Hello fellow developers,
I followed
building with maven 2.0.9 on MacOSX to get curriki running on a
development machine.
- building went very fine
- tried changing things in xwiki.cfg but the indicated property is not
there and xwiki.cfg contains an amount of "undefined" values,
importantly the encoding and default-Skin among others. I could add
each of the missing properties (i.e. the properties used in xwiki.cfg
generation) by adding sibblings of the element
<xwikiCfgEditCommentMandatory>. Similarly, I could add the dependency
on our postgres driver by enriching the dependencies in this pom.xml,
and I could add a few properties which seemed not correct in xwiki.cfg
in the xwikiCfgAdditionalProperties element.
I also activated superadmin... the indicated admin password didn't
work there I think.
- changing the hibernate.cfg.xml I could do as well, but it should be
said not to change the one in target... since it gets overriddent at
every build, but the one in web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
At the end I got, with two changed files, a webapp that seems to match
my expectations and which actually started. Ideally, these changes
should happen in an extra file... is there space for this? Something
such as ~/build.properties in maven-1?
After changing catalina.sh to bump memory, I could import the xar
(which I built as well).
There I got stuck because I had to put albatross and not toucan as
default and base skins.
After that I could import the xar and it started looking like curriki.
The log showed an amount of errors which I've ignored thus far.
I concluded with the three manual steps... are they here to stay?
Should I try to update the installation instructions or are there
enhancements to my procedure?
I'm pretty happy with this adventure.... I could, right away, record a