I’ve now updated the roadmap page at
Could all developers please check it out and fill the JIRA parts.
It’s important that each dev having stuff assigned for this release perform an analysis of
what they wish to implement by creating specific jira issues and listing them on this
roadmap page before starting the actual work.
This allows to provide visibility to the community at large (including other devs) about
what is going to be implemented in this release.
It’s also an interesting exercise to get better at predicting what we can do and,
something we don’t do much, to compare at the end what was achieved vs what we said we
would do, and discuss issues found during the development, in order to improve that for
next time.
Thanks a lot to everyone
On 22 Jan 2015 at 09:14:13, vincent(a)massol.net
(vincent@massol.net(mailto:vincent@massol.net)) wrote:
Hi devs,
This is exciting times as we’re starting a new cycle for XWiki: XWiki 7.x! :)
Here are some proposals below that I have discussed with committers from XWiki SAS
For all other committers (thinking about Denis, Sergiu, Clemens, Andreas or other), feel
free to add other stuff you’d like to do in 7.0.
Cycle Dates
I’d like to propose the following cycle dates:
- 7.0: March (Feb-Mar )
- 7.1: May (Apr-May )
- 7.2: July (Jun-Jul)
- 7.3: September (Aug-Sep)
- 7.4: November (Oct-Nov )
This leaves us one month for adjustment, for the almost impossible possibility that we’d
be late in one of these major releases :)
XWiki 7.0 Dates
- 7.0M1: 9 Feb
- 7.0M2: 2 march
- 7.0RC1: 16 march
- 7.0Final: 30 march
Wiki 7.0 Content
- Improve upgrade tools - Improve DW - Dev: Marius
- Continue performance improvements - Dev: Thomas
- Flavor mechanism - Dev: Thomas
- Notifications improvements (e.g. Immediate mail notif in watchlist + immediate notif in
comment) - Dev: Edy
- Full integration of new technologies (less, bootstrap) in XWiki so that they can be
fully used for client projects - it can also be only documentation - Dev: Guillaume
- Implement the “XWiki Core” strategy as defined in
http://markmail.org/message/keo7cs6u3fuf676w - Dev: Vincent
Some important JIRAs (several of them should be taken up when defining what to implement
from the general list above):
- Extension Manager add extension search should suggest only compatible versions -
- Sometimes rights changes don't apply without a server restart (confidential, FOR
6.4.x) - XWIKI-11355
- Add a simulation feature to the distribution wizard - XWIKI-11502
- Notify Wiki owners by email when users [request to] join their wiki - XWIKI-11096
- Support LESS in SSX objects - XWIKI-11394
- Presentation Office documents (.ppt files) aren't displayed with LibreOffice - XWIKI-11611
- Know who has installed an extension and when - XWIKI-10027
- Add a reload button for changing the CAPTCHA message at registration - XWIKI-9879
- Do not display a very long title in the wiki's header - XWIKI-11234
- Remove the need for the "Finalize" button at the end of the process of wiki
creation from template (FOR 6.4.x?) - XWIKI-11527
- Renaming a page changes the creation date - XWIKI-9425
- Exporting/Replaying the upgrade log - XWIKI-11504 XWIKI-11505 XWIKI-11074
- Better WYSIWYG editor - CKEditor investigation (1 Week) - Marius
- Better captcha module - Edy
Let me know if there are any concerns.
Thanks a lot
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