On Jan 6, 2013, at 10:54 PM, Thomas Delafosse <thomas.delafosse(a)xwiki.com> wrote:
The advantage of jSoup is that it handles the problems
I could have if the
html part is not well written,
Actually this is exactly what the XWiki HTML parser does too :)
I really think you should use our parser.
so I was thinking it was more secure to use
it than just parsing the "<>" in the html part . But I must admit that I
haven't had a close look on the xwiki renderers, and if there are some that
do it well, I should probably rather use them... I will give it a closer
look tomorrow.
On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 8:53 AM, Jeremie BOUSQUET <jeremie.bousquet(a)gmail.com
> Le 2 janv. 2013 18:44, "Thomas Delafosse"
<thomas.delafosse(a)xwiki.com> a
> écrit :
>> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu(a)xwiki.org>
>>> On 12/26/2012 10:18 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>>>> On Dec 26, 2012, at 4:01 PM, Thomas Delafosse <
>>> thomas.delafosse(a)xwiki.com
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 3:23 PM, Vincent Massol
>>>>>> On Dec 26, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Thomas Delafosse <
>>> thomas.delafosse(a)xwiki.com>
>>>>>>> Ok, so I would rather have a component API like
>>>>>>> - Mail prepareMail(from, to, cc, bcc, subject)
>>>>>> createMail is better than prepareMail IMO.
>>>>>> I'd make the cc and bcc not part of the constructor and
> move
>>> them
>>>>>> as setters since they're optional.
>>>>>>> - int sendMail(Mail mail)
>>>>>> Either that or add a send() method in Mail.
>>>>>>> while the methods addToContent, addHtml, addAttachment,
> would
>>> be
>>>>>>> directly used from the Mail class.
>>>>>> I don't understand what addToContent is and what different it
> to
>>>>>> addHtml.
>>>>> addToContent (String mimeType, String partToAdd) is more generic :
> you
>>>>> specify the Mime Type of the part you want to add. So addHtml(String
> s)
>>> is
>>>>> just the same as addToContent("text/html", s). But as most
of the
> time
>>> you
>>>>> add only Html or text, I was thinking it was better to have a
> specific
>>>>> method to add an Html part in the scripting API. I can do the same
> with
>>> a
>>>>> addTextContent method.
>>>> I think I prefer addContent instead of addToContent.
>>>> So just to be sure, doing the following will work:
>>>> addContent("content1", "text")
>>>> addContent("content2", "text")
>>>> addContent("content3", "html")
>>>> right?
>>>> It's going to create a multipart email?
>>>> I think a single addContent method is good enough, passing an enum as
>>> the second parameter (the mimetype). Enums are magically constructed
> from
>>> velocity with our custom uberspector.
>>> -1 for enums. That limits the possible content types we can add.
>> I agree on that point : there are simpler methods such as
>> $services.mailSender.sendHtmlMail(from, to, subject, html, alternative)
> for
>> people who don't know much about mimeTypes, so it would be a shame to
> limit
>> this method.
>>> I prefer:
>>> addMimePart(String content, string mimeType)
>> So far it's exactly the way my addContent method works. But I can change
>> its name to addMimePart if you prefer.
>>> There's also a MimePart in the standard javax.mail library, and we
> could
>>> actually use this one, since it's more standard, and more flexible:
>>> But this might be a bit too verbose and complex to use.
>>> I hope that the implementation will be smart enough to send a plain
>>> message when only one body part (of type text or html) is present.
>> If there is only a text or html part to the mail, I add an alternative
>> text/plain part to the mail, using jSoup to convert the html content into
>> text, if it's what you mean.
> On mail reader side, I used xwiki parsers/renderers to convert html to
> plain text. What is added value of jsoup ?
>>>>> Can I call addContent several times?
>>>>> Yes, so for example if you want to have an email with an html part
> and a
>>>>> calendar part, you call addToContent("text/html", html
Text) and
> then
>>>>> addToContent("text/calendar", calendar Code).
>>>>>>> So a use-case would rather be :
>>>>>>> {{velocity}}
>>>>>>> $mail = $services.mailSender.prepareMail(from, to,...)
>>>>>>> $mail.addHtml('<p>Blabla</p>')
>>>>>> addHTMLContent would be nicer. So you need also a
>>>>>> why not have an addContent(String, boolean isHTML)
>>>>>> or a more generic addContent(String, String mimeType)
>>>>>> or both
>>>>>>> $mail.addCalendar()
>>>>>> What is a calendar?
>>>>> It is either a vCalendar or an iCalendar (it is used by Gmail to
> send
>>>>> invitations). It corresponds to the Mime Type
"text/calendar". Here
>>> again
>>>>> addCalendar(String calendar) is just the same as
>>>>> addToContent("text/calendar", calendar). It's just to
make it easier
> to
>>>>> use.
>>>> ok. So I think in the future we could add some calendar helper that
> will
>>> create the calendar string information.
>>> -1 for a specific addCalendar method. Why not addVCard, addImage,
>>> addPDF, addDoc and so on? This makes a stuffed API, where anything that
>>> doesn't have a dedicated API method will feel like a second-class
>>> citizen.
>>>> For now this is good enough IMO:
>>>> addContent("calendar info content as per RFC 2445",
>>>> And then later on something like:
>>>> addContent($mailsender.createCalendarMimeTypeData(param1, param2,
> ….),
>>> "calendar")
>>>>>> You should also show an example when using the Java API.
>>>>> On Java it would give something like :
>>>>> @Inject
>>>>> private MailSender mailSender
>>>>> Mail mail = this.mailSender.newMail(from,to,subject) ;
>>>> I don't like this too much. Why not use a constructor on the Mail
> object?
>>> Constructors are bad, in a component-based world. I'd rather have the
>>> Mail object an interface, with an internal implementation used by the
>>> MailSender implementation.
>>>> (The other option is a perlookup component is you really need to have
>>> some other components injected in the Mail object; in that case you'll
> need
>>> setters to from/to/subject since we currently don't support constructor
>>> injection).
>>>>> String htmlCode = "<p>Blabla</p>" ;
>>>>> String calendar = "BEGIN VCALENDAR... END VCALENDAR" ;
>>>>> mail.addToContent("text/html", htmlCode) ;
>>>>> mail.addToContent("text/calendar", calendar) ;
>>>>> this.mailSender.sendMail(mail) ;
>>>> why sendMail and not send? We're in a MailSender component so we
>>> we're sending mail already ;)
>>> +1 for send.
>>> By the way, I've put a first version of my component on github :
https://github.com/tdelafosse/mailSender. Feel free to have a look and
> to
>> tell me if there's things to change / add / enhance.
>> Cheers,
>> Thomas