On 11/08/2010 09:50 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
While moving Event classes I've noticed that we have various naming schemes for them.
I'm proposing to standardize on one only.
Right now we have the generic form<type><qualifier>Event with 3 different
qualifier strategies:
* ApplicationStartedEvent --> preterit form
* ScriptEvaluationStartsEvent --> present form
* AnnotationAddEvent --> nominal form
I'm proposing that we use the form:<type><qualifier>Event
where<qualifier> is of the preterit form, e.g:
* ApplicationStartedEvent
* ScriptEvaluationStartedEvent
* AnnotationAddedEvent
And for Event about actions that have not yet been executed to use the present
progressive form, e.g.:
* ApplicationStartingEvent
* ScriptEvaluationStartingEvent
* AnnotationAddingEvent
+1, and +1 for renaming the events being moved.
Sergiu Dumitriu