[Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. wrote:
Caleb James DeLisle wrote:
#set($species =
That should do it.
Yeah! The hierarchy is pretty clear now... that you have wrote it down!
:-) Thanks!
For better security the query should be:
#set($query = ", BaseObject as obj, LargeStringProperty as prop where doc.fullName =
obj.name and
obj.className='Users.PdrUserClass' and obj.id=prop.id.id and
prop.id.name='Species' and prop.value
like ? order by doc.fullName asc")
#set($results = $xwiki.searchDocuments($query, [$species])
This makes sure $species is escaped preventing sql injection.
Thanks! Security matters!
Just to avoid some lost of time to others: a closing right parenthesis
#set($results = $xwiki.searchDocuments($query, [$species])
It must read...
#set($results = $xwiki.searchDocuments($query, [$species]))
haha yup they get me all the time.
What I get here with the #set directive above is, let's say, choco. But
I do need '%choco%'. Please, how could I get this? I've tried a number
of concatenation options, but I'm not able to get the right string.
Thanks once again. Cheers,
#set($species = '%'
+ '%')
^- that should work.
if not try this:
#set($species =
Hint about velocity, "this" gets interpreted as syntax, then pasted as a string
'this' is just non
parsed content.