Relying on the import to add approved revisions is... not optimal. If
you want to do this once, then you have two better options:
- add a migrator that will run once when upgrading
- just write a script that goes through all the documents and adds that
object, then run it once
Thanks Sergui.
Why would it be long?
in upgrade docs
<>, you said :
Some additional operations may be required for upgrading and *you must
check the release notes
<> for all the
versions* from the version you're upgrading from up to the new version
you're installing.
Maybe i should take the time to upgrade... do you think it's better than
taking a fresh version and import all content (it's importing the Main
space, that's it) ??
2014-05-30 2:45 GMT+01:00 Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)>om>:
On 05/29/2014 03:45 PM, walid yaich wrote:
Actually upgrading from 4.4 to 5.4 Will be too long, isnt it?
In addition i have a listener on document création to add an xobject to
If i just upgrade version all old documents Will not have this object and
so approve révision Will not be applicable to those old document,
Relying on the import to add approved revisions is... not optimal. If
you want to do this once, then you have two better options:
- add a migrator that will run once when upgrading
- just write a script that goes through all the documents and adds that
object, then run it once
Sergiu Dumitriu
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