On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 15:59, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)
This proposal is about improving the visuals of our Statistics application
+ adding a time filtering feature:
*Additional Data*
The proposal suggests how the Pages Statistics are displayed:
- Pages Statistics
- Most Viewed pages
- Most Edited pages
- Most Referred Pages (Best Referrers should be also integrated?)
Other sections that could be covered are:
- Spaces Statistics
- Most Viewed spaces
- Most Edited spaces
- Users Statistics
- Most Active Contributors
- Least Active Contributors
*Relevance & Implementable & Timing *
It would be nice if someone could evaluate if the things presented in the
mockup have relevance (should be implemented?), are implementable (how easy
is to integrate the feature with the existing code?) and what would be the
time needed to implement them.
- New statistics on entities
- number of new pages | spaces added to the wiki for the selected
- number of new comments | attachments added inside the wiki for the
selected period
- number of new users on wiki | number of editors for the selected
Obs: If the selected period is "All Time" than it will display:
- number of existing pages inside the wiki,
- number of existing spaces,
- number of all comments on all pages
- number of all attachments on all pages
- number of existing users and from this number how many actually
contributed content to the wiki (editors)
- Time selector
- how much time would it take to integrate the period selector?
- it is relevant to have a "Today" period?
- Minor changes to the image generation on server side (remove the title
and legend) for 4 activity panels
- Panels re-styling
- There are 7 data panels that needs to be restyled (mentioned in the
Additional Data)
- CSS already available at
- Statistics categories page styling
- 4 categories: pages (already
spaces, users + statistics main homepage
- CSS already available at
So in your opinion how much time would it be needed for this changes to be