Hi devs,
I’d like to propose that we standardized on using multiple @since tags for multiple versions in order to be more semantic and not have to invent a syntax (that then needs to be followed and parsed)
Instead of:
@since 8.4.5, 8.3RC1
@since 8.4.5
@since 8.3RC1
This is supported by the javadoc, see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/windows/javadoc.html#a…
Also note that our Unstable annotation checker needs to be in sync (I’ve opened http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XCOMMONS-1071 in advance).
The main rationale is that it’s more semantic to have one since per version (similar to having one author par author).
PS: I have already made changes for commons and waiting for agreement before committing or discarding ;)
Hi devs,
I’m planning to write a Release Notes Application for xwiki.org. I’d like to do something relatively simple in order to have a first working version.
* Have nicer looking release notes by defining a structure and a common L&F
* For users, be able to see all the release notes item from a given version to another version and by category
Specifically for the “New and Networthy" section have:
- A visual that looks like this: https://www.jetbrains.com/datagrip/features/
- 2 columns layout
- For each item a screenshot and a summary text
- (optional) Have a “Learn more” button that goes to the item and provides more info (and possibly more screenshots if need be)
- Version (in which the item has been added). Static list
- Category (Help, Color Themes, Solr Search, AWM, etc). Static list
- Main screenshot
- Summary text
- Additional content
- Target audience (User, Admin, Developer). Static list
- If no “main screenshot” is provided then the generated report will put the item in a Miscellaneous section
For now I don’t want to handle other metadata for the releases notes, i.e. translations, upgrades, backward compat, tested browsers, etc). Precisely, I’m planning to write a “New and Networthy” application ATM, not a full “Release notes app”.
The way it could be used is through a {{news/}} macro, e.g.: {{news from=“6.4” to=“8.2” [categories=“help,awm,...”] [targetAudience=“user,admin”] /}}.
- There would be a page in the wiki to see the livetable corresponding to all the release notes news (the xproperties above)
- Above this Livetable I imagine a form with several fields:
— From version,
— To Version
— Category (if not empty generate the report only for that category)
— Target (user, admin, dev). (if not empty only generate the report for that target audience)
— + a “Generate” button to generate a dynamic "News and Networthy” report
- We would also use Tags for each news to categorize it further, e.g. “usability”, “performance”, and the LT would display the tag cloud. This will allow for example to see all items between such version and such version that are related to, say, performance
- We would still write a Release Notes page for each version but on that page, we would use the {{news/}} macro (with from = to = the version corresponding to that RN). On that page we would add all the other parts that are not in the app yet, i.e. translations, upgrades, backward compat, etc
- When an XWiki developers codes a new feature or improvement or new API will use the app to add it.
* Add a different release notes app to include the other metadata
* We could almost imagine using this “New and networthy” app to provide reference documentation for our features… :) (along with automatic “since”). That’s probably too science-fiction and I’m sure there are lots of gotchas but just mentioning it here to make us dream a bit...
I’m starting to work on the POC. Let me know what you think.
Hi devs,
Now that we support Nested Pages, I think it would be nice if we had the option to install an Extension in a space (i.e. a page from a user POV).
Technically at the Component Manager level, we can already register a component at the farm level (root), in the current wiki, in the current space or for the current user.
We already have the option to install an extension in a wiki and it would be nice to extend that concept to a space.
We also already have the concept of space admin UI.
Of course the app should tell whether it supports being installed in several spaces or not.
The use case is simply to be able to install several times a given application.
From a UI perspective, when you go the the space admin UI (called the Page Administration for users), you’d have the option to list installed extensions and install new extensions (basically what you currently have at the wiki level).
Now, the same should be doable also for importing XARs, i.e. also have an Import option in the Page Administration UI.
How complex would it be to do that?
Do we already have a JIRA for this (couldn’t find one)?
Hi xwikiers,
We decided to remove LDAP authenticator from XWiki Enterprise in 8.3.
So I moved everything that was related to LDAP in
https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/ldap. Don't worry It's still
supported by the XWiki Dev team and got many improvements already. It
just felt easier to maintain and reuse it in its own repository and is
very easy to install with Extension Manager.
I taken the occasion to "merge" the LDAP Authenticator and Trusted
LDAP Authenticator so there is now only one with all the features of
both authenticators plus a few bonuses.
You can also use it since Wiki 7.4.x and get all the new features
without upgrading. It won't conflict with the embedded one, you just
indicate you want to use the new one which is fully retro-compatible.
See more details on
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LDAP/ and
Thomas Mortagne
Hi users and devs,
The Limits Application has been improved again. It seems I have taken the
manta "release early, release often" very seriously :).
The 1.2 version has been released and brings the ability to handle custom
See: http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Limits+Application
Guillaume Delhumeau (guillaume.delhumeau(a)xwiki.com)
Research & Development Engineer at XWiki SAS
Committer on the XWiki.org project
Hi devs,
Right now our strategy is for script services and script APIs in general to catch exceptions, store them and offer a getLastError() method to get them (see http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Script+Module#HBestPra…)
However it would be much nicer to:
* Let our script services generate exceptions
* Offer a velocity script service to get the last exception raised by a java call from velocity
* Implement this uberspector to catch the exceptions and to set them in the execution context
That should be quite easy to implement IMO.
PS: This is http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-2374
It's very hard to manage this application with zero support. Am I blacklisted or what? I haven't received input on a single support issue since I complained about the release notes issue (which strangely enough seems to be being worked on now).
Keith Davis (214) 906-5183 - I.T. Director
From: Keith Davis
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 11:54 AM
To: 'devs(a)xwiki.org'
Subject: Nested Pages - Search Links Not Working
So we are now starting to change all of the our pages to Nested. When linking to Nested pages in the page themselves, the links appear like this in the WYSIWYG editor:
but when saved are converted to this:
<a href="/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Intranet/Tickets/">Tickets</a>
However, Search results are broken. They appear like this:
Those do not work as the link Main.Intranet.Tickets takes me to this page:
I've tried re-indexing, but that does not help.
Keith Davis - MCSA, ZCE
P.R.I.D.E. - I.T. Director / Senior Developer
Mobile (214) 906-5183