I know I can't. But I just want to know if someone else have some
of open source alternatives. If so, the integration is possible then.
It's also possible with non open source tools. For example we have
Balsamiq integration which is great.
We had a google summer of code for integration a drawing app but it
didn't succeed:
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Vincent Massol
<vincent(a)> wrote:
> Hi Zhalin,
> On Dec 14, 2009, at 5:21 PM, Zhaolin Feng wrote:
>> Hi, Vincent:
>> Please don't be mad at me.
> :)
>> I think it's a cool trick. But I don't think
>> rendering ascii graph into bitmap will add too much information.
> The mail wasn't about Ditaa. It was about introducing a temresource
> action.
>> And ordinary users will still find it hard to use.
>> How about embedding a AJAX or flash based graphics editor? I know
>> there are
>> some good ones, but I don't know whether there are some open source
>> alternatives.
>> Here are some live demos:
>> And the best one: which requires an account.
> Yes Gliffy is great. I'd love to have it. When can you start
> implementing the integration? :)
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:11 AM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Part I
>>> =====
>>> I've started implementing a Ditaa Macro over the weekend (
>>> ) but we need an Action to return the Ditaa-generated image file.
>>> For the chart macro we're using the charting action but I think we
>>> can
>>> make this generic and instead introduce a tmp (or temp or
>>> tmpresource
>>> or ...) action instead that would return any resource located in
>>> the
>>> xwiki temporary directory.
>>> For ex:
>>> /xwiki/bin/tmp/SomeResource
>>> would return SomeResource found in
>>> container.getApplicationContext().getTemporaryDirectory().
>>> Part II
>>> =====
>>> The only thing to be careful about is to not be able to read what's
>>> for another user and for which you don't have access to see it. For
>>> example an image generated by the chart macro for a page for which
>>> the
>>> user doesn't have view rights. This can be partially solved by
>>> ensuring that file names include a generated token. However the
>>> pb is
>>> that this token cannot be unique since, for ex, generated image
>>> need
>>> to be shared to anyone having the rights to view a page.
>>> <brainstomring mode>
>>> A solution I see would be to include the "rights" to check + the
>>> full
>>> page name in the URL, in addition to the resource. For example:
>>> /xwiki/bin/tmp/view/wiki:Space.Page/SomeResource
>>> A more generic solution would be to add a notion of Check Handler,
>>> i.e. code that would perform the check. For example in the previous
>>> solution it's not possible to check for 2 permissions, nor any
>>> complex
>>> scheme. This would mean something like:
>>> /xwiki/bin/tmp/<check handler name>/<resource name>?<check
>>> Ex: /xwiki/bin/tmp/simple/SomeResource?
>>> Implementation: A component with a role hint of "simple" would be
>>> looked-up and the check logic delegated to it.
>>> However someone could use a some check for a resource that wasn't
>>> meant to be used for that resource.
>>> Thus the check and its params should probably instead be included
>>> in
>>> the resource name with some algorithm instead. Thus the solution
>>> maybe
>>> to have a high level API to create a resource name and that API
>>> would
>>> take a Check Handler hint + some arbitrary params and that API
>>> would
>>> generate a resource name with these added. For ex something like::
>>> "SomeResource-simple-view-wiki:Space.Page" (or any other format).
>>> Another solution would be to follow a completely different
>>> direction
>>> and for example to introduce a new XDOM representation for a TMP-
>>> image, i.e. in addition to URLImage and DocumentImage, to add a
>>> TemporaryImage implementation.
>>> </brainstomring mode>
>>> WDYT about these 2 ideas and especially about Part I since I would
>>> need that sooner rather than later to implement the Ditaa macro,
>>> and
>>> Part II is already a problem today.
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent