marlon hendred wrote:
I developed a plugin using the source i checked out of the trunk. I
have build the war several times (with maven) to test the plugin and
all has worked fine. Eventually after i was satisfied with my plugin.
I jared up the classfiles using:
$] jar cf my-plugin-1.0.jar com/xpn/plugin/myplugin/MyPlugin/*.class
then i downloaded xwiki 1.4 from the xwiki site, and dropped my jar
into the xwiki/WEB-INF/lib dir.
Then i added:
to the list of active plugins in xwiki.cfg
But when i tail catalina.out i see it complaining about not being able
to find my plugin. Am i doing something wrong? Can someone please help
me asap as we would like to go to production with this plugin. Thanks
in advance.
If you didn't write it wrong in this mail, then the error is that
jar cf my-plugin-1.0.jar com/xpn/plugin/myplugin/MyPlugin/*.class
does not include a file called com.xpn.plugin.myplugin.MyPlugin
The best way to create a plugin is to write a distinct maven
module/project, you can start by copying and adapting
trunks/xwiki-platform-plugins/jodatime, for example. Then you just have
to execute 'mvn install' and the jar will be created.
Sergiu Dumitriu