On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:00 PM, Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net> wrote:
Hi Thomas/All,
All looks good except CM.lookupComponent() which Ï don't like a lot for the following
* It's a bit long. It's longer than before and it would be nicer if it were as
short as before or even shorter ;)
* It's not symmetrical with other lookups like lookupList and lookupMap, which should
theoretically be lookupComponentList() and lookupComponentMap() which are even longer
Thus I'd prefer that the new API for lookup be named differently.
I propose to use "resolve":
or even the short:
For information Guice uses getInstance(), Picocontainer uses getComponentInstance().
"get" sounds a bit lightweight to be for something supposed to also
initialize what you ask but if Guice use that I guess it means it's
I'm OK with any of theses suggestions so I will apply the voted one.
My preference goes to getInsta nce():
* users are tempted by default to start typing "get" to get an instance and
then they'll see getInstance in autocompletion and choose it.
* it's the same as Guice
"getInstance" is longer than "lookup" ;)
On Mar 6, 2012, at 2:51 PM, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
It's committed.
Would be nice to have comments on the new APIs (suggest better naming,
etc...). It's a very important API and we really need to have
something we are sure of before 4.0 final.
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Hi guys,
I'm almost done but there is one little detail left: for easier
retro-compatibility I would like to introduce a new @Role annotation
and deprecate the @ComponentRole annotation. The idea is that Role
will "officially" take into account generic parameters while
ComponentRole does not. That way no existing component role behavior
will be broken or require crappy retro-compatibility like registering
automatically both generic and non generic roles (what I started to do
at first).
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 6:20 PM, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
Hi devs,
I recently modified component manager internals and changed the role
used as key in the map from Class to Type so that it properly make a
difference between Provider<Toto> and Provider<Titi> without the need
to generate a special hint.
For the one not aware of what Type is lets say it's what Class is
extending. Among other things Type is also extended by
ParameterizedType which is interesting here because it basically
contain a Class with it's generic parameters (it also indicate if the
type in included in another one but we don't care in our case ;)).
To summarize:
* Provider is a Class
* Provider<String> is ParameterizedType
and both are Type
That said I would like to change the whole ComponentManager and
related descriptors APIs to use Type as role instead of Class.
= What it bring
What it means is that it makes possible to cleanly represent a
Provider in which the generic type is meaningful right in the
ComponentDescriptor (right now the generic type is extract from the
implementation class when the provider is registered which is pretty
crappy) and simplify a lot the current implementation.
But it also mean we could use this new "feature" for other components.
For example right now we have things like:
public class DefaultStringDocumentReferenceResolver implements
public class DefaultReferenceDocumentReferenceResolver implements
and injected by
DocumentReferenceResolver<String> resolver;
DocumentReferenceResolver<EntityReference> resolver;
Having Type used as role means that we could have:
DocumentReferenceResolver<String> resolver;
DocumentReferenceResolver<EntityReference> resolver;
= What it breaks
So what's the catch ?
Basically it would break any code that currently programmatically
register or unregister Provider since It would remove the current hack
to discover the Provider parameter (assuming that the
ComponentDescriptor now provide the complete role). But that's OK IMO
given that Provider support is very recent and I doubt it's a common
use case.
We would obviously keep and deprecate all the existing APIs based on
Class which are pretty easy to implement since Class extends Type.
Even if removing them would not cause any issue when you build it's
not binary compatible since it's not the same method signature.
Here is my +1 and since we are starting a new major version it sounds
a good occasion so introduce such change.
Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne
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Thomas Mortagne