Hi fitz,
According to GSoC`s rules, both the student and the mentor need to fill out
the period evaluation form.
Failure to do so on either side results in the exclusion of the student
from the program. More details in the GSoC student's guide [1].
So please make sure that you don`t forget to fill in your evaluation form
before the deadline (less than 4 days left)!
[1] http://write.flossmanuals.net/gsocstudentguide/evaluations/
Hi devs,
I just released as a contrib extension a new MediaWiki parser which
covers the old one located on xwiki-rendering (and also fix many
issues that were not even listed). The big change is that the actual
parser is https://bitbucket.org/axelclk/info.bliki.wiki/wiki/Home and
not done by us anymore, we just produce event from the DOM provided by
So I propose to get rid of the old one and retire it in contrib organization.
here is my +1
Thomas Mortagne
PS: OK I already did it and then Vincent reminded me that it would be
nice to have a mail about it :)
Hi devs,
I’m transforming the brainstorming that was started in the thread http://markmail.org/message/exlndbq3tw2thmmu into a VOTE mail since this is a very important decision.
So I’m asking you to vote for defining a new direction for the XWiki Core Dev Team (i.e. for the XWiki GitHub Organization). The need was triggered by the Tour and CKEditor extensions which are currently in xwiki-contrib and that we want our users to have by default. For more details see this thread: http://markmail.org/message/exlndbq3tw2thmmu
So here’s the strategy:
* Make XWiki Github org == minimal runtime, where minimal means “basic wiki” (page edition, history, linking, wiki markup, etc). The notion of “basic wiki” would need to be better defined but this can be done later on.
* Provide a "Base Flavor" which corresponds to this “basic wiki”, as part of xwiki-platform (this would be xwiki-platform-distribution).
* Provide another flavor, the "Default Flavor” which would add some hand-picked third-party extensions (i.e. from contrib) such as the Tour app and CKEditor (to start with, we could also add the markdown syntax for example which is one of the most asked syntaxes). Note that this Default Flavor would actually be a “replacement" of xwiki-enterprise.
* The Default Flavor would have at least the same release cycle as the base flavor but it could have more releases (if some of the bundled third-party extensions has some important bug fixes or new features that we want to offer quickly without waiting for the next base flavor release).
* The consequence is that the XWiki Dev Team would need to be a bit more careful to monitor the quality of bundled third-party extensions in contrib (check commits, do some smoke testing, etc). Note that the goal of the Default flavor would not be to offer verticals (for this there should be some contrib flavors) and thus it wouldn’t bundle a lot of third-party extensions. Basically we’ll need to validate the version of those third-party extensions that include in the flavor.
My POV is that globally this would offer more flexibility for our users (they’ll be able to install extensions such as CK and Tour in older XWiki versions and they’ll get more frequent releases) at the cost of some overhead to develop extensions that work in several versions. The dev team is pretty small and thus it means developing a bit less fast but it’s probably as important, if not more important, to make the code we develop available in older xwiki versions, as XWiki gains traction.
Here’s my +1
Please cast your vote.
Hello all,
As it was decided already, a Homepage Tour have to be implemented. However,
no option regarding the place where the Tour Application should be added as
dependency was discussed.
There are some possible options:
1) XWiki Enterprise
2) XWiki Platform Distribution
3) XWiki Platform Helper
4) Is there any option to have the Tour Application as a part of the Core ?
What would be the best way to include the Contrib applications in XWiki?
The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki
8.2 Milestone 2.
This milestone release features a redesigned default homepage, a new
application index in the drawer and minor improvements to the template
providers, the Flamingo skin and Ratings.
For developers, we have some welcomed Livetable macro improvements and a
long overdue change of behaviour for the getRenderedContent method.
You can download it here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download
Make sure to review the release notes:
The following people have contributed code to this release (sorted
Alexandru Cotiuga
Clemens Robbenhaar
Denis Gervalle
Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
Eduard Moraru
Guillaume Delhumeau
Marius Dumitru Florea
Pascal Bastien
Thomas Mortagne
Vincent Massol
Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team
Hi devs,
Currently, the Meeting Manager Application [
is marked, with a warning, as "This application is superseded by the Meeting
Application". The application is written in xwiki/1.0 syntax and is full of
deprecated usages which makes it unusable at least since XWiki 6.2.
Considering the above reasons I propose to retire the MEETING Jira project.
The Template Provider allows setting the locations where the template must
be available.
Some applications need/encourage their pages to be located in a particular
app location.
Currently, if we set such a location for a template, the template will be
listed in the "Create Page" step only if the user navigates to that
location and clicks on the "Add" button.
One behavior could be that all templates are displayed each time the user
clicks on 'Add', regardless of the initial location.
This would mean splitting the current Location functionality into "Template
Visibility" and "Creation location restrictions":
- Ideally "Template Visibility" should not be restricted, but we would need
to keep this field in order to be backward compatible with the current
- "Creation location restrictions" would indicate if the page needs to be
created in a particular location. The user will not be allowed to create
somewhere else and be warned by an error message.
This mail's purpose is to debate:
A. If templates should be visible everywhere or just in a particular
B. Should we recommend applications to restrict the creation of pages to a
particular location?
Let me know what you think.
[1] http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-8759
Release Android App Automatically and Securely
There are mainly two steps: (1) Generate the signed apk (2) Release to the
google play store.
Generate the signed apk automatically:
1. (Need Help) Generate keystore file
Use Command Line:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name
-keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Or use Android studio:
Maybe we should generate a new, secure and stable private key for the future
android development and release. WDYT?
2. (Need Help) Define gradle global values:
(Gradle user home: /home/hudsonagent/.gradle in
To ensure the security of the keystore, we can’t directly put the
key_password, key_alias, store_password values in the github source. So
where do we define these values? The gradle global properties may be a good
choice. First we should define some global properties for all Gradle builds
in the USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties. For the jenkins server,
GRADLE_USER_HOME = /home/hudsonagent/.gradle. If no gradle.properties file,
just create a new file and add the following properties.
# android release key username and password
I have no right to login and access the jenkins agent-1, so could you help
me create the global gradle.properties file in /home/hudsonagent/.gradle and
correctly set the four properties. Thanks in advance. :)
3. Add the following code to build.gradle
if(project.hasProperty("RELEASE_STORE_FILE")) {
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file(RELEASE_STORE_FILE)
buildTypes {
if(project.hasProperty("RELEASE_STORE_FILE")) {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
4. Gradle clean build
-> then we can generate app-release.apk signed by the keystore in jenkins.
Release automatically in Google play store:
1. (Need Help) Setup for Google API access:
Following this link:
Set the google api access and download the p12 key file.
But I have no permission to configure API access. It shows in the google
play console:
So could you help me configure the API access? Or maybe should download the
p12 key file. Thank you in advance. :)
2. (Need Help) Jenkins plugin Settings:
(1) Install the jenkins plugin "Google Play Android Publisher plugin"
(2) Add Credentials and import the p12 key file downloaded during the first
step of setting up Google API access.
3. Add a post-build step to your existing Jenkins project.
That’s all I can think of right now. I have tried and generated the release
apk in the jenkins server on my local computer. As I have no permission to
configure the google play api, so now I haven’t tried the automated release.
I don't know if this method is the best for the automated and secure release
of the android open source project, but it should be feasible.
What do you think? :)
View this message in context: http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/contrib-android-authenticator-About-Relea…
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