would like to do that,
please let us know by replying to this mail.
For the accepted students, here are some getting started hints:
= Community bonding period =
According to the program timeline [2], the next month (until - May 27th) is
to be used for community bonding.
The first thing to do, sometime this week, is to present yourself and your
project on the dev list, so that everyone knows who you are and what to
expect from you. A precondition to being able to send mails to the devs
list is to first be subscribed [2.1] to it, which you __need to do ASAP__
if you haven't already.
Also, you should continue getting acquainted with the code, the practices
and the developers. Please make sure you all read and understand the
following - very useful - documents:
- [3]
- [4]
- [5]
= Mentorship =
We prefer open mentorship. While your assigned mentor is the one officially
in charge with your guidance, almost all interaction should be done 'in the
open' as much as possible, on the IRC channel or on the mailing list. You
should choose the communication medium according to the importance of the
matters to be discussed: naturally, the less important issues are to be
discussed on IRC/Matrix, while the design decisions, important progress
announcements and testing/feedback requests go on the devs list. This way,
the community is informed on the evolution of your project, and other
developers can come up any time with useful ideas and suggestions.
Moreover, if your mentor is "hit by a bus" (the bus factor [6]), another
developer can take his place with little effort.
= Communication =
Sitting alone in your room, working secretly on your project is definitely
a __bad__ approach. However, please keep in mind that too much
communication can also be harmful, as it distracts the others from their
own work. You need to be able to communicate just right:
- provide meaningful information about your progress,
- ask the community's opinion on non-trivial design or implementation
- avoid wasting a lot of time on a problem, when a more experienced
developer (or a student that fought the same problem) could quickly provide
you an answer; however, do try to find the answer yourself at first.
Wrong: "Where do I start? What do I do now? And how do I do that? Is this
good? It doesn't work, help me!"
Right: "Since a couple of hours ago I get a strange exception when building
my project, and googling for a solution doesn't seem to help. Looking at
the error, I think that there's a wrong setting for the assembly plugin,
but nothing I tried works. Can someone please take a look?"
Subscribe to the devs list (if you didn't do this already), and start
monitoring the discussions. It is also recommended to register on the users
forum, but not mandatory. The notifications list is a little too high
volume and technical for the moment, but it is a great knowledge source.
Also, try to make sure that you're generally available on chat (IRC/Matrix)
in order to have a better view on the daily discussions, get involved and
generally be easily reachable, should your mentors or any of the students
want to easily get a hold of you. Generally speaking, if you are online
(working on your project), you should also be available on the chat, just
in case.
= Development process =
The project's lifecycle is NOT design -> implementation -> testing ->
documentation. [7]
We invite you to adopt a test driven development [8][9][10] approach and to
experience agile development [11]. After the first coding week, you must
have some code that works. It won't do much, of course, but it will be the
seed of your project. Every functionality will be validated by tests. The
code must be properly tested and commented at the time of the writing
(don't think you'll do that afterwards, because in most cases you won't).
Since our code is hosted on GitHub [12], you should register an account
there and fork some xwiki repositories, so that you can try to build XWiki
from sources, and be able to contribute bugfixes. We'll add you to the
xwiki-contrib organization [13], and we'll create dedicated repositories
for each project. We encourage you to do __at least__ weekly commits
(ideally, if you are well organized, you should be able to commit code that
works daily, so try to aim at daily commits). This way, the code can be
properly reviewed, and any problems can be detected before they grow into
something too difficult to fix. One big code blob committed at the end, no
matter how good it may seem, is a failure at several levels.
A simple way of having something functional in the first week is to prepare
the maven build for your modules, which will give you the first unit test
for the first class.
= Next steps, in a nutshell =
- Get more familiar with the code and development process and try to master
Maven, JUnit, Selenium, component driven development, ...
- Continue fixing a few small issues, chosen so that they are __related to
your project__. You can ask on IRC for help selecting good issues, or you
can pick from the (non-comprehensive) list of easy issues [14]
-- This will help you get more familiar with the code your project needs to
interact with.
- Refine and organize the ideas concerning your project (you can use the
Drafts space [15]), and write several use case scenarios.
- Start writing the first piece of code for your project.
At the end of the community bonding period, you should have a clear vision
of the project, well documented on the wiki, you should have the
build infrastructure ready, and you should be pretty familiar with the
existing code you will need to interact with. And, of course, you should be
familiar with the community and the way we communicate.
Good luck, and may we all have a great Summer of Code!
-The XWiki Development Team